
Changing a network volume's name which is represented by Windows Explorer and Common Dialogs.

I want to set the volume name of my network redirector. On 32bit Windows, it's okay. I made it. But on 64bit Windows7, a process which runs as WOW64(eg, EXCEL.EXE) finds following registry path to represent the volume name when we open a file dialog. -I checked it by Process Monitor. HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ex...

jQuery function clear form and set back to onLoad status

For my jq driven form I am looking for a function that clears my form and set it back to the original stage as it was on page load but without refreshing the entire page. I use placeholder text and I have created a standard reset button. In webkit browsers it works fine. If the reset button is hit, the form returns to the original state,...

Opening an explorer window with designated file selected

Hi Guys, I have an application which has an option to show the selected selected file in the folder in which the file resides. My question is, how do I achieve this? To clarify, if a user in my program selected the "Test.txt" file, then I want a Windows Explorer window to pop up and highlight the file the user selected. You can see sim...

How to view who has a file open on Windows fileserver

I was contemplating moving to a version control system at work, but the learning curve may be too much for the many copywriters that open simple html files and editt them on our shared development server. The main issue is that sometimes two people will work on the same file (on our development server) at once and overwrite each other. ...

Vista: Need to manually clear the data that tells a folder to hide file names

When I view my user folder C:\Users\cjavapro, I get icons with no filenames similar to what is shown here I use my user folder often for files that are not organized yet and I have custom folders that are not Documents or Videos or Music or Pictures. I often set to hidden the folders I don't use like Contacts and Searches and Games. Wh...

command prompt anywhere in Windows 7 (native functionality)

I got this tip from a website that "shift + right click" on a folder in explorer in win7 will give us a context menu option by which I can open command prompt right there. I am looking for a hack that can make this simpler so that whenever I "right click" on a folder in explorer, I always get that "shift + right click" effect. I am not...

How to update windows explorer's shell extension without rebooting.

There is a windows explorer extension dll. This dll can be update automatically if there is new one in our server. I rename the origin dll and download the new dll. But Windows Explorer never reload a new one. So I kill the windows explorer and relaunch. But this is looked very ugly. And I don't want to recommend a user should reboot. ...

How to mimic a drive in Windows

I recently had a look at the Google Data API. Its looking good. What I want to do is create a "G Drive" Type application. This will basically come up as a drive in explorer with its own icon. From there you will be able to drag and drop operations to and from Google Docs, and create folders. Yes I've heard of Gladinet and Memeo, but bo...

Windows Explorer

What are the different operations involved in using the Windows Explorer? Explain each operations. ...

setting a thumbnail image for pdf file when seen in explorer file list

Hi, 1) I'm trying to set the thumbnail image that you see in explorer for a pdf. At the moment, all the thumbnails are just the Abode PDF logo ... I'd like to set it to an image of my choice. I have looked at the Win 7 shell pack api, and cannot find any way to set the image, only ways to extract the (default) image. Can this even be do...

.jar working in command line but NOT in windows explorer

I have an SWT application that I'm trying to create a runnable .jar for; unfortunately, I cannot seem to run it from Windows Explorer, as I get an error from the Java Virtual Machine Launcher stating it: "Could not find the main class gui.MainWindow. Program will exit." However, it will run through command line java -jar xxxxx.jar ...

Extending ExplorerBrowser from the Windows API Code Pack to display non filesytem files

I'm writing a WPF program in C# that needs to render a set of files in a file browser to the end user. The ExplorerBrowser control found inside the Microsoft Windows API CodePack contains much of the functionality I need... e.g. thumbnails of different sizes, sorting, browsing, etc... The catch is that the files are not coming from t...

Customizing ExplorerBrowser from the Windows API Code Pack

Hi All, Today I ran into the ExplorerBrowser from the Windows API Code Pack... This looks like a fantastic control to use as a Explorer like control in my application.. However, I am trying to modify the Commands toolbar, which is located on the top of the ExplorerBrowser control. I have noticed I have some control..I can Hide the Comma...

cross platform way to explore the containing folder of a file

Hello, is there functionality in java to open the containing folder of a file across any platform. I can accomplish this in windows by running Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process proc = rt.exec("explorer /select,c:\\sampleFile.txt"); You can open a file (if the Desktop api is supported) on any platform with java.awt.Desktop...

Accessing IExplorerCommandProvider from IShellFolder

Hi. I am writing an Explorer extension for Vista and Windows 7. I read that if you are making a namespace extension you can provide your own commands using IExplorerCommandProvider. This is done in response to IShellFolder::CreateViewObject. I am not writing a namespace extension, but a toolbar that lets you perform operations in Explor...