
Push notification problem in Windows Phone 7

Hello, I tried the following tutorials to create the push notification in Windows Phone 7. I can create the channel uri in the WP7 emulator without any error. Howe...

Windows Phone 7 - GPU Acceleration not working

Hi, I'm wondering if someone can help with this or has had a similar problem. I am trying to make a basic game in WP7 using Silverlight and I can't get the GPU acceleration to kick in. The frame rate counters are visible which would indicate the GPU is being used, directx versions is 10 and directx driver versions is WDDM 1.1. I've tr...

Will there be a unique and unchanging device id that apps have access to? (Windows Phone 7)

I’m writing a Windows Phone 7 app and am looking for a way to get a unique and unchanging device Id that I can use to identify the device and therefore the user (since Microsoft doesn’t give you access to the users Windows Live Id). Anyone know if this is going to be possible? Especially interested to find out if the id will be a) uniq...

NavigationService.GoBack(); question

Hi there, When I call NavigationService.GoBack(); it doesn't reload the page. For example I have Page 1 which is my Login page, then I Navigate to Page 2 to the Settings Page. When I have saved my Settings on Page 2 I wish it to Navigate back to Page 1 and show the new settings that are displayed. Is there any call I can make where th...

Is there any way to set Windows Phone Settings (like screen brightness) programmatically?

Hello, Is there any way to set any of settings from "Settings menu" programmatically, from app? For example change date-time, set screen brightness or change theme color, etc. ...

How to simulate location on Windows Phone 7 simulator?

I want to be able to test my location-based WP7 app. How to do this on the phone simulator? Do we have to create some kind of mockup location data first? or is there any framework available to do this? thanks ...

Can a Windows Phone 7 device be registered to more than one developer (Live ID) at the same time

I will be developing apps using both my own Live ID and one specific to my employer. Can I register the same device to both IDs at the same time? ...

Can I use NHibernate on Windows Phone 7?

Can I use NHibernate on Windows Phone 7? ...

Where can I get manuals for windows phone application that are based on a database?

What is the native database the windows phone use like (coredata and sql-light in the iphone) Do you know a manual that explain how to use those DB's... preferably with code samples. I don't like to use DBs no matter how good they are if they are not considered main stream such that I can trust future microsoft versions support (I kno...

How to change active culture on Windows Phone 7

[Update] I see I need the full example to explain. In my Windows Phone 7 App, I got a page containing a TextBox bound to a Decimal "Amount": <TextBox Text="{Binding Amount,Mode=TwoWay}" InputScope="CurrencyAmount"/> The phone settings are set to German. In german localization, a value like 1234.56m would be formatted 1.234,56 (unlike...

Bing Map and Pivot

Hi guys, I'm having an issue that I'm unable to fix, I've a pivot with a bing Map in one of its screens, the thing is when you flick (scroll horizontally) on the map, the pivot transition is also performed... Is there a solution or even a hack/workaround to avoid this side effect ? Thanks in advance Miloud B. ...

Can you debug on a WP7 device when developing in a VM?

I'm planning to develop for Windows Phone 7 inside a VirtualBox VM on an OSX host. Am I going to be able to debug my app on the device? I've had problems with USB on VMs before. ...

Wait for HttpWebRequest.BeginGetResponse to finish in Windows Phone 7

I'm trying to use the async HttpWebRequest in Silverlight for Windows Phone. All works perfect until I get to the where I should call private static ManualResetEvent allDone = new ManualResetEvent(false); ... request.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(GetResponseCallback), request); allDone.WaitOne(); Debug.WriteLine("All done!"); In ...

WP7 Zoom To Pushpins Using Binding

I have a list of locations that I use to display pushpins on Bing Maps. I then zoom the map to show the pushpins. This is how I do it in the code behind: Location location1 = new Location { Latitude = -36.736108, Longitude = 174.688411 }; Location location2 = new Location { Latitude = -36.738756, Longitude = 174.696007 }...

WP7 selection control

Hi all. Does anybody know what type of control is used in WP7 Settings > Theme > Background? ...

Should WP7 edit forms have Save/Cancel buttons or should you use 2 way binding?

This is a question on edit form UI for a WP7 app: I currently have my edit form fields set to 2-way binding which means that as the user changes them they save on edit and update the UI in the ViewModel (Method 1). So I don't need a Save button and there is no Cancel button (unless you code in logic to store the original state and roll...

passing parameter to DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler in C#

Hi, i am working on application in WP7 , i would like to pass a list box as parameter to client_DownloadStringCompleted method. My code looks like below , WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(client_DownloadStringCompleted); ...

How to disable touch selection in listbox item in Windows Phone 7 ?

Hi, In the XAML template, I used a listbox to populate some dynamic data. Now I want to disable touch selection in certain listbox items in Windows Phone 7. How to do that ? I had done some little research, some people said that the selection event could be prevented in the listbox.

IsEnabled for a container?

Is there any way to disable all controls inside a container - grid for example? Thank you! UPD: Although WPF’s Grid has IsEnabled property, there is definitely no IsEnabled property for Windows phone 7 Grid. ...

Invoking UI thread from BeginGetResponse in Silverlight

Hi guys I know how to do this in everyday .NET, but mucking round with WP7 development and Silverlight is driving me mad. An HttpWebRequest response must be done async, cool with that, but how can I invoke the UI thread from the async method? i.e. HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create('