
Unlimited WHOIS lookup

Hello, I'm working on a domain statistics project and does anybody know how can I get unlimited WHOIS (thick) data for domains? Many registrars are limiting their WHOIS servers for look ups. What I need to do is caching more than ten million domains. Also, is it possible to set up my own WHOIS server for storing thick data? Is there an...

Checking domain name availability with DNS records

How accurately can a domain name's availibility be determined by checking for the existence of NS or SOA (Start of Authority) records? If not, how can I determine this as accurately as possible without resorting to WHOIS? For example, is it worth checking for MX records if no NS records exist? I am specifically interested in .co.za dom...

Library for Parsing Whois Results

Is there a library or common heuristic for parsing whois results programatically? I'm working on a signup form for an ISP, and they'd like to be able to check for domain name availability during the signup process. It seems like there's a lot of variation in whois results from the different top level domains Not found: sdfasdfasdfsdf...

Network Scan, Filtering for Top Level Domain

Greetings, I have a list of 2 Full Network Class C's worth of IP addresses in seperate text files. What I am interested in doing is finding a way to resolve the hosts of these IP addresses and filter out to display only the top level domain. for example; resolves to www.mywebsite.com using shell scripting would it then be ...

Check domain availability Java

Is there a relatively simple way in Java to check if a domain is available or not? I need a reliable method, so only checking if the connection can be made is not enough. ...

Is it expensive to do a WHOIS lookup using TcpClient.Connect() in C#?

A customer has asked that we do a dynamic whois lookup on the homepage of their ASP.NET site, based on the IP of the user accessing the site. The implementation would be something like what's described here: http://www.aspheute.com/english/20000825.asp However, I noticed that this code connects to whois.networksolutions.com. I am thin...

Parse whois answer

I want to create whois class like that public class DomainInfo { public string NameServer {get;set;} public string CreationDate {get;set;} public string UpdatedDate {get;set;} public string ExpirationDate {get;set;} public string Status {get;set;} public string RegistrantName {get;set;} ...

Get country location of an IP with native PHP

Read on before you say this is a duplicate, it's not. (as far as I could see) I want to get the county code in php from the client. Yes I know you can do this using external sites or with the likes of "geoip_record_by_name" but I don't want to be dependent on an external site, and I can't install "pear" for php as im using shard Dreamh...

Whois list of Top Level Domain against their corresponding registrar

I'm trying to find a list of TLD's to their corresponding whois server, for example .com americanWhoisServer .net someOtherWhoisServer .au australianWhoisServer In the end i'm aiming for something like a Dictionary where the key is the TLD and the value is the whois server address (eg whois.apnic.net). Ah snap, i just realised that i ...

making an XML call to WhoisAPI

i just got an account at: http://www.whoisxmlapi.com/index.php#/whois-api-doc.php?rid=1 ive never parsed XML with c#, how would i get the information in the <email> tag ? ...

How to get list of countries IP Address ranges from WHOIS server?

Hi I want to get all countries ip addresses range from IANA's whois server, Not from maxmind or ip2location site. IANA is authentic site hence I would like to get all ipaddress ranges for countries from that site. Is it possible to query the WHOIS server such a way?? ...

whois lookup limits - how to work around daily quota/query limits

Hi there, I'm building a website that allows users to check the availability of international domain names, much like http://instantdomainsearch.com/ . My approach was to do a simple whois lookup on each request, but I'm now realizing that there are pretty harsh daily or hourly limits, e.g. http://www.dns.pl/english/whois.html#11 "Allow...

How do I use python to hit this command and return the result?

$whois abc.com I want to use python to hit this command, and then give the result as a String of text. How can I do that? ...

Free / Open Source WHOIS API

Looking for a Free / OpenSource WHOIS API that returns results in XML or some usable format? ...

whois in my website from whois.com

Hi guys! can you help me to build a form that return whois result from whois.com in PHP. I had an old way, but it is not working anymore! Thanx ...

How to implement your own WHOIS server?

How would you get the WHOIS information to provide in the first place? Note that I'm not actually intending to do this; I'm just interested in how it would work! ...

My dns works when I do a "dig @mynameserver hostname" but not when I do a "dig hostname".

My nameserver isn't working properly, and I can't figure out why. When I do a 'whois cfconsulting.ca', it shows the correct nameservers, with ns1.signupsystems.com being the primary. If you do a "dig @ns1.signupsystems.com cfconsulting.ca" you get the right IP. But if you just do an 'nslookup cfconsulting.ca' it fails. I'm baffled. ...

System for tracking changes in whois records

What's the best storage mechanism (from the view of the database to be used and system for storing all the records) for a system built to track whois record changes? The program will be run once a day and a track should be kept of what the previous value was and what the new value is. Suggestions on database and thoughts on how to store...

Validating Domains Using WHOIS in Bulk

Hi, I have created an application in C# that finds Dummy Domains that ends withj .DE and then another part of the application checks them whether they really exists, the dummy are about (40 ^ 63) in number. I can successfully check them against WHOIS and everything is fine. The question is it is taking a second to check a single domain...

python get whois

I try to get whois in python. I use this http://code.google.com/p/pywhois/ but it run only in linux. Is it posible to run it on windows? currently i get errors (because internal linux command whois used) ...