
Shared Windows-Application settings file (*.settings)?

Hi I develop a desktop application that will be installed in few stations in the local network, I want the *.settings to fetch the settings from the DB when the program loads, the save it on SaveChanges. I don't care in which way to do it (I thought SQL would work best as this is the only common thing between the users, if you don't ha...

C#: Is it possible to have a single application behave as Console or Windows application depending on switches?

I have a simple application that I would like to sort of automate via switches. But when I do run it via switches I don't really want a user interface showing. I just want it to run, do it's job, print stuff out in the console, and exit. On the other hand if I don't run it with any switches I want the user interface to pop up. And in thi...

Having troubles color coding items in a listbox/listview/multiline textbox

Hi, I have an application that works similar to a chat, except beside the location where they submit their message they also have a dropdown that selects the type of message it is. When someone sends a message the message appears in a listbox (can also be a listview or a multiline textbox if that would work easier for what I want to do...

webbrowser control on form2 vb windows application

Hi, I have a vb windows application with 2 forms, where form2 is called from form1 using form2.showdialog() I added a web browser control to form2, and I'm getting the following error at the point where form2 is called: Current thread must be set to single thread apartment (STA) mode before OLE calls can be made. Ensure that your Main...

Problem regarding application communication with MySql

I am Developing a Desktop Application with c# .net and MySql as Database. It's an encryption application which produces an exe file which communicates with MySql to bring some data. I am using the MySql.Data.dll for application communication with MySql. When it produces exe there is no with it so it throws an error: Coul...

how to import .xml file to database

hi i want to import my .xml file to sql server database in 3.5 c# for windows give m rply as fast as posible. ...

Impersonation in windows application

Hello, I've written an extremely simple program to load an xml from one path and store it in All Users/Application Data. But i'm getting access denied error. So i want to impersonate the admin account and save the file. How to do that? Thank you. Regards NLV ...

How to detect C# project type and / or how to detect Console availability.

Hello. I have two Windows services written in C#. One service is "Console Application" and second one is "Windows Application" (can't change it). Both service applications can be executed in few modes (depending on command line arguments and Environment.UserInteractive flag): when (Environment.UserInteractive == false) and... when ...

Is there something like SESSION in Windows application?

Is there something like SESSION in Windows application? I want to store a few values to be persistent between forms. For example: First form has some check boxes and third form process them accordingly. So I need to store the checked checkboxes somewhere. ...

Dissallowing resize of a window form

I want that the user shouldn't be able to resize the window form. I was able to disable the maximize button but wasn't able to find any property to disable resizing. Any help? ...

Recovering deleted file on windows

I want to write a program to recover recently deleted files on windows 7.. Is there a function in windows API that recover files? If not, how can I begin in that? EDIT: Or an open source project for that? EDIT: I do not mean Recycle Bin!! ...

Where to keep config data other than config file (Windows App)?

My Windows application GUI is accepting some required application configuration fields from the user. I need to store them of course, but I wanna hide these fields from the user. I cannot use database to store these configs. I want to avoid using app.config either. (No app.config encryption) Any suggestions, Where and in which format...

Where is the windows app installed + .NET + VS2005

I deployed a windows application in the following website http://StagingServer/MyProgs/MPP/ on my intranet site, using the Publish Wizard of VS 2005... I accepted all defaults (including Offline support). My users were also able to install the same from the path specified. But when I try to find out the exact location of the EXE in t...

How to use Windows Authentication in Windows Application?

How to use windows authentication (local machine administrator user) in windows application written in c#. Need is whenever user opens my windows application GUI, it should authenticate local administrator credentials even if User is logged in as Administrator there. Please help. Is this windows Impersonation? ...

mail function in windows application

i have used a mail function. after inserting every record simultaneously from multiple PC. I have set a timer which ticks for every 2 min. while it ticks it start to check the record and it send the mail. i have used background worker for Bgdworker the mail fn will be called. private void timer_Startsendingemail_Tick(object se...

How to limit the number of emails to send

How to limit the number of emails to send per tick cycle of the timer in ASP.NET Windows application? ...

Accessing a Windows App Object from another Class using C#.NET

Hi, I have a simple windows application where I have a window with some buttons and labels together with a couple of other classes. My problem is that I have some methods in the classes in which I would like to update some labels in the main form. How is it possible to access the labels directly from the classes? thanks EDIT: A littl...

how to get the values entered from the datagrid

i have a datagrid. which display some values which is already inserted and that is fetched from database.but from the datagrid i need to insert the values to database. how to find in which row a new record get inserted and to pass all the values to database any idea??? How to get the row before last row index or any identification.. ...

Windows program written using MFC is a C++ program?

Hi, Every C++ books that I've read says something like this:- All C++ programs have a main() function. main() function is the starting point for all C++ programs. All C++ programs begin its execution from the main() function. However, I found that Windows programs written using MFC do not have any main() function. It use WinMain() f...

Upload a File from My Desktop to a Secured File Server (FTP) via Winform

I have a Winform, i need to give a user a change to upload a file from the desktop to a remote file server. The user just browse and locate the file then click upload button. Anything else happens behind the seen. I'm using C# Windows Application. Please note that the file server requires authentication before uploading or downloading. ...