
MFC Controls are getting disappeared after scrolling

Hi, I am working on dialog based MFC application in WinCE. I created few controls in a dialog and scrolled down. When i scroll up again, the controls in the first screen got disappeared. Controls getting created in OnInitDialog() like below at coordinates (50,10) test->Create(_T("Title"), WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE, CRect(50,10,200,40), this...

market place for windows mobile 6.0 apps ?

hi i had seen the below link for market. here i'm confusing the below info. A one-time $99 USD fee for developers to list up to five applications yearly in the store is charged by Microsoft. After the five applications have been listed for the year, each additional applicat...

Are there predifined styles for making arrow buttons in windows phone 7?

I want to make some buttons in my app that look like the common round buttons with the arrows found all over the win 7 apps. Anyone know where I can find resources for these? UPDATE Here's a great tutorial on creating round buttons in WP7. This is exactly what I was trying to do, but I will use the images mentioned by John Gardner belo...

Windows 7 Phone app best way to store credentials

I am looking for the best practice for storing user credentials in a windows 7 phone app. I am writing an app for a web service that requires authentication. Thankfully it is only basic authentication at this point. What is the best way to store those credentials? ...

Using CeGetFileNotificationInfo

I have a Windows Mobile 6.5 application where I'm trying to monitor a file for changes. If I run the code below, then open WordPad and edit and save "\MyDir\Foo.txt", I only get notifications about temporary files being changed. For reference, I'm using Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional CE OS 5.2.23090.5.3.0. And, I have the same issue w...

Windows Phone 7 target display resolution - recommendations?

The official WP7 emulator uses 800x480 resolution. The only info I can find on planned WP7 phones (eg Samsung Cetus i917) share the same resolution. While I realise the appeal of writing resolution-independant programs, I'd really rather focus on pushing a known set of hardware to the max than sacrificing features and efficiency for one-...

Is there any macro to differentiate between WinCE emulator and WinCE device ?

Hi, I need to perform some file operations on WinCE platform. The paths of file differ in Device compared to Emulator. So i need to choose file according to the environment, like below. #if defined(WINCE_EMULATOR) //This macro is just for illustration #define path ".\Storage Card\\1.txt" //Emulator configuration #else #define path...

Can't sync with a Windows Mobile device in Windows 7

I just upgraded my development PC from XP to Windows 7. Along with all of the rest of the upgrade pain, I am currently facing a major roadblock. To connect and sync with mobile devices, Windows 7 uses the Windows Mobile Device Center. Somehow, my system has gotten into a state where the WMDC will not install. Every time the setup pro...

Can disabling a control cause a radio buttons value to change?

I have a For Each loop going through the controls in a panel disabling them. When the loop reaches one certain grid control and disables it the CheckedChanged event fires for the next control in the loop which is a radio button. The call stack is as follows: System.Windows.Forms.dll!System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton.OnCheckedChanged(Sys...

How to deploy a SQLite database table in Windows Mobile device ?

I am developing windows mobile application. I have added the SQLite database file in my project by using the Add Existing Item in visual studio. It gets deployed in the windows mobile emulator. I am also able to connect to the SQLite database through C#. When I perform the operations select, insert etc on the table of the SQLite database...

create an installer for windows mobile

Hey guys, I have developed an application using J9 that runs in windows mobile. but now I want it to package in a single installer(.cab), that should copy the J9 files, my application and its dependencies to a folder in the mobile, and creates some shortcuts(.lnk) files. Any suggested tool that I can use to create the cab file?? Thanks!...

How do I kill a Windows Mobile 6.1 forms app process when the form is closed?

In the Program.cs file of the .Net CF 3.5 WinForms program I've written, I launch the app by instantiating a new instance of Form1. Application.Run(new Form1()); When I want to close/exit the application, I override the Form1 FormClosed event so that I can ensure exiting the application. // In Form1 code-behind private void OnFormClo...

How to create a Minimize button in WinCE dialog based application

Hi, I created a WinCE dialog based application. I want to add minimize option at the top right corner. If i create an MFC dialog based application, a checkbox will be present for Minimize button asking whether minimize is required for the dialog being created. But if i create MFC Application for SmartDevice, minimize checkbox will not ...

OutOfMemoryException loading xml document winmo 6.1

I am using c# on a windows mobile 6.1 device. compact framework 3.5. I am getting a OutofMemoryException when loading in a large string of XML. The handset has limited memory, but should be more than enough to handle the size of the xml string. The string of xml contains the base64 contents of a 2 MB file. The code will work when the xml...

Export Windows Mobile Contacts to VCard

How to Export Windows Mobile Contacts to VCard using .NET (C#)? I need to export Contacts from Windows Mobile and restore it to Windows (Desktop) which uses VCard format. ...

Windows mobile, how do I receive callbacks from the camera?

Hi, I am developing an C# app in WM 6. I am using CameraCaptureDialog to open the camera. I would need to receive callbacks from the camera, I know this method is not implemented by CameraCaptureDialog. I would need for Windows Mobile, sth similar to this method in Android: camera.setOneShotPreviewCallback(previewCallback); Do you ...

How to make the background image transparent in windows mobile?

I am developing the smart device application in C#. I am new to the windows mobile. I have added the background image to the form in my application by using the following code. I want to make this image transparent so that other controls on my windows form will be displayed properly. protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) ...

How to make label & other controls transparent with background image on windows mobile?

I am developing the smart device application in C#. I am new to the windows mobile. I have added the background image to the form in my application by using the following code. I want to make label & other controls on this form transparent so that my windows form will be displayed properly. protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArg...

Owned windows on Windows Mobile

Developing for WM 6, I call CreateWindow with hWndParent set to the window I want to be the owner. I do not set the WS_CHILD style, but the window created becomes a child window nevertheless. What is the proper way of doing this? The MSDN article for CreateWindow mentions this behavior for WinCE 1.0: Windows CE 1.0 does not support ...

How to port the code of an application on Windows Mobile 6.5 to Windows Phone 7?

I have an application running successfully on Windows Mobile 6.5. Is it possible to port that application to Windows Phone 7? ...