
Retrieving value from Request URL in Wicket

HI, I have a URL which will call a method my method in Java. it looks like this http://www.example.com/method?value=24 how can i retrieve value 24 and use it in my called method? I am using Wicket Framework Thanks ...

Wicket: How to add link address in runtime

Hello everybody, Does somebody know how can I dynamically add link address in Wicket? ...

AOP or APT for overriding methods from super classes

I have a large library of wicket components that are annotated with a custom annotation @ReferencedResource or another annotation @ReferencedResources, that has a ReferencedResouce[] value() parameter to allow multiple annotations. Here is a sample code snippet: @ReferencedResources({ @ReferencedResource(value = Libraries.MOO_TOOLS...

Best resources for learning Wicket?

I'm looking to learn Apache Wicket. What resources would you recommend for someone with plenty of Java and web development experience (but ~zero experience with Wicket or similar frameworks)? Found 3 book options: Pro Wicket (September 2006) dated, and looking at Amazon, not really worth it Enjoying Web Development with Wicket (June 2...

Learning Curves for Java Frameworks

We're considering experimenting with a new Java framework for building some internal web apps. We have a mixture of Perl/Ruby/Java programmers and are trying to standardize as much as possible. I'm familiar with what each of the following bring to the table, but am unclear on what the actually learning curves are and how they compare: ...

Wicket hidden field in form: exception when injecting values

Hello, in wicket forms get a hidden field. I found on the web, that this hidden field is needed for some kind of event handling. (Anyone knows more details?) I played around with XSS-Me (https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/7598/) a firefox plugin, that tries to find XSS vulnerabilities. What the addon does, is that it injects s...

How do I resemble the typical "confirmation of account" procedure seen in multiple websites?

I want to resemble the typical "confirmation of account" procedure seen in multiple websites. When a user registers an email is sent to him with a confirmation link. Once the user goes to that confirmation link its account gets confirmed. Don't worry about the email sending process. The thing is that I need to generate a URL to which the...

How to make printing Collections objects clean in a JSP

I have been considering a range of options to move away form using scriptlets in my jsps. The main cause of "messiness" tends to be the problems with printing out ArrayList and other Collections objects, because some presentation related markup gets mixed up with some Java. What would you recommend as the best solution for dealing with...

Any APIs or tools available to make web page tables highly configurable?

I am in the process of designing a financial web page (using Java, Wicket, JQuery..) where one of the page has around 5 tables and each table has around 10-15 columns. These columns should be highly configurable that means some clients want to view/hide selected columns or some clients may want to see column name as different from other ...


I want to create a Wicket panel as a replacement for the default (and not so beautiful) Spring Security Login page. The form itself is not a big thing, because it's just HTML, but I also want to view Login errors. I saw many JSP snippets containing ${SPRING_SECURITY_LAST_EXCEPTION} for viewing authentication errors, but how can I access...

How to hide wicket container and panel tags in the final output html

I am using Wicket's DataTable for table creation. When I see the souce code of the final HTML file, it shows<wicket:container wicket:id="topToolbars"><wicket:panel> tags under table element. How do I prevent showing this in the final HTML source? ...

How do I use Dependency Injection with wicket?

How do I convert the following example to use one of the wicket/IOC integration packages? I want to learn and understand the DI/IOC pattern. I have read a lot about it, but I've found it a little hard to grasp without digging into a code example. I have an example of a complete, working Wicket panel, which I think I want to convert to u...

Can I implment this with Wicket table components?

I have a below requirements, I would like to know how feasible it is to implement this with Wicket table components. A web page should contain a table initially with one row. On the bottom of the table there should be some links to add row in AJAX way(No page refresh) I should be able to clone a selected row when I click a link on the ...

Wicket Sessions

Hi guys - one more wicket question :) I got a form and some text thats shown, after you submit the form. At the moment it does the following: User1 types some text and submit the form -> get some result User2 enters the site and see the input from User1 -> has to delete the input and types his own -> get a new result ... I think you g...

Wicket excel Page expired

Hi; After using WebResponse to export excel then clicking a Link gives Page expired error. Any suggestions ? Thanks. ...

Creating Wicket Project Using Maven

Hi I try to create a wicket project with: mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.wicket -DarchetypeArtifactId=wicket-archetype-quickstart -DarchetypeVersion=1.5-M2.1 -DgroupId=com.mycompany -DartifactId=myproject The statement was created with the tool on http://wicket.apache.org/start/quickstart.html If i execute i...

Why doesn't my (spring)HibernateTransactionManager work in wicket?

I tried to shorten this to what I think is relevant, I hope it's sufficient and not overwhelming. Please help! I'm converting a small wicket+databinder+hibernate web application to use wicket+spring+hibernate. I have a DAO service class, with a hibernate SessionFactory injected by Spring. I am able to do read-only operations using the s...

How to manage a ModalWindow containing a form?

Hello, I'm trying to use a modalwindow "[MW]" inside a page "[MyPage]". In [MyPage], there is a form and a div having a wicket id to the [MW]. The div is not inside the form of [MyPage]. In [MW], there is a form in which I can do searches to retrieve information from a database. The fact is, all my forms are working nicely in Firefox ...

How to handle session timeout with wicket ajax requests?

Hi everybody, How can I handle a session-timeout when doing an ajax request with wicket? Currently (e.g. using an AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior) the user is redirected to the session expired page. I would like to handle this on the client side using javascript (for a better user experience). Overriding onException (doing nothing) and getF...

How to insert 'sub-rows' into a Wicket DataTable

I have an AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable which contains one row per test result. A test result may have a note attached to it, which needs to be displayed prominently below the test result, hopefully giving a table similar to the following: | Test | Result | Appraisal | |------|--------|-----------| | 1 | 20.0 | PASS | | 2 | ...