
Calling a wcf web service in Android

Hi everybody, I'm trying to perform a web service call using a simple http request from an Android activity. The problem is that it works when the URL is NOT a microsoft webservice. I use the following code to call the "http://www.google.com" page and it does work: package com.android.myapp; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java...

How can I get the actual service output from an HTTPService fault?

Flex HTTPService faults end up wrapped in a fault object that seems to obscure the actual returned text. Right now, I return a custom 400/409 error response to service clients that contains useful information about the cause of the error, which I'd like to have displayed to that client. How can I, given a fault event, get the actual tex...

How to add a UsernameToken to the RequestSoapContext property of web service proxy class

I have a service that I have referenced which creates a proxy class "MyWebService". However when I use that class its object doesnt seem to have the RequestSoapContext property. Here below is how I was expecting to consume the service: MyWebService objWS = new MyWebService(); UsernameToken token = new UsernameTo...

HttpDelete with body

I'm attempting to use an HttpDelete object to invoke a web service's delete method. The web service's code parses JSON from the message's body. However, I'm failing to understand how to add a body to an HttpDelete object. Is there a way to do this? With HttpPut and HttpPost, I call the setEntity method and pass in my JSON. There doe...

Code only works successfully when passed the same values about half of the time

I have a situation that has puzzled me for weeks. I am running logic that does a bit of back and forth to and from the database for each time it is executed (about 20 times). The problem is that the same code works about half of the time. What could possibly be the reason for the difference in execution performance and how can I better s...

Multiple record not saving from datagrid using webservice insert method.

Hi all, I have two field in datagrid C#.net window. One is items which is dropdownlist(all the items from item tables is poped up and another quantity which which is text box type user can enter the quantity in that. I want whatever item selected and whatever quantity entered in datagrid all these will be saved in backend table using web...

Address data extraction from text via asp.net (vb.net)

I have address data that is surrounded by random text. Is there a way to extract this data either with a call to a web service or some vb.net function? example: 1111 S WILSON ROAD APT B8 CITY STATE 55555 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...

Consuming a Microsoft Web Service with jQuery

Hi evertbody, I'm trying to consume a WCF webservice using jQuery. The returned Json data is: { "ListOfPersons": "[ {'Id':1,'FirstName':'Foo','LastName':'Bar'}, {'Id':2,'FirstName':'Hello','LastName':'World'}, {'Id':3,'FirstName':'Tanks','LastName':'Giving'}, ]" } These are the ...

Getting the actual response from Soap WebService

im Consuming a Soap webservice and im calling a method , i want to get the actual xml response is there is any way to get that ? ...

How can I detect problems with the instantiation of a WebService ?

Hello, I instantiate a WebService with a couple of operations that return an asyncToken. Then receivers get assigned this token and in turn call the fault handlers when the token prompts a fault. I wanted to handle the case where there's a problem at the WebService instantiation stage, e.g. when it goes to read the WSDL and it can't re...

Changing the default XML namespace prefix generated with JAXWS

Hi, I am using JAXWS to generate a WebService client for a Java Application we're building. When JAXWS build its XMLs to use in SOAP protocol, it generates the following namespace prefix: <env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"&gt; <env:Body ...> <!-- body goes here --> </env:Body> </env:Envelop...

.NET Webservice sessions

Hi guys, I'm having some wonders. How's session based authentication designed for webservices ? Imagine I do have a web solution where people can sign up and then log themselves in, then they can do stuff that's processed by webservices (either hosted on the same machine or on a remote server). I know how to manage sessions after log i...

Passing an image through as webservice

Hi, how would I go about passing an image from an ASMX webservice, through to my silverlight front end? I am using .Net 4.0 and Silverlight 4 front end, and SQLServer 2008 to store the image. ...

Web service - method naming?

I know naming a webservice method is probably a personal preference, however I'm interested to know what you guys would name it, and why? 1: AccountCreate AccountDelete AccountList AccountUpdate or 2: CreateAccount DeleteAccount ListAccount UpdateAccount ...

absolute path and relative path issue

hey, i am fetching image using webservice into dataset and displaying for that its to be get worked after deployment i have done following line of code but its still not able to display the image after deployment String imageName = row["ImageName"].ToString(); String physicalPath = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToString(...

Best architecture practice for multiple clients using one web service

I have a web service and multiple clients that will use it. A MVC 2.0 website, a winforms app, and potentially mobile apps. I understand that in the case of the mobile apps, each application will need to access and manage the web service connection internally. But what do I do about the .net applications? I am using composite types fo...

How to consume this wsdl webservice using Javascript client (assume cross-domain issue is no problem, ignore that issue)

Hello guys,i'am a newbie, and i need some help.. Here is the offline wsdl file about webservice: www.mediafire.com/?23266wtqkewbugc#1 And the online wsdl file:lontar.cs.ui.ac.id/Lontar/services/PenelusurDokumen?wsdl, but the server now is down. I want to call some method/function from webservice via javacript client. I have tried the ...

json and binding methods

I have a Person javascript class like function Person(_name, _id, _salary){ this.Name = _name; this.Id = _id; this.Salary = _salary; } First, i want to overload constructor function with: function Person( _person ){ this.Name = _person.Name; this.Salary = _person.Salary; this.Id = _person.Id; } But whatever ...

asynchronous webservice call. No (Begin...) method available!

I know this has been addressed before but I have service that returns a string like so. [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)] [System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItem(false)] [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService] public class MyService : System.Web.Services.WebService { [WebMethod] public string Hello() ...

Best way to return response from server side to client side through ajax call

Hi, I am calling the webservice with jQuery Ajax method. Now I am looking for a way to pass the server side response to the client . The response will not be so simple in the client side in "success" method(of $.ajax) I need to notify the client what is the status of the desired task which he made through his request, I need to notify t...