
.NET 4.0 Custom Action fails

We have a custom action in our installer. We upgraded our projects to the .NET 4.0 framework, and when it applies the custom action, the installer throws a 1001 error that says the version of the framework is invalid. The custom action uses the value from a radio-button window earlier in the installer (i.e. takes CustomActionData). In...

Startup applications per-user and Windows Installer

I have an application that is installed per-machine (since it uses a service). One part of the application is a system tray application that allows the logged-in user to monitor the service operations. I'm trying to figure out how to best install this monitor application. Each individual user should be allowed to configure whether or no...

Windows Installer custom action BEFORE any validation

I wrote a Windows Installer custom action based on the tutorial found here: My custom action is killing a background process of a given name which could still be opened by the user. The reason is that I don't want users to see the warning that a given EXE is running and must be ...

32 and 64 bit assemblies in one windows installer

Hello, I have an application written in C# which depends on sqlite managed provider. The sqlite provider is platform dependent (there are two dlls for 32 and 64 bit applications with the same name). The application loads the desired one at runtime based on OS. The problem is that while creating an installer I cannot add 64 bit mode dll...

How to check the system is Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 in Wix Installer?

Hi there, I am working on a windows installer project. And now I only want the software only can be installed on Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 system, I tried to use this: <Condition Message='Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7 is required'>(VersionNT = 600 AND ServicePackLevel = 1) OR VersionNT = 601 </Condition> but it can st...

Remove Registry Keys for Windows Phone 7 Emulator

I am trying to get the updated Windows Phone 7 tools installed, but can't get rid of the old ones. The uninstaller wouldn't run, so I had to try more extreme means. I got everything removed except for "Microsoft Windows Phone Emulator x64". Does anyone know what vm_web.exe (the tool installer) is checking for (registry, file, etc.) th...

WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() returns SYSTEM when ran from custom action

I have an install project (running on Windows 7) that launches a custom action at commit which starts the application that was just installed. During the startup of this application I have a method that checks the current user's name to perform some authentication. When launched from this custom action I am getting 'NTAUTHORITY\SYSTEM'...

What are ProductCode & UpgradeCode & GUID? How to detect if certain application/library is already installed on the user machine?

I've already gone through: My questions are little more in dep...

How to associate application with existing file types using WiX installer?

related to this: but not a duplicate. I need to handle existing file types (.jpg files). I do not want to be the default handler for .jpg, I would just like to extend the "Open with" menu with a link to my app. I see HKCR\.jpg\OpenWith...

Is it possible to install into Program Files with limited privileges?

I have an application that will be deployed as MSI package (authored in WiX). I am deciding whether to specify elevated or limited privileges as required for the installer. The application does not include anything requiring elevated privileges besides the default install location, which is under Program Files. Now the problem: If I...

UAC Patching and Digital Signatures

We have an application that performs auto-updates. Until recently, we haven't run into any issues. However, a lot of our customers are finally upgrading to Windows 7 and running into all sorts of issues. I've been tasked with updating the installer so it works on 7 (and Vista, although it appears none of our customers use Vista). Bas...

How to retrieve 'Revision Number' of a msi using .NET code?

Hi, I have a msi file. I want to get the Revision Number of this file. I can get it by properties->summary ({690D33BD-602F-4E71-9CB5-1CF2E9593DEE}) But I want to get this number using .net code. So can u please help me out in this... ...

installer for distribution visual studio 2008 express

Hi guys... I've been doing some research in to installers for visual studio express 2008. I don't much like the standard publish option. I'd rather have a proper windows installer. Am I right in thinking that the only way to do this is to upgrade to the standard edition? Are there any third party tools which can be used? I've tried goog...

Using a WinForm as a Windows Installer Custom Action

Hello - I am working on in installer project that needs to gather some info and act on it during the install (mainly online key retreival and registration). The Setup Project UserInterface templates seem inflexible and poorly documented so I am looking at opening a WinForm as a Custom Action. I know this is possible because I see refere...

VS 2005 Install Problem

All I have a VS 2005 install set, which when executed seems to run OK however right at the end of the process it responds with the error message: The source '' is not registered on machine '.' or you do not have write access to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog registry key. At which point it backs out ...

Based on CheckBox value show the WIX Dialog.

I have instakllation i have to show the Dialog based on the checkbox value. I have set the checkbox property as true initially. <Property Id="CHECKBOX_1_PROP" Value="TRUE" /> And show the dialog based on the check box values. If it is true i have to show the Newdoalog_1 if it is false i have to show the Setup dialog <Control Id="Next...

Show the Dialog Wizard based on the Check box value

I have to show the Dialog based on the checkbox value. Intially i have set the checkbox property=True like below <Property Id="CHECKBOX_1_PROP" Value="TRUE" /> And show the dialog based on the check box values. If it is true i have to show the Newdoalog_1 if it is false i have to show the Setup dialog <Control Id="Next" Type="PushBut...

WIX - Conditions For Actions/Components depending on First Install or Upgrade

Hi, i am relatively new to Wix. I created a Setup where we can define a connection string on the first install. Now i wanted to upgrade, and have the possibility to skip some Dialogs that are only used in the first install (like the one that asks for the server and database), and i didn't want to remove some XML files that were configure...

How to check for cancel button in custom action without doing anything else.

I know when I put something in the log using ::MsiProcessMessage(hModule, INSTALLMESSAGE(INSTALLMESSAGE_INFO), ...); that I can check if the return value is IDCANCEL and return ERROR_INSTALL_USEREXIT to Windows installer. How do I check for that return value without having to put something in the log or alter the progress bar? ...

WiX 3.0 Merge Module: meaning of Source attribute

What is the purpose of the Source attribute? Have a look at this snippet: <Component Id="MyComponent" Guid="123456789-abcd-defa-1234-DCEA-01234567890A"> <File Id="myFile" Name="myFile.dll" Source="myFile.dll"/> </Component> Since Name and Source have the same value, what does Source add? The code does not compile without it....