
How to access Wicket WebSession from plain Servlet

I have my own Custom session class that extends Wicket's WebSession. I want to access this Custom session class from plain servlet doPost() method. What are the ways for this? ...

Getting value of selected option from drop down in Apache wicket

Hi, I want to retreive the value of selected option from a DropdownChoice on click of Link in Apache Wicket.This works on click of button but not on click of Link. Please guide. Thanks, Nitesh ...

Problem Deploying Wicket/JPA (EclipseLink) App to Glassfish

Hi, I have a small Wicket app that I can deploy to Glassfish v3 without any problems. I also have a JAX-RS webservice that includes a jar file that contains JPA entity beans and stateless service beans that deploys successfully. However, when I try to deploy a different Wicket application that makes use of the same entity/service jar,...

How to call jquery function after calling wicket ajax submit button

I have a form with subtmit button but this is implemented by Wicket's AjaxButton class. When HTML page rendered Wicket keeps a javascrpt onClick method dynamically for that submit button. I want to do some operations using JQuery after Wicket's onClick method completed. How do I do this? ...

Wicket+Spring+JPA+Hibernate: No Persistence Unit Found

Hi! I'm developing a web application using Wicket+Spring+JPA+Hibernate. This is my first project with this setup and I think I've probably made some mistakes. I get the following error: No persistence unit called "ApplicationEntityManager" found. My persistence.xml file looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <persiste...

Access maven project version in Spring config files

I would like to display the currently running version of my web application in the page. The project is based on Maven, Spring, and Wicket. I'd like to somehow get the value of maven's ${project.version} and use it in my spring XML files, similarly to the way I use the Spring PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer to read a property file for set...

Wicket: Get URL from browser

Hello all, I need to retrieve URL from current Web page opened in Firefox by using Wicket. Can somebody tell me how to do that? Thanks! ...

Can Wicket have AJAXified drop-down menus?

I need to make a web page with Wicket that lays out the following table: +------------+---------+ | Category | Value | +------------+---------+ | CatA | ValA | +------------+---------+ | CatB | ValB | +------------+---------+ | CatC | ValC | +------------+---------+ | CatD | ValD | +------------+...

Wicket: ListView not updated when using multiple browser windows in simple CRUD

Ok, here is my controller using Wicket 1.5M2: public class Users extends WebPage { private static final List<User> users = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<User>()); public Users() { final UserForm userForm = new UserForm("userForm"); add(userForm); add(new ListView<User>("users", users) { @Override ...

Apache Wicket, OpenJPA and Spring/ROO

I've set up a Spring ROO application, set persistence to OpenJPA and created some entities. Then I replaced Spring MVC with Apache Wicket. Stuff seems to be working fine and I've successfully displayed a list of Customer entities. Next up was the editing view for the customer. For now I've made a Wicket form that uses the OpenJPA entity...

How to intercept custom HTTP header value and store it in Wicket's WebSession?

I need to grab a certain custom HTTP header value from every request and put it in WebSession so that it will be available on any WebPage later on. (I believe the Wicket way to do this is to have a custom class extending WebSession that has appropriate accessors.) My question is, what kind of Filter (or other mechanism) I need to be abl...

Nesting dynamically displayed components in wicket

I have a need to create following kind of markup with wicket using ajax: <table> <tr> <td><a>first</a></td> <tr> <tr> <td>displayed/closed if first is clicked <a>open</a></td> </tr> <tr><td>this and following displayed/closed if above open is clicked</td></tr> <tr><td>there may be any number of these</td></tr> ...

Sorting problem with Wicket AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable and JQuery tablesorter

I am creating table with Wicket's AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable and using JQuery tablesorter plugin(http://tablesorter.com) for sorting columns. Sorting works fine for first time when I load page, but when I click on any pagination link on the table, sorting is not working. Basically wicket is replacing entire table when I do pagination a...

How to update a Panel when user selects a drop down chioce in Wicket?

I would like to know how to update a panel when we select a drop down chioce values, that is in onUpdate() method. My custom panel has AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable. Below is Panel and drop down components code. When user selects date, I want to replace my entire Panel. Currently I have commened that target.addComponent code, but I want...

Generating commented-out content with Wicket

For debug reasons, and on a whim, I'd like to include certain information in a Wicket page's HTML output that is enclosed in HTML comments. The output would be something like... <!-- <div wicket:id="foo"> 1234 </div> --> ...where "1234" is some interesting, dynamically created piece of information. I have tried, to no avail: <!-...

Wicket RequestUtils problem with context root and mounts.

Bear with me, this is a bit of an in-depth problem. I'm having some problems correctly addressing URLs in wicket when mounts are deployed. In my development environment, the application root is something like http://localhost:8080/development/app I then have a database of mounts which the client can setup, these are applied at applicat...

How to add image to a table column in Wicket?

I am creating table with AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable. I want to add image to each column and when user clicks any column for sorting, I want to change this image. Is this is possible? ...

How to make clickable table column header in Wicket

I am using AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable for table creation. For sortable columns, currently wicket creates ajax link under each column name to make it as clickable. But I want to make the complete column header as clickable. Is it possible? ...

How to externalize web page elements to make it configurable?

I am looking for some design patterns or best practices for configuring web page fields. My web page has a table, which is dynamically created by my API (Wicket). Currently all the column names are hard coded in the java but I want to make it externalizable that way I can add/remove/modify fields without modifying java code. Also I ...

In wicket, how can you refresh a feedbackpanel from an onSubmit of an ajax component within a panel?

Hi, I have a feedback panel at the top of my page. I have a number of panels, each have sub panels with AjaxFallback links that, when clicked I want to set info() messages to be displayed in the feedback panel. Do I have to pass my feedback panel down through the layers of panels in order that I can re-add it to the Ajax target when t...