
How to use win32api from IronPython

Writing some test scripts in IronPython, I want to verify whether a window is displayed or not. I have the pid of the main app's process, and want to get a list of window titles that are related to the pid. I was trying to avoid using win32api calls, such as FindWindowEx, since (to my knowledge) you cannot access win32api directly fr...

Registering a custom win32 window class from c#

I have a new application written in WPF that needs to support an old API that allows it to receive a message that has been posted to a hidden window. Typically another application uses FindWindow to identify the hidden window using the name of its custom window class. 1) I assume to implement a custom window class I need to use old sch...

Starting service as a user with no password

Hello all, I'm trying to start a service as a user and things work fine, until I try a user that doesn't have a password. Then, it fails to start (due to log-on error). Am I doing something wrong or is this "by design"? The code to register this service: SC_HANDLE schService = CreateService( schSCManager, strNameNoSp...

Modifying/detecting Local Security Policy programmatically

Is it possible to do at least one of the following: 1) Detect a setting of a Local Security Policy (Accounts: Limit local account use of blank passwords to console logon only) 2) Modify that setting Using Win32/MFC? Thanks in advance. ...

How can I programmatically manipulate Windows desktop icon locations?

Several years back, I innocently tried to write a little app to save my tactically placed desktop icons because I was sick of dragging them back to their locations when some event reset them. I gave up after buring WAY too much time having failed to find a way to query, much less save and reset, my icons' desktop position. Anyone know ...

Get CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA path for any user on Windows

Hello all, Is there any Win32/MFC API to get the CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA for any user that I want (not only the currently logged on one)? Let's say I have a list of users in the form "domain\user" and I want to get a list of their paths - is that possible? Thanks in advance! ...

Is putting thread on hold optimal?

Application has an auxiliary thread. This thread is not meant to run all the time, but main process can call it very often. So, my question is, what is more optimal in terms of CPU performance: suspend thread when it is not being used or keep it alive and use WaitForSingleObject function in order to wait for a signal from main process? ...

Heisenbug: WinApi program crashes on some computers

Please help! I'm really at my wits' end. My program is a little personal notes manager (google for "cintanotes"). On some computers (and of course I own none of them) it crashes with an unhandled exception just after start. Nothing special about these computers could be said, except that they tend to have AMD CPUs. Environment: Windows...

Does a memory leak at unload of a DLL cause a leak in the host process?

Consider this case: dll = LoadDLL() dll->do() ... void do() { char *a = malloc(1024); } ... UnloadDLL(dll); At this point, will the 1k allocated in the call to malloc() be available to the host process again? The DLL is statically linking to the CRT. ...

How to change a Window Owner using its handle

I want to make a .NET Form as a TopMost Form for another external App (not .NET related, pure Win32) so it stays above that Win32App, but not the rest of the apps running. I Have the handle of the Win32App (provided by the Win32App itself), and I've tried Win32 SetParent() function, via P/Invoke in C#, but then my .NET Form gets confine...

C/C++ strip chart

Just a quick question. I'm looking for a simple strip chart (aka. graphing) control similar to the windows task manager 'Performance' view. And have found a few, but they all rely on MFC or .NET :( Am hoping that someone here might have or know where to get a simple strip chart Win32 control that is not MFC. Thanks. ...

Is there .Net replacement for GetAsyncKeyState?

In VB6, I used a call to the Windows API, GetAsyncKeyState, to determine if the user has hit the ESC key to allow them to exit out of a long running loop. Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Integer Is there an equivalent in pure .NET that does require a direct call to the API? ...

How do you make StackWalk64() work successfully on x64?

I have a C++ tool that walks the call stack at one point. In the code, it first gets a copy of the live CPU registers (via RtlCaptureContext()), then uses a few "#ifdef ..." blocks to save the CPU-specific register names into stackframe.AddrPC.Offset, ...AddrStack..., and ...AddrFrame...; also, for each of the 3 Addr... members above, i...

Is it possible to impersonate a user without logging him on?

Hello all, Is it possible to impersonate a user without supplying user name/password? Basically, I'd like to get the CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA for a user (not the current one) using the ShGetFolderPath() function. All I currently have is a SID for that user. Thanks in advance. ...

How to create a resizable CDialog in MFC?

I have to create a dialog based application, instead of old CFormView type of design. But CDialog produces fixed-size dialogs. How can I create dialog based applications with resizable dialogs? ...

How to determine whether a drive is network mounted?

I am searching for all drives and their contents. I don't want to search network drives. How can I determine if a given drive is network mounted? What I would want further is to get similar information one gets using NET USE command? ...

SHGetFolderPath() 32 bit vs 64 bit

What happens if I use HGetFolderPath api call in a 32 bit system with CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESx86 folder id, instead of the CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES id ? Theoretically CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESx86 should map to C:\program files (x86) in a 64 bit system but what does it map to in a 32 bit system where this path doesn't exists? Thanks in advanced. ...

How to programatically unplug & replug an arbitrary USB device?

I'm trying to fix a non-responsive USB device that's masquerading as a virtual com port. Manual replugging works, but there may be up to 12 of these units. Is there an API command to do the programatic equivalent of the unplug/replug cycle? ...

How do I obtain CPU cycle count in Win32?

In Win32, is there any way to get a unique cpu cycle count or something similar that would be uniform for multiple processes/languages/systems/etc. I'm creating some log files, but have to produce multiple logfiles because we're hosting the .NET runtime, and I'd like to avoid calling from one to the other to log. As such, I was thinking...

GetExitCodeProcess() returns 128

I have a DLL that's loaded into a 3rd party parent process as an extension. From this DLL I instantiate external processes (my own) by using CreateProcess API. This works great in 99.999% of the cases but sometimes this suddenly fails and stops working permanently (maybe a restart of the parent process would solve this but this is undesi...