
Simulate fullscreen

Hi, I've seen an application that simulates a fullscreen application by removing the title bar and the window borders. I've done some research and found getWindowLongPtr() for that. Now my question: How can I find and identify the application and get the appropriate window handle? How can I distinguish multiple instances of the applica...

CheckTokenMembership in VB6

I'm having a hard time converting this C++ code to VB6 code. I've search the net and haven't found anything. only has reference to VB.NET code. Here's the code from MSDN: BOOL IsUserAdmin(VOID) /*++ Routine Description: This routine returns TRUE if the caller's process is a member of the Administrators local group. Caller i...

Creating robust HTTP connection for dummy users with WinINET

I'm making a program which downloads a simple file from internet on Windows, using Wininet family API because I want to utilize its IE-compatible proxy behavior. As you all know, current IE has several proxy settings: auto-detect (WPAD), auto-configure (PAC), manually single URL, proxy servers per protocol, socks, direct, ... For most us...

DivX Decoder libraries?

I saw, in an application from a major software vendor a dll called "DivXDecoder.dll" - which intrigued me as (a) it implies the existence of an easy to use divx library, and (b) I'd rather like to play divx compressed movies in a product I work on. The DivX project itself seems to concentrate on making Codecs and tools for end users. Ar...

100 kHz Timer Frequency in Windows XP

There's a popular hobby level CNC machine tool control that operates in Windows XP and it has a timer that operates at a user selectable rate ranging from 25 kHz up to 100 kHz. It just so happens that I also build CNC machine tool controllers but I have been using a Galil Motion Control Inc. DMC1800 series DSP motion controller board wh...

Gain control over already opened window.

I Am using vs10. I have the processid and the title of the window that is running. How do i do formborderstyle.none to that window. oops EDIT::::The window that i want to edit is the one that opens from Shell("....") here is my code so far. Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.E...

CreateProcess with redirection access denied on the output pipe

Hello: I have a simple code running in a DLL called from MFC application. Generally it implements the example that is shown in msdn article - Except I just want to create any process (say shell script). All the process creation is done fine with no errors. However, ReadFi...

Monitor serial port already open

Hi, I am try to read data over serial port already open. I have used C# and c++ library for use microsoft api (overlapped and not overlapped I/O), but not work. I can use same windows api? or other?? Thanks in advance for your availability, Cristiano ...

No-MFC equivalent of AfxGetThreadState in vc++

Hi; I am porting a MFC application to Win32 one, I need to get AfxGetThreadState()->m_lastSentMsg value in Win32, I searched but could not find anything, your help is appreciated. ...

Staying away from virtual memory in Windows\C++

I'm writing a performance critical application where its essential to store as much data as possible in the physical memory before dumping to disc. I can use ::GlobalMemoryStatusEx(...) and ::GetProcessMemoryInfo(...) to find out what percentage of physical memory is reserved\free and how much memory my current process handles. Using ...

Create thread with specific privilege c++

hello I have multi-thread application that I want to create a thread with different user privilege (for example : multi domain admin privilege). but I can't find any Win32 API CreateThread to do that. How to create thread with specific user privileges? thanks. ...

C/C++/C# Force window to be on top

Is the there a way to force another window to be on top? Not the application's window, but another one, already running on the system. (Windows, C/C++/C#) ...

C/C++/C# SetWindowPos: Window on top of others

I would like someone to give a working example of SetWindowPos on how to make a window "topmost" (be on top and stay there) using either C/C++/C#. Thanks in advance! ...

How to use Win32's BitBlt using Ruby?

Does anyone know how to use Win32's BitBlt() using Ruby? It seems like you need to use a destination DC (device context) and how can Ruby handle that? I use GetPixel() and it is really slow even to get 100 pixels (takes about 10 seconds). thanks. ...

waveOut (Win32API) and multithreading

Hi I cannot find any information about the thread-safety of the waveOut API. After i creating new waveOut handle, i have those threads: Thread 1: Buffers handling. Uses those API functions: waveOutPrepareHeader waveOutWrite waveOutUnprepareHeader Thread 2: Gui, Controller thread. Uses those API functions: waveOutPause waveOutRes...

How can I add the Thumbnails view to TShellList in Delphi?

Hi, The TShellList component is based on TListView which (unfortunately) doesn't have in its ViewStyle property a 'vsThumbnail' (or similar). How can I display thumbnails in TShellList in a similar manner in which Windows Explorer does? A simple Delphi snippet would be appreciated. TIA ...

searching for winapi functions

Hi there, I'm learning programing windows applications with C++. Now I'm reading about messages and I'm playing with the spy++. What function spy++ use in order to mark/highlight the window under mouse cursor? Also, can you give me some tips about using MSDN? I'm my opinion is not user friendly at all. I'm learning programming by my...

ShellExecute hangs - waiting for response to DDE broadcast?

This problem is related to the Evil delay question, except that my delay is not in launching the application but in waiting for ShellExecute to return. I have a small dialog application (Win32, written in VC++ 6, running on WinXP) that spawns a worker thread which writes to a logging text file. The thread exchanges information with the m...

Can SendMessage return early if the receiving thread starts pumping messages?

How precisely does windows decide that SendMessage should return- that is, how does it decide the receiving thread has finished processing the sent message? Detailed scenario: I've got thread A using SendMessage to send a thread to thread B. Obviously SendMessage doesn't return until thread B finishes processing the message. Thread B ...

Controlling width/layout in CListCtrl (Icon view)

Apart from the fact I still can't see why this class fills columns and scrolls horizontally, rather than filling rows and scrolling vertically, I'm confused how the width of items is controlled. I'm seeing quite a lot of padding (50-80 pixels) between the longest item in a column and the next column which means wasted space. Is it contr...