
How do I share custom mobile Form Factors with other developers?

I know I can create custom Form Factors in Visual Studio, but how do I export them (not available in "Tools | Import and Export Settings")? If I set a WM form to use a custom Form Factor, save it in the repository, then someone else on the project gets that form from the repository it defaults back to "Windows Mobile 6 Classic". I know...

Exclude setup.dll from Smart Cab Project in VS2008

I have added some custom actions to our installer which is run on CE5 and WM6. This installer works fine and builds fine. There is however one annoyance. The setup.dll is deployed to the device and this file is not necessary. I've read several websites on creating a setup.dll file, MSDN and even the mobile SDK. They all state the same s...

Windows 7 with VS2008, Mobile Device Emulator Not Working

I have a windows mobile app developed under windows XP / Visual Studio 2008. When I try and run it on windows 7 through visual studio I cant get the emulator to connect to the internet. Other posts on the web have suggested windows 7 / VS2008 dosn't work for mobile device emulation. Is this true? ...

Pocket Outlook application: ProgID on WM 5+? script

Hi, I would like to automate pocket outlook thru javascript I searched on the web and saw that the progid is var papp = new ActiveXObject('pocketoutlook.application') However, it does not work on my windows mobile (6.0) I read that since wm5, the object model is different (POOM2 instead of POOM1), is it so? Also, can u guys point me...

Camera orientation on WinMo

Hi, Does anyone has a idea how to retrieve camera orientation on WinMo, using .NET or API ? For example, using DirectShow to access camera on HD2 or HP 900 series, the picture orientation is not the same. So I assume that I've to check for every single model, and programatically rotate the image. Regards ...

Compact Framework: drawing multi-line string with ellipses

I'm creating an owner-drawn control inherited from ListView for a Windows Mobile application. I'm using Graphics.DrawString to write out a two-line text string (using .NET CF 3.5). Problem is some items have particularly long text that doesn't fit on the two lines. Googling has found methods for using MeasureString and to manually trunca...

CF - Application installation CAB (including .net cf ...)

Hello ! Can some1 please explain how can i include this installations in my CAB file. Also on some devices the user has to confirm several DLLs that i would like to awoid. Im told that i should use ILMerge, but i dont know exactly what to do. thanx ...

Is there any common language to develop a same application for iphone, blackberry, windows mobile and android?

Possible Duplicate: Technology to write iPhone, BlackBerry and Android phone at the same time? Is there any common language to develop a same application for iphone, blackberry, windows mobile and android? ...

sql connection string problem

I have Database (compact sql server) in a *.sdf file. I converted a compact framework project to a regular pc project and for some reason, with the same code, and the same *.sdf file the following exception was thrown: "the file name is not valid. check the file name for the database" the weird thing is that on my Pc - the substring "fi...

how to update date & time & region on Windows CE ?

How can I update date & time & region on Windows CE? I need any C# code for this. for example: i want to update to: 21/12/2010 05:34 (region format dd/MM/yyyy) Thanks in advance. ...

how to do this: i press 'G' on textbox and i'll see 'A' ?

hi how to do this: when i'll press 'G' on textbox in my form i'll see 'A' ? in C# code (windows-CE or Windows-mobile) thank's in advance ...

Change region to (English) Australia

How do I change the region to (English) Australia on Windows Mobile using C#? ...

How do I prevent Windows Media Player from using a temporary file when playing video from an HTTP server?

I've been having some trouble with Windows Media Player on CE 5.0 downloading an entire multi-megabyte movie file from a web server into a temporary directory and running the device out of memory. Any idea how to force the player to play in streaming mode? ...

TopMost Notification Bubble in Windows Mobile 6

Hi, I'm developing an app for Windows Mobile 6 using CF3.5. I need to show a notification to the user, and I want to use the Microsoft.WindowsCE.Notification class. I'm showing the notification from a TopMost form and the Notification pops up below the form, so it's not visible. Is there any way to make the Notification "topmost"? ...

Using WCF faults with the Compact Framework

Hi I have a WCF service that is called by a Windows Mobile application running on a PDA. I've set up the server code to send WCF faults if there is a problem. This is the code that I think I am supposed to be using on the client: try { var data = myService.GetSomeData(); } catch (FaultException<Service.CustomFault> fault) { mes...

screen orientation lock in qt

Hi! My question is about how to lock a screen orientation on WM using Qt? I know that I can use this code for Symbian: CAknAppUi* appUi = dynamic_cast<CAknAppUi*> (CEikonEnv::Static()->AppUi()); TRAPD(error, if (appUi) { // Lock application orientation into landscape appUi->SetOrientationL(CAknAppUi::EAppUiOrie...

Error Binding ContentControl to Image from Resource Dictionary

<Grid x:Name="ContentGrid"> <Grid.Resources> <Image x:Key="art" Source="art.png" Stretch="None" /> </Grid.Resources> <ContentControl Content="{Binding MyImg}" /> </Grid> public Image MyImg { get { return (Image)GetValue(MyImgProperty); } set { SetValue(MyImgProperty, value); } } public static readonly Dependenc...

Checking if a printer is attached

Is there a way in Windows (which works in Windows CE) to check if a printer is attached and communicating to LPT1 in C++? [Edit] More info: We are currently working with a generic Windows CE printer driver - pcl.dll - by passing it into CreateDC, to get the DC for the printer. We can't call PrintDlg() to show the print dialog becaus...

Problem with MessageBox

I'm having a problem with a MessageBox intended to be modal. Here is the situation, A user select xx from the form MessageBox appears User opens the embebed software keyboard (the built-in one, from the device) User closes the keyboard The MessageBox loses focus (how? it's supossed to be modal!) and the main form is shown in the fore...

How to remove the error "Cant find PInvoke DLL SQLite.interop.dll"

I am developing windows mobile application. I am using the SQLlite database. I am using the following code to connect to this database as follows SQLiteConnection cn = new SQLiteConnection(); SQLiteDataReader SQLiteDR; cn.ConnectionString = @"Data Source=F:\CompNetDB.db3"; ...