
Panel not scrolling to focused control when input panel opens

Working on a Windows Mobile 6.5 application and having an issue that I would think would be handled automatically. I have a panel on the form and have it's AutoScroll property set to true. Have a textbox that shows an inputpanel on focus. For testing, I place the textbox outside of the visible panel to force the scrollbar. Clicking i...

TypeLoadException hiding inner exception

Hi I'm using Compact Framework 3.5 / VS2008. I'm getting really odd behavior with TypeLoadException. The following code throws this error. The reason is a problem with the database connection. However for some unknown reason this inner exception is lost and is not contained in the TypeLoadException. try { settingsFromDb = Settings...

SMS RequestDeliveryReport on WM6

hello I'm developing a SMS send and receive app for my phone. Wen i send a SMS with the RequestDeliveryReport prop True i recive a message with the report BUT: From witch SMS is that report. My SMS send code looks like this: SmsMessage smsMessage = new SmsMessage(); //Set the message body and recipient. smsMessage.Body = "Would you ...

Where to find Phone.dll file for getting Call Logs (PhoneOpenCallLog)?

I can't find Phone.dll file on my computer and getting Can't find PInvoke DLL 'Phone.dll'. Where will I find Phone.dll file? ...

How to scan Wifi access point on Windows Mobile?

I need to scan Wifi access point on Windows Mobile and connect the one of scanned results. Currently I am using C# language, Windows Mobile 6.5 device, also to scan I am using the below code. [DllImport(wlanapi.dll", SetLastError=true)] I am using wlanapi.dll, but it seems that not possible to use on Mobile. Does anyone know about the...

What is the Windows Mobile Registry setting to turn off Predictive Text?

I need to have my program not use (or allow to be used) predictive text. I know how to turn it off manually (this web page shows how). But I need to do it programmatically. The best way seems to be by a registry change. Anyone happen to know what that registry setting is? ...

How do you change the .Net CF 3.5 DataGrid scrollbar colors?

I'm writing a .Net Compact Framework 3.5 app that uses the DataGrid control. I'm trying to figure out how to set the vertical and horizontal scrollbar colors (background and foreground). Solutions? Thanks. ...

Get List of Installed Applications Windows Mobile (C# Managed)

I need to get List of Installed Application on Windows Mobile using C#. After that, I want to have capability to get notifications when installed application starts, ends etc. ...

Windows Mobile Emulator connection timeout accessing local web service

I have a Windows Mobile 6 application that is trying to make a web service call to a service hosted on my local machine so I can debug the logon process with VS2008 connecting to both the emulated device and web service. I have configured the device emulator to connect to the internet and confirmed this by doing a Bing search from IE o...

How to resize the windows form dynamically in mobile application ?

I am developing mobile application in C#. I am using the keyboard launch functionality to launch the keyboard on mobile device when one of the textbox gets focused. I am using the following code. private void inputPanel1_EnabledChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { InputEnabled(); } private void Inpu...

How to Configure SQLCE connection on Smart Device Application using Emulator?

I created a simple test that opens a connection of sqlce located on my Desktop P.C. When i start Run the debug mode it throws me that it cant open the connection. I use Pocket P.C 2003 EMULATOR This is my Test Code on my Smart Device Application. Connection string private SqlCeConnection conn = new SqlCeConnection("Data Source=C:\\SDB...

How to hide the wait cursor while loading windows mobile program

I have an application written in C# and running on Windows Mobile 5. It currently takes several seconds to load all of the assemblies. During that time the wait cursor spins on top of the screen. I would like to show a splash screen with a progress bar instead. How can I prevent the cursor from being displayed? ...

What is the development experience for Windows Embedded Handheld?

With the release of Windows Phone 7 almost upon us, I was wondering if anyone had details of the other successor to Windows Mobile - Windows Embedded Handheld? The roadmap had release in the 2nd half of 2010 but I have yet to see or hear anything about the platform and what it's development experience will be. As it's built on Windows M...

Closing the 3G data connection in Windows Mobile 6

I have a mobile application that intensively uses a 3G data connection (HSDPA / GPRS). Sometimes the data connection 'hangs' and no data is sent or received. When I manually close the data connection in the connection manager, a new connection is formed and all is well. I have not been able to do this from code. Is there a way to do thi...

no control name in windows phone properties list ?

I am very surprised, I cannot see any name property ? Can you confirm ? ...

Writing to XML in a Pocket PC

Hi again. I have a list of songs which I want to output to an external XML file using a smart device (pocket pc). String path = GetAppDir(); string filePath = path + @"\output\songs.xml"; XmlWriter xmlOut = XmlWriter.Create(filePath, settings); xmlOut.WriteStartDocument(); xmlOut.WriteStartElement("Songs"); foreach (Song songTmp in...

Bluetooth human device interface for reading digital input channels

An idea is to make Win Mobile phone become super alarm for car. Now I am searching for devices simalr to Velleman interface board, but I need device which can be connected to mobile device using bluetooth trough compact framework and C#. I need digital inputs for caching real events such as engine started or door opened. Is there a way t...

Windows Mobile Device center not starting

I re-installed my windows 7, and installed all software needed for my work (that is MS Visual Studio and stuff). My problem is with WMDC (Windows Mobile Device center). Though before formatting it ran smoothly, now it doesn't seem to start :( I plug my Intermec Pocket PC and while Mobile Adapter is enabled, wmdc doesn't pop-up the usual...

Do Something When MsgBox Is Closed

I'm making a program in NS BASIC/CE that shows the user a warning, but when the user closes the MsgBox(clicking in OK), I want that the application executes AfterWarn Sub. How I can do this? ...

Events occuring multiple times in OpenNETCF.IO.FileSystemWatcher

Whenever I am subscribing to FileSystemWatcher notification, multiple events are occuring when I create new file or change existing file. Events are occuring in following sequence: New File Created Changed Changed Changed Changed Changed Changed Change Changed Deleted Changed Rename Renamed Delete Deleted Rename and Dele...