
How can I include another article in MediaWiki?

I have an article already written about a subject, but I want to include a summary of it on another page with the "See also" link. So how do I include part of the other page? ...

Is there a self-hosted google-sites like solution?

I am looking for a wiki type software to keep something like a wiki/knowledge base at my university. I tried MediaWiki (with FCKeditor), DokuWiki and MoinMoin, but they seem too hard to use for an average user - at least not without some trouble. I found Google Sites to be almost ideal for my purpose, but as I mentioned the wiki is to b...

WIKI replacement solution for SharePoint?

I'm trying to research a replacement for the pathetic WIKI that comes with WSS (only wiki code it has is to create url links). I have looked at a few but most 'replacements' I see are MOSS only? (or so it just states MOSS for requirements). Has anyone faced this situation? What did you end up using? I would like something that I can h...

What wiki would you recommend to base a new wiki solution upon?

Using C#, preferably MVC I want to implement a wiki solution which consists of a unique markup language and article display. However I also want to provide standard wiki features such as RSS, Versioning, ext. What existing wiki would you recommend me to base upon? ...

How to implement a modifiable table on a web page?

I would like to create an HTML page that contains a table, where one column is editable by any user (after logging in). (As a bonus, the table should be sortable on any column.) It's sort of like a wiki page, except the users are not supposed to edit wiki source code, but simply modify values in the modifiable column of the table. Are ...

Solid tutorial for building a simple wiki application in Ruby on Rails?

I've searched and I've found a lot that are antiquated. Any suggestions? ...

How to embed a Flash application into trac Wiki

How to embed a Flash application into trac Wiki Some PLUGIN or what? ...

How to embed a Silverlight application into trac Wiki

How to embed a Silverlight application into trac Wiki Some PLUGIN or what? ...

Script to migrate wiki from trac to bitbucket wiki

I have a wiki on trac which I'd like to migrate to bitbucket wiki, the amount of content is large enough for me to want to have it simplified with a script of sorts. Is there a script that can help me get this done? ...

Looking for standards conforming documentation tools

When I try to document my server configuration steps in my blog it doesn't look structured. I need some kind of standards layout guide,something oriented towards howtos, with headers, steps, some kind of documentation creation standards that is supported by a wiki and can enforce or guide the document layout. Is there any such documenta...

Upload Word Documents to a Wiki page including uploading of images.

I am looking for a tool that can analyse a word document and upload the document with its formatting and images intact to a wiki page. We have an internal wiki software which supports html and my primary idea was to do just a save as and upload to wiki but I have too many images that needs to be uploaded and I don't want those fancy attr...

Adding iframe to google code project hosting wiki page

Hi, Is it possible to add iframe inside google code project hosting wiki? I wan't to embed an external application using iframe in my google project page. My idea is to create a google wiki page and add the iframe in that page. How to do it? ...

How do I extract web wiki pages, which are password protected?

I wish to get a few web pages and the sub-links on those which are password protected. I have the user name and the password and can access them from the normal browser UI. But As I wish to save these pages to my local drive for later reference, I am using WGET to get them: wget --http-user=USER --http-password=PASS http://mywiki.mydoma...

Where to find "bug free" html to wiki converter

While googling for it.I've stumbled upon html2wiki that seems to do the job(will try after done posting the Q up). But, other than that, there are many other choices popped out during the query session. An word on which app to choose would be appreciated! Thanks ...

How to handle revisions to a Wiki with ActiveRecord?

I have a model Article, that has_many Revisions. Revisions have a variety of columns storing all the information about the Article. The Article also belongs_to a current_revision, which is the primary key of the Revision that is currently selected. Each Revision is never changed after being created. When a user goes to edit an Articl...

Is there any HTML to WikiText translator?

Is there any HTML to WikiText translator? I need to translate tables with hyperlinks and images inside. ...

How to convert XML to something else using xslt stylesheet?

How to convert XML to something else using xslt stylesheet? In C++ C# PHP or ActionScript? For example I have this html2wiki xslt stylesheet I want to send to my programm my XML (in this case HTML file ) and get back a file (in this case Wiki mark up text ) So How to translate one text file into another text file using XSLT styles...

Where to get TracWiki Formatting xslt stylesheet?

Where to get TracWiki Formatting xslt stylesheet? I'm asking because we all use TRACK SVN and TRACK WIKI so I need to do all my dok tables in it's wiki... BTW: Just in case you searched for simple Wiki xslt can be found here ...

Parsing Wiki markup in Javascript using regex

Hi folks, I'm attempting to parse some Wiki-style markup using the Javascript Creole Wiki Markup Parser as found here. I'm attempting to extend the parser to parse div tags like so: Markup: << any_content_here << HTML: <div class="left">content</div> Markup: >> any_content_here >> HTML: <div class="right">content</div> Markup: ^^ an...

How do I use this Python package? (guess_language)

Hi, I am trying to use this package: I've read the documentation/wiki, but can't find the solution. Basically, this package allows you to pass in a string, and it will return a "language". I'm able to make it print out "en". htmlSource = download('') soup ...