
ASP.NET Web Parts: Drag and Drop Support in Non-IE Browsers

I have been using web parts on my site since ASP.NET 2.0 came out. Dragging and dropping web parts works great in Internet Explorer, but it doesn't work at all in Firefox, Chrome, or Safari. I recently upgraded the site to ASP.NET 3.5 SP1, but I am still unable to drag and drop web parts in non-IE browsers. How can I enable drag and dro...

Removing solution in SharePoint, keeping the pages with older webparts, redeploying updated solution with newer webparts

What I am trying to do is to keep SharePoint pages that were created in SharePoint while the solution underneath is retracted, updated, and then redeployed. Has anyone done this before, what issues may I run into? I'm worried that the state of the old webparts on the page may use values that are incompatable with the newer updated webp...

401 UNAUTHORIZED in SharePoint 2007

Hi, I've created a web part that gathers information from a Document Library. It works well under the "admin" web application (we have two web apps: admin site for non-anonymous users; www site for anonymous users. These two sites share the same content). When I open www site, it shows the empty Web Part when it's not reference to the ...

Where is a SharePoint Community for Webparts?

Hi all I am searching a SharePoint Server 2007 Webpart which can do following * change password * lost password recovery (e-mail) * change password reminder (e-mail) I have been searching the Internet but somehow there aint as many webparts as for example WordPress Addons. When I am lucky I can find individuals which made an Webpart ...

configure exchange server to allow webdav query

im writing a webpart trying to query the exchange using webdav and im getting Unauthorized error all the time. what i need to configure in the exchange server for it to work? ...

sharepoint listview web part access deined error

I have created listview web part do display infopath form . When i open the forms using adminstrator login everything works fine but when i login using normal user account the fallowing error is displayed . "Error: Access denid" Can anyone give solution for this.. ...

Trace log Example does not work in Sharepoint 2010

The Sharepoint Trace Log Sample given at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa979522.aspx & explained at /en-us/library/aa979595.aspx does not work in in Sharepoint 2010. Any ideas of how to Write to Trace Log from webpart( non-sandboxed) ...

How do I get previously opened site url in sharepoint 3.0?

Hi, I would like to get in my custom webpart an url address of the site which I was opened just previously before I get to current site(that with my webpart)? How can I achieve this? ...

In SharePoint, graphically display data from a web service

[SharePoint/MOSS 2007] I want to access several web services (on external sites, with WSDL descriptors), and graphically display the data, using a separate web part to display each item. The graph for each is quite simple - just a thermometer, or traffic lights (as in KPI). I want to be able to access more detail about the data with ...

Hiding user interface parts in WSS 3.0 webpart - how?

Hi, I have a webpart with asp.net control within. I would like to hide some parts of that control, some asp:net panels etc. regarding one of the TextBox's value. The issue is that I don't know to change the visibility of asp:panel wrapper without any postback, and how to refresh page to see the changes on the UI. I was trying to impleme...

Debug a WebPart Error in a SharePoint Page Layout

Hi, I have a page layout that I use in my SharePoint solution when I programmatically create a new publishing page. There is an error with one of the web parts that is included in the layout, so that when I am try and create the page, the operation fails. Can anyone suggest a way of debugging the error with the web part? Thanks, Ma...

MOSS 2007 Displaying contents of a folder using the Content Query Webpart

Hi, I'm trying to display a certain folder's content using the Content Query Webpart. While I'm perfectly able to display either all files in the document library (parent of the folder) or just the folder(s), I fail to understand how you would display a certain folder's content. Can anyone please enlighten me? ...

Sharepoint DataFormWebPart

Hi, Within my DataFormWebPart I have a 'DataSourcesString' property which references and queries a list. Depending on what page the DataFormWebPart is displayed on I need to be able to configure the query (parameterise the string 'Dispute Resolution' in the code below) within the 'DataSourcesString'. Does anyone know if there a way t...

How to test sharepoint web parts and other sharepoint development locally?

I have been investigating building web parts for sharepoint 2010 and currently have a single instance of SP2010 on the work servers. I would very much like to be able to test them locally (on my laptop) if possible, without having to install sharepoint 2010 on my laptop (is this even possible?!) Is there a way to test web parts and do I...

trust set to Full, but web part still causes SecurityException

I've got a web part that accesses the SP object model, packaged in an assembly which is signed and deployed to the GAC. The web.config is set for "Full" trust, and yet my web part throws a SecurityException. The offending lines of code: SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(new SPSecurity.CodeToRunElevated(() => { foreach (SPGroup ...

Modify the Custom Property of the ListView Web Part

Please help me, I have a search page which i customized using sharepoint designer & wrote the server event handling code inline. I also build a custom ListViewWebPart to display the search results. The SPQuery is generated based on the user input and its assigned to the custom ListViewWebPart by modifying the exposed custom property e...

how to hide webpart from a group?

can i hide (not by code) a webpart ONLY from a specific group? ...

Sharepoint webpart-page versioning

On webpart-pages it is possible modify the contained webparts over the Web by using Site Actions->Edit page. Is there a possibility to view the version history of such a page? ...

How to get handle to webpart in WebPartZone?

Hi I have a class which is derived from WebPartZone class. As follows. LeanWebPartZone : Microsoft.Web.Preview.UI.Controls.WebParts.WebPartZone In this class, I want to set the helpVerb for providing unique helpPage URL for that webpart. Now, on one webpage I have multiple webparts and each webpart might have different helpPage URL. ...

How to filter a MOSS2007 Content Query Web Part using a custom column?

I am trying to setup a content query web part in MOSS that will display documents on a page based on a choice column that I created. I have created a "Page" column and added it as a core document column for my site. What I would like the CQWP to do is filter the document list that is displayed based on this Page column. However, this ...