
Mimicking/faking a Mouse Click and Mouse Wheel using Qt

How to mimic/fake a Mouse Click and Mouse Wheel using Qt? To be more specific, I want to click inside and outside the Qt application. Thanks in advance! ...

Flex - Mouse wheel scrolling

I have a tile that has verticalScrollPolicy="on". Inside this tile are multiple panels, which are actually instances of a module that I've defined. The scrolling on the tile works fine when my cursor is over one of these panels, but it doesn't scroll if my cursor is just on the tile, not over one of the panels. There is space between ...

Mouse wheel not scrolling in JDialog but working in JFrame

Hello, I'm facing a frustrating issue. I have an application where the scroll wheel doesn't work in a JDialog window (but works in a JFrame). Here's the code: import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class Failtest extends JFrame { public static void main(String[] args) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {...

Google Wonder Wheel API or js widget

Hi, do you know a Google API or a jquery js plugin to visualize the data like "Wonder Wheel"? I'd like to use this widget with my data. http://bit.ly/dysDQn ...

jscrollpane block scrolling parent

Can i make jscrollpne such that parent pane doesnot scroll even when child scroll has reached its bottom. Now when child scrolling reaches bottom scrolling of parent occurs. I want parent to scroll only when mouse is out of child scrollpane. ...

Using mouse wheel with jQuery UI Slider

Hi, I tryied to find some plugin of Content Slider with MouseWheel and scrollbar but didn't find any. I wander if jQuery UI Slider http://jqueryui.com/demos/slider/#side-scroll can work with MouseWheel? Please help ...

Webmobile - Display 3 select boxes at the same time !

Hi! I have a mobile website (mainly iPhone, but Android and others too..) with a simple form. It contains three select boxes for the day, the month and the year. The iPhone automatically displays a pretty nice wheel for each one of the select boxes, but only one at the same time. Is there an easy way to display the 3 wheels (correspond...

Flash as3 spinning wheel

I am trying to create a spinning wheel with text on it. I have created the wheel and it is populating perfectly based on the colors that I supply to it. Now I am trying to add text to each of the parts of the wheel but am running into some problems. I cannot seem to get the text to display properly within each of the colors. I was hoping...

Avoid reinventing the wheel, mental process you use to force yourself not to rewrite existing code.

Need help here, I'm a coder who has always felt the weight of a tremendously strong force pushing him to reinvent the wheel. It was so strong that I was nearly trying to reinvent jQuery lately [Note] and this really made me think. I read also these well written articles, but they don't give any practical suggestions to follow in order...

iPhone - How to build a roulette like wheel?

I'm looking for a tutorial or any hint on how you would build a spinning wheel that can be rotated in both directions with your finger and snaps to specific points. I have looked into basic animations but stuck on the user interaction side. Any hint is highly appreciated. ...