
Which is the real color-depth on Windows phone 7 product?

According from Emulator Color Depth on Windows Phone 7 forum, I just heard about limitation of Silverlight on Windows Phone 7 that it display only 16-bit color-depth image on Silverlight application just like previous version of Windows Mobile. Is it true? Anyone can confirm this. PS.Normally, Silverlight natively support 32-bit color-...

MVVM Light EventToCommand doesn't work inside WP7 Pivot DataTemplate

Hi everybody, I have very strange issue. In my WP7 app I have a pivot control and an item template defined inside it(or in the resources, I have tried both ways, but still same issue). In the template I have a regular button with EventToCommand defined(EventName="Click"). I also have the same copy-pasted button outside the Pivot. The pr...

[Silverlight] Storyboard in custom control

Hi all, I have an usercontrol in silverlight that I'm trying to convert to custom control. The usercontrol is working. The customcontrol is working BUT has its storyboard not working. the control is : public class MyControl : Control { public MyControl() { DefaultStyleKey = typeof(MyControl); } public static r...

click on map control makes a crash

hi all, I need your help :-) I'm developping a windows phone 7 application. In this application, I have a Pivot Control. In this Pivot Control, I've PivotItem (of course ^^). In one of those pivot item I have a map control. So here is the hierarchy in XAML : <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="Transparent"> <!--Pivot Control-...

WP7 back key press handling in child popup

Hello, I made a usercontrol that contains a togglebutton. When the user clicks on it, it shows a fullscreen-sized popup. I want to add the following functionality: when the user presses the hardware back button and the popup is opened, close the popup. The problem is that only the parent page of the usercontrol has backkeypress event. H...

C# - Convert byte[] to String in Windows 7 Phone

Hi I am trying to get device id of windows 7 phone using following code byte[] result = null; String id = null; object uniqueId; if (DeviceExtendedProperties.TryGetValue("DeviceUniqueId", out uniqueId)) result = (byte[])uniqueId; Problem is that I need this result in String. Can anyone tell me how to do this? Best Regards ...

HttpWebRequest leads me to System.NotSupportedException.

I am trying to send data on the server using the following code in windows 7 phone based development. public static void sendData() { HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(url); IAsyncResult token = request.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(GetStatusesCallBack), request); } public static void GetStatus...

binding texbox with list of items

Hi guys, i am a very beginner in WPF. I am trying to create my first app for Windows Phone 7. I have a Detail View and the .cs class associated to the view. In my view i have : <StackPanel Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0"> <TextBlock Name="textBlock1" Text="..."/> </StackPanel> In the .cs: ... listAgences = new List<Agence>(...

XmlConvert.ToDateTime Windows Phone 7

Hi, I'm trying to convert an xmlattribute's value (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:sszzzzzz) to yyyyMMdd. I'm trying to use: XmlConvert.ToDateTime(xmlattribute.Value, "yyyyMMdd") But i'm getting formatexceptions: "An unhandled exception of type 'System.FormatException' occurred in mscorlib.dll" Any help is very much appreciated... Thanks! ...

WP7 move listboxitem beyond item borders

Hello, I have a listbox with a custom itemtemplate (stackpanels). I try to animate the items so that they all move down from the top of the listbox. The problem is that when I modify the Y coordinate, it moves the listboxitem text only inside the item's boundaries, so I cannot simulate falling items down from the top. <DataTemplate...

Windows Phone 7 Development - Do I need a Service Provider

With the upcoming WP7 release, I am wanting to develop against the framework. I have an iPhone and don't want to get away from using that service. I know Visual Studio has tools to emulate the WP7 device for testing one's apps but this is not a true test. I was wondering if it is possible to get a WP7 without a service, e.g. AT&T, and...

Is it possible to programmatically lock a windows phone 7 device?

I'm creating a WP7 app that needs to continue running when the user is not using the phone - ideally the user sets it going, locks the phone and carries on with their life. Is this possible? I know it is possible to disable the lock screen, so if the user were to just leave the phone on a table it would be fine and carry on running. Th...

Disable windows phone 7 hardware keys in silverlight

Hi, Is there any way of disabling the hardware keys on Windows Phone 7 programmatically using Silverlight? Thanks, Phil ...

Windows Phone 7: Media file plays multiple times before one finishes

My silverlight code: var stream = TitleContainer.OpenStream("Giggle.wav"); var effect = SoundEffect.FromStream(stream); FrameworkDispatcher.Update(); effect.Play(); The file, Giggle.wav plays multiple times. I expected the code would wait while the "Play" method executes. Suggestions to make it play one instance at a time? Thanks ...

WP7 help with menu effects

Kinda new to Silverlight and have some experience with WPF but I'm doing a project with a group for a class making a game for WP7. I am currently in charge of the menu system for the game and I had a few ideas for "flashy" menu transitions. I got some going for the main menu but I wanted to do something cool for the options submenu. Any...

How to detect a Pivot item is selected in Windows Phone 7

Hi, I am implementing the Pivot control in Windows Phone 7. I want to know which Pivot item is selected and active after the user does a swipe gesture. How to detect the swipe gesture event related to Pivot control ? Which delegate method should I use ? Thanks ...

WP7: ListBox ScrollToTop ?

In a Windows Phone 7 Silverlight app, I have a ListBox with a lot of items, that are generated dynamically from an external data source. One of these items will be "current", so I would like to programmatically scroll the ListBox so the item appears as the topmost visible item in the ListBox - so the user doesn't have to. There is li...

Do I have to pay an annual fee, simply to test/deploy my software on my own phone?

I cant see any way to get around this... ...

How can I compare two captures to see which one is louder?

Given two byte arrays of data captured from a microphone, how can I determine which one has more spikes in noise? I would assume there is an algorithm I can apply to the data, but I have no idea where to start. Getting down to it, I need to be able to determine when a baby is crying vs ambient noise in the room. If it helps, I am using...

SoundEffect.Play() threading considerations

I'm trying to understand the threading and queuing model when used SoundEffect.Play() so that I can play notes with accurate timing. Is the sound played back synchronously on the UI thread? Or is a background thread used to play the samples at the correct time? I've read that I need to call FrameworkDispatcher.Update() for the sounds...