
Windows 7 - C# Excel Add-In - Registry.GetValue is always returning null

I don't know what's going on here... but the Microsoft.Win32.Registry class is returning all kinds of strange stuff. When I say GetSubKeys it returns a bunch of things that aren't there in regedit (for example, I call Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE").SubKeyCount and it returns "81"... but there are only 30 keys when I view i...

Windows 7 touchscreen keyboard in a WPF app

I'm building a .NET 3.5 sp1 WPF app for use on Windows 7 - is there a way to place the touchscreen keyboard in my application? NOTE: In contrast to other similar questions I'm not looking to embed the keyboard in my app, I just want to start the keyboard and use it for text entry. ...

Running Oracle 11g r1 on Windows 7 x64 getting 64 bit error

I have installed Oracle 11g r1 64 bit on Windows 7. I am able to connect to it using Sql Developer and a command line tool written in .Net that is 32 bit. I am using Visual Studio to create an ASP.Net application. The solution has 4 projects all of which are compiling for "Any CPU" I installed the 64 bit version of Oracle client and...

Is it possible to add functionality to Vista/7 taskmgr.exe?

I was wondering if anyone knew whether taskmgr.exe in Windows Vista/7 was extend-able via a plugin system. I found this, but this is limited to XP,2k3 and he specifically states he didn't know about vista's and seven's. ...

Ruby installer on Windows 7 64-bit machine

Can anyone please help me where to find Ruby 64-bit installer to be installed on Windows 7 or can I install 32-bit ruby 1.8.6 or 1.9 installers(only one) on a 64-bit machine without any problem?. Any recommendations or links for documentation would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. ...

VM Software for Windows7/64bit

Hi folks, i cant decide wich is the best FREE VM Software for Windows 7 / 64bit. I want to run an Ubuntu as Playground for couchDB, and to learn some new linux stuff. Does someone has tested the different vm software on win7 with 64bit ? ...

Custom-designed Shell doesn't work on Windows 7

Hi everyone. We have a Server/Client cybercafe management application which used to work fine on Windows XP and Vista but now fails to run on Windows 7. The Client was supposed to get 'Locked' on Client PCs of the Cybercafe, meaning it replaced Windows Explorer by changing the registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windo...

Windows 7 Gadgets - Windows 7 Logo Program Certification

One of the requirements for the "Windows 7 Logo Program" is that the application must be a standalone application. Does a Windows 7 gadget qualify as a standalone application? To my knowledge, a gadget runs under the Sidebar.exe process (also in Windows 7). Though the Sidebar is not visible in Windows 7 it runs in the background when a ...

It's Possible To Run Windows Mobile 5 SDK In Visual Studio 2008?

Hello, I was seeing about Windows Mobile 5 SDK at Microsoft Download Center and I also see some requirements to run it: System Requirements Supported Operating Systems: Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1; Windows XP Visual Studio 2005 Standard, Professional, and Team Suite Editions And I only have my Visual Studio 200...

Windows 7 Progress Bar

Hello, I was seeing that when you do somethings at Windows 7 that haves a progress bar, things like downloading a file. You can see that in the programs bar, at the icon of the application, there is the progress of the file downloading, but it's possible to build applications that can do this? Take a look at the Internet Explorer icon ...

Windows 7 breadcrumbs in jQuery?

I could have swore I have seen this before, but has anyone the Windows 7 breadcrumb feature done in jQuery? ...

Windows 7 Gadgets - Programming language for development

Which is the preferred development language for Windows 7 gadgets? I know that a gadget uses Xml, Html, CSS and Script(Java/VB) but I need some advanced features such as: Writing/Reading a file Getting list of running processes Sending keys to an active application For the above tasks, I will need to use the Windows API or, if possi...

Why is my text messed up in Firefox 3.5 in Windows 7? (see pic) How can I fix this?

It only happens on some web pages, and only for some text items. On, it is happening all over: ...

Boost::Python Windows 7 64 Bit

Hello All, I can't seem to build boost::python correctly on my Windows 7 64Bit machine. It's vanilla 32bit python 2.6.4 in the c:\Python26 directory. Pastebin is here of the debug build output : Cheers, Al ...

Writing drive C: in Windows 7/Vista

I am developing an application that saves its settings in the install folder. If I install the app in the Program Files on drive C: and attempt to write the settings file I get an exception and that's it. I know that the User Account Control (UAC) migth be the one that is not letting my app modify the content of the file. I need help w...

XP mode development in Win 7.

Hi, I am a developer and have a XP laptop that I use to dev a SQL 2005 database and MSAccess 2003 frontend database as well as VS2003 website. I want to upgrade to Win 7 using XP mode to install the software above. This is because I still want to install Office 2007 on Win7 etc. Do you think XP mode on Win7 will be reliable enough for...

Common wold-writable app data folder under Vista/Windows 7

I am trying to find a folder which members of the Users group in Vista and Windows 7, by default, have permission to write to, without elevation. This is to be used for storage of common data (a database and a regularly updated document pack), which needs to be shared and writable by all users.. I thought I had got somewhere with CSIDL...

Cassini with Windows 7 XP Mode

Is there a way to access the Cassini local web server from Windows 7's XP mode? I'm developing on the Windows 7 host machine using Cassini, but would like to test in IE6 running inside the Windows XP guest. ...

SQL Server 08 Express Installed: But how to make a local database?

I try to connect to with Windows Authentication using Management Studio Express 2008 but it never connects says it can't find the server or something. I ran the SQL Server Express 2008 Installer and it said that it was already installed but I can't find any wizard or shortcut to start up anything that will allow me to actually ...

"Use windows xp style dpi scaling" disables automatic auto-hide of taskbar on W7. Workaround?

We noticed that on W7 with DPI set to > 125% or to > 100% with ("Use windows xp style dpi scaling") turned off, our fullscreen mode (which sets the client rect of our window = desktop rect of the main monitor) no longer hides the task bar like it does for other settings. (The setting can be found in the Control Panel\Appearance and Pers...