
java webservice client

Hello. I have stfw but I cannot find a simple / standalone way to create a webservice client in java. Does anyone have a link/sample into this? Thank you. ...

Specifying failover servers in c# webservice client

I need to build in some resilience in a web service client application. Are any of these two scenarios supported by the standard dot.net web service generated client (classic or 3.0)? Specifying a list of server addresses so that the clien can fall back automatically if one server goes down. Configuring the client so it looks up the DN...

Can anyone recommend a VIN decode service?

Hi, I'm looking to implement a VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) validation and decode for a site I'm working on specifically for Canada. We only want limited vehicle information Make, model and year. I'd like to call it via a Rest webservice (but SOAP would be ok) and don't currently require bulk decode. Can anyone recommend a ...

Implementing Re-connect Strategy using Ruby Net

Hi there I'm developing a small application which posts XML to some webservice. This is done using Net::HTTP::Post::Post. However, the service provider recommends using a re-connect. Something like: 1st request fails -> try again after 2 seconds 2nd request fails -> try again after 5 seconds 3rd request fails -> try again after 10 sec...

Minimal language dependency for webservice client

What is the simplest (setup wise) solution for a webservice client? I need to make a lightweight app that will connect to and perform actions against a specific webservice server. The main requirement is there request and response will be SOAP, there will be no libraries that need to be installed for this to run. It may be implemented i...

Consuming webservices in Javascript.

I would like to consume my Axis2 webservice through a JavaScript client. ...

How do I prevent my .NET SOAP client from including "Connection: KeepAlive" in the HTTP headers. (using WSE3.0)

In the HTTP Connection header, my web service client is including: Connection: Keep-Alive I want to disable this. After doing some research, it appears the way to do this is to set the KeepAlive member of the SoapHttpChannelOptions class to false. But, I do not see a way to access/modify SoapHttpChannelOptions in the webservice clien...

How to get SOAP message while using a Axis 1.4 wsdl2java-generated client

This is probably an easy question for anyone with any moderate expertise with web services using Apache Axis. I have a web service client that was generated by wsdl2java in Axis 1.4. I am writing unit tests that need to access the actual SOAP message itself, and do a comparison to the client side java classes which are generated by Axis...

Sending Complete Chain from Common Access Card (CAC)?

I'm attempting to enable SSL communication from a web service client (Axis2) using the certificate on the user's CAC card. Works like a charm....UNTIL the web server is CAC enabled. At that point the SSL connection is rejected with the error message that the other certificates in the chain were not included. I have ensured that the pr...

Suggestion for getting data from a web server?

I have a web server which contains a list of "interesting locations". These are "hard coded" on the web server, and maintained from an administrator on the server-side. Users can't add or remove anything. From within my app, I want to make a button "fetch locations", and the app should then contact the web server and ask for that "inter...

Calling web service using javascript error

Hi , I try to call webservice using json , when i call to web service without excepted parameters , its work , but when i'm try to send parameter , ive got an error : This is my code: function GetSynchronousJSONResponse(url, postData) { var xmlhttp = null; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); ...

Web service client prog for a weblogic ws

Solved building a stand-alone client for a jax-ws web service on Weblogic 10.3.1. The web service: @WebService(portName = "Port", serviceName = "Service", targetNamespace = "tns/web", wsdlLocation = "/wsdls/org.wsdl", endpointInterface = "tns.web.PortType") @BindingType("http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/http") public class ServiceP...

Call Web Service from https and parse responded xml data in Java

Hello All.. I need to get connect with https url, send my request schema and I will get some xml response from web service. For https url connection I am using : URL myurl = new URL(httpsURL); HttpsURLConnection con = (HttpsURLConnection)myurl.openConnection(); con.setDoOutput(true); con...

Java Web Service Client from Microsoft Live Search

I generated java web service from here --> http://api.search.live.net/search.wsdl.. I want to make search and listing the return values. In my opinion ı generated client and client is makes research but ı can't display result, how ı can do that.. Can anyone check my wrote code and help me about displaying result? Thanks... import java....

Web Service Client Java

I generated java web service client from here --> http://api.search.live.net/search.wsdl.. I want to make search and listing the return values. How ı can show result ? my code is : import java.rmi.RemoteException; import com.microsoft.schemas.LiveSearch._2008._03.Search.*; public class searchtry { public static void main(String[] a...

How to create a SOAP REQUEST using ASP.NET (VB) without using Visual

Hi all , I urgently need your help . I am new to consuming a web service using SOAP protocol. I have been given a demo webservice URL which ends in .WSDL and NOT .asml?WSDL. The problem is I cannot add a web reference using Visual studio OR Disco.exe or Wsdl.exe - This webservice has been created on a java platform and for security reas...

Generate webservice soap client from wsdl when server using Windows Integrated Authentication

There is an SAP server that has some webservices I need to use, so I am trying to use wsimport to generate the client stubs. I don't want to find all the wsdls and schemas that are referenced and modify them to do it locally, as that isn't sustainable, if they service should change. So, how can I use wsimport to fetch a wsdl and genera...

Web service client receiving generic FaultException rather than FaultException<T>

I am connecting to a Java Axis2 web service using a .NET web service client. The client itself targets the .NET 3.5 framework. The application that wraps the client DLL is 2.0. I'm not sure if that has any bearing. I have been given the WSDL and XSDs by email. From those I have built my proxy class using svcutil. Although I am able to s...

Oracle 10g - JAXB unmarshalling is not working as expected

We're using Oracle 10g application server and deployed the Web service and trying to deploy the web service client. Server is working fine i.e.; marshalling is working fine. We're getting the output from the service properly but the search client is not unmarshalling (parsing) the response received. We're using all the tags under same na...

c# webservice return XmlElement

Hi I have problem with return XmlElement, who has value only firstchild of soap response. Soap Response looks like this: ResponseCode: 200 (OK) Content-Length:537 Cache-Control:private, max-age=0 Content-Type:text/xml; charset=utf-8 Date:Tue, 18 May 2010 10:13:57 GMT Server:Microsoft-IIS/6.0 X-AspNet-Version:1.1.4322 X-Powered-By:ASP....