
question about WHM/cPanel backup

Is it ok to use WHM's automatic backup tool to backup all accounts to a subfolder inside the /home/ directory such as /home/backups/? In the whm backup manager there's a big bold line saying "Setting this to /home is a very bad idea." :) Main reason being obviously the /home/ partition has all the disk space allocation, we'd like to ba...

Full server restore from backup

Hey, i have made a full backup of my entire site using cpanel and i now want to use this backup to restore everything back to the state when i made the full backup. I know i have to go to WHM > Restore a Full Backup/cpmove file then enter the username for the account i want to restore and that the backup file should be in /home, /home2,...

Why WHM >> Networking Setup >> Nameserver IPs is not showing the IPs?

Hello, Can someone tell me how to correctly setup the main nameservers in WHM? I have 5 usable IPs and I followed WHM setup instructions normally but they are not showing in Main >> Networking Setup >> Nameserver IPs. Note: the main server site is working! Please help. ...

What language cPanel/WHM panel server is done ?

I am planning to make an application like cPanel/WHM in perl since i never worked out my own server in perl, and i was thinking of a few points that i wanted some advices/help: cpanel and whm work on ports 2082/3 and 2086/7 to server their panel i was wondering in what language is their server done or if there is a nice module for perl...

Structuring a central Git remote to serve production Apache sites

I've been referring to http://toroid.org/ams/git-website-howto as a starting point for a production web server running on a managed VPS. The VPS runs cPanel and WHM, and it will eventually host multiple client websites, each with its own cPanel account (thus, each with its own Linux user and home directory from which sites are served). E...

How change main domain on WHM?

Hi, When my customers buy a new website layout , its need to aprove that. I create some subdomain like that: new.website.com but when layout is aproved i don't now how change this domain to website.com whitout destroy a account and create a account again!! Help Plz!! ...