
[Linux] Coding a GTK+ application without window manager?

Hi, I want to code sth. that basically works like TiVo. Switch it on, you only see the menu or an output, so no underlying OS or anything else is directly visible to the user. So I want to use Linux as base. Can you suggest a good base distribution? Can I code a frontend without having a window-manager up and running? If yes, is tha...

Ugly swing fonts under ratpoison

I am writing a small application in swing. I am using Ratpoison as my window manager (with wmname LG3D) and Netbeans as IDE. My application fonts when started from KDE or directly from Netbeans look ok. Started from ratpoison they looks like this: Click for full size ...

Active windows in Windows and QWidget::activateWindow()

The Qt documentation for QWidget::activateWindow() states: On Windows, if you are calling this when the application is not currently the active one then it will not make it the active window. It will change the color of the taskbar entry to indicate that the window has changed in some way. This is because Microsoft does...

How do I properly implement a "minimize to tray" function in Qt?

How do I properly implement a "minimize to tray" function in Qt? I tried the following code inside QMainWindow::changeEvent(QEvent *e), but the window simply minimizes to the taskbar and the client area appears blank white when restored. if (Preferences::instance().minimizeToTray()) { e->ignore(); this->setVisible(false); } A...

Creating a window manager for Linux

I want to create a simple stacking window manager (in C) for private use, mainly for the purpose of learning and challenging myself. I've looked through twm's source code which has relatively few bells and whistles but it seems very low level since it's not based on a widget toolkit.[1] Would using a toolkit such as GTK+ be preferable? ...

Xlib getting events of a child window

I am writing a simple window manager using xlib. The code reparents client windows into a window slightly larger than the client window called frame window. I am trying to implement a click to focus policy. I am getting buttonpress events when the mouse button is pressed in the frame window and am able to raise the frame window on button...

Java: Replacing the coffee cup icon in the top-left corner of the Window

Java Swing applications by default have the Java coffee cup icon appear in the top left corner of the application. I would like to replace this with my own image - what API is used? Can this be done at run time, or must something be done at install time? Thanks! ...