Taking a screenshot of the window in the background
Will it be any problems to take a screenshot of the window content, if that window is overlapped by some other application. ...
Will it be any problems to take a screenshot of the window content, if that window is overlapped by some other application. ...
I have a 64-bit application and an ODBC-driver which only comes in 32-bit-flavour. Is there any way to have the application connect to the datasource through the driver? I realize the short answer is NO, related to 64-bit applications not being able to load a 32-bit dll, but I am looking for a slightly longer and more positive answer. ...
Microsoft has promised that VB6 code will continue to work on Windows 7, but has anyone noticed any gotchas specific to running VB6 code in the Windows 7 RC? And for that matter, any issues with COM objects and ActiveX controls outside of VB6? I remember Microsoft saying that they'll ensure THEIR controls continue to work and end it at...
Hey Folks, What can you do with the token LogonUser returns? And what is it used for? BOOL LogonUser( __in LPTSTR lpszUsername, __in_opt LPTSTR lpszDomain, __in LPTSTR lpszPassword, __in DWORD dwLogonType, __in DWORD dwLogonProvider, __out PHANDLE Token ); I just need a more general discription an...
I'm using CreateWindowEx() function to create an "EDIT" window, i.e. where a user can type. g_hwndMain = CreateWindowEx(0, WC_TEXT, NULL, WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER | ES_AUTOHSCROLL, 0, 0, 400, 200, ...
I'm developing an interface for an add-on to a game. I can't use the game API (for several reasons including the fact that the code must be game-agnostic) and I need to get keyboard input from the user so I've decided to use a keyboard hook (WH_KEYBOARD) to process user input when certain conditions are met. The problem is that while I c...
Hello. I'd like to know if it's possible to know if an external application has an window that is showing up on the taskbar. I have a program that sometimes shows up an error message and it appears on the taskbar. If I "close" the message, it will go invisible, but from what I've seen it still exists. So the only way for me to know if th...
I am being told by an exception that's being thrown in the last line, that I'm trying to read/write on protected memory. What am I doing wrong here? Thanks int count = (int)WinApi.SendMessage(_chatHwnd, WinApi.LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0); Debug.WriteLine("count=" + count); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(count * 20); for (in...
Hi All, I have a data card, as soon as i insert the data card, i am getting the events by using wm_device_change event. But I also want to get event, when my data connect actually connects to out side world. I mean to say, as soon as we click on connect/disconnect button of data card,i want to get the event. exactly speaking wanted t...
Has anyone found a version of pywin32 for python 3.x? The latest available appears to be for 2.6. Alternatively, how would I "roll my own" windows API calls in Python 3.1? ...
How does Windows protect against a user-mode thread from arbitrarily transitioning the cpu to kernel-mode? I understand these things are true: User-mode threads DO actually transition to kernel-mode when a system call is made through NTDLL. The transition to kernel-mode is done through processor-specific instructions. So what is spe...
My thought is to use CreateFile from kernel32 and check for sharing violations. I believe this will work because I watched the file system activity with Process Monitor while issuing a rename command from CMD that I knew would fail and the last activity was a failed CreateFile call that resulted in a sharing violation. This is the Proce...
We are looking to migrate a performance critical application to .Net and find that the c# version is 30% to 100% slower than the Win32/C depending on the processor (difference more marked on mobile T7200 processor). I have a very simple sample of code that demonstrates this. For brevity I shall just show the C version - the c# is a direc...
How can I do it? It's an external window, not from my program. Thanks ...
Hi, I've made a simple C++ program in VC++ 2008 Pro and it runs fine in the pc I used to develop it but when I run it in a pc without VC++ installed, it just gives me a "This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect" error. I fixed this before by statically linking my project but now when I ...
I have this code here: #include "windows.h" #include "Tlhelp32.h" #include "shellapi.h" #include <wchar.h> #include <fstream> bool enumProcesses(); int main() { enumProcesses(); ShellExecute( NULL, L"open", L"log.txt", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOW ); return 0; } bool enumProcesses() { std::wofstream log("log.txt"); PROC...
Hi All, I am using InternetGetConnectedState() to know, which connection is on. I have both LAN and wireless modem connected on my system, but this function returns me that only LAN is connected. why is this? and how to solved this ...
Hey, I want to convert 'System::String ^' to 'LPCWSTR'. for FindFirstFile(LPCWSTR,WIN32_FIND_DATA); Please help. ...
Dear All, I have one vodaphone data card with SIM embeded in that. there is IMEI number printed on datacard i wanted to know is there any way to read the IMEI number of that data card programatically. I am using datacard for browsing. and also i wanted to know where can i get information on programming for data card so that i can ...
I'm trying to emulate MS Office print dialog's printer selection combobox. The drop-down list contains printer names with large printer icons to the left. On Vista fax printer has a nice fax icon, shared printers are marked, default printer too. Best would be to be able to view some more printer info too, like explorer does viewing Contr...