
Is .NET giving me the wrong week number for Dec. 29th 2008?

Hi there According to the official (gregorian) calendar, the week number for 29/12/2008 is 1, because after the last day of week 52 (i.e. 28/12) there are three or less days left in the year. Kinda weird, but OK, rules are rules. So according to this calendar, we have these boundary values for 2008/2009 28/12 is week 52 29/12 is week...

Calculate date from week number

Anyone know an easy way to get the date of the first day in the week (monday here europe). I know the year and the week number? I'm going to do this in C#. Thanks in advance. ...

datepicker.iso8601Week offset

Hi, I'm using datepicker.iso8601Week() to calculate the week from a selected date (in a jQuery UI datepicker). According to iso8601Week, a week goes from Tuesday-Monday, and I need it to go from Monday-Sunday. How can this be accomplished? ...

SQL to Return Results from Week 13 Year 2008 (not grouped)

Hi folks, I'm trying to use a Year-Week format in oracle SQL to return results only from a range of Year-Weeks. Here's what I'm trying SELECT * FROM widsys.train trn WHERE trn.WID_DATE>=TO_DATE('2008-13', 'YYYY-IW') AND trn.WID_DATE<=TO_DATE('2008-15', 'YYYY-IW') ORDER BY trn.wid_date but it shoots this error. ORA-01820: format c...

How do you get the "week start date" and "week end date" from week number in SQL Server?

I have a query that counts member's wedding dates in the database... Select Sum(NumberOfBrides) As [Wedding Count], DATEPART( wk, WeddingDate) as [Week Number], DATEPART( year, WeddingDate) as [Year] FROM MemberWeddingDates Group By DATEPART( year, WeddingDate), DATEPART( wk, WeddingDate) Order By Sum(NumberOfBrides) Desc How...

Get week of date from linq query

I am trying to get the week of a date from the database and compare it to a user selected value from a DateTimePicker. My users can select a day and I wrote a class that gives me the week of that day in the form 1 to 52. I am trying to select get LINQ to compare the weeks of a given date from the database to the week selected by the user...

look up this week number?

I know how to look up this week number: (SELECT DATEPART(wk, GETDATE())) I need to know the syntax of getting the week number compare to another table: SYNTAX: SELECT THISWEEK -- WEEK NUMBER DATA FROM dbo.DATETABLE WHERE THISWEEK = (DATEPART(wk, GETDATE())) -- THIS IS THE PART I AM NOT SURE. ...

Weeknumber print date out

Hallo all. if i have week number 42 and i need to know what dates there are in this week, can sombardy maby tell me a easy way to get this info? tanks a lot :) ...

How can I find the week which a day belongs to using javascript?

I want to find the number of the week which a day belongs to in javascript. My definition of week is the number of saturdays there have been up to that date. So the first few days of january are counted as the final week of the previous year. From there, the first saturday to the preceding friday is week 0 (0 based week counting). Anyon...

Find out date of nth week's monday in PHP?

I have a simple situation where I have a user supplied week number X, and I need to find out that week's monday's date (e.g. 12 December). How would I achieve this? I know year and week. ...

Jquery flot and week numbers

I made a page to plot average snowdepth by week number. Now that we entered 2010, week 1 my graph stretches the interval on the x-axis (yearweek). What I want is the weeknumber on the x-axis (51,52,1,2 etc), and a fixed intervalwidth. Anyone know how to do that? example <script id="source" language="javascript" type="text/javascript"...

Calendar.getActualMaximum(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR) weirdness

Either I don't understand the method getActualMaximum(int) or the field WEEK_OF_YEAR, or there's a Sun bug involved (or all three)...could someone explain to me why (at least in a German locale...) the following code: Locale.setDefault( Locale.GERMAN ); Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.set( Calendar.YEAR, 2010 ); c...

Joda time week calculation reasoning

Hello Friends, The code below demonstrates the problematic joda-time implementation of week calculation. This behavior is not a bug but a design decision Joda-Time uses the ISO standard Monday to Sunday week. (perhaps it should be a bug?) Given a date I need to calculate the week number, this calculation must be i18n in nature. Meaning...

Flex, how to get week of year for a date?

Hi; I could not find a method in Flex Date object to get the week of year (1 to 52) What is the best way to find this? Is there any useful library for flex for such date operations like JodaTime in Java. ...

jQuery UI datepicker not showing week numbers

My jquery UI datepicker is not showing week numbers, even with the showWeek:true option set. Here is my code: <script type='text/javascript'> $(document).ready(function(){ $('#startDate').datepicker({ changeMonth: true, changeYear:true, dateFormat: 'd-M-yy', firstDay: 1, showButtonPanel: true, ...

Oracle SQL: Query results from previous X isoweeks () (where X might be > 52)

How could I adapt this query to show the previous, say, 61 weeks? select to_char(order_date,'IYYY') as iso_year, to_char(order_date,'IW') as iso_week, sum(sale_amount) from orders where to_char(order_date,'IW') <> to_char(SYSDATE) --exclude this week in progress and to_char(order_date,'IYYY') = 2010 group...

How do I get date form week, working also with 53-week years? c#

Hey, I have made a function to cound the weeks in a year, and that works fine. The problem is that I need a method to get the mondaydate of the week. This is a swedish calendar. The code below works well for years that have 52 weeks, but some years(like 2009) has 53 weeks. Then I got a date from januari as the mondaydate(cant be right)...

How to get week number in Python?

How to find out what week number is this year on June 16th (wk24) with Python? ...

Javascript algorithm that calculates week number in Fiscal Year

Hi, I have been looking for a Javascript algorithms that gives me the week number of a given Date object within a custom fiscal year. The fiscal year of my company starts on 1 September and ends on 31 August. Say today happens to be September 1st and I pass in a newly instanced Date object to this function; I would expect it to return 1...

Is there a way in javascript to create a date object using year & ISO week number?

I am trying to create a google annotated timeline viz. For that I need to input the date of the event. The only information I have is the year & the ISO week number for the event. Is there a way in Javascript to create a Date object using just the year & week number? I googled it but did not come across any feasible solution. Thanks fo...