
ProgressBar In Windows phone 7?

Hi , Anyone can Give code samples for how to use progressbar in windows phone 7. ...

Is there a timer control for Windows Phone 7?

I'm trying to write a win phone 7 app for the first time - is there a timer control similar to the one for winforms? Or is there a way to get that type of functionality? ...

Windows Phone 7: System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal does not work with COM

I have two questions. 1)Does Windows Phone 7 support COM? .NET Framework knows such attributes like ComVisible, but I am not sure after all. 2)System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal misses any COM functions. Particularly, if the first question is answered positive, I miss StringToBSTR and GetObjectForNativeVariant. I am sure both funct...

WP7 - IsolatedStorage Errors

I'm building a Windows Phone 7 application that uses isolated storage. The code works most of the time but I keep getting IsolatedStorageExceptions randomly: {"An error occurred while accessing IsolatedStorage."} There are no further details about the reason for the exception. Here is the stack trace: at System.IO.IsolatedStorage...

Is it possible to implement ping on windows phone 7?

To get the impression of networking capabilities in WP7 I was going to build a simple ping app that would display the result of ICMP ping request to a certain host. However, not only the System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping class is missing, System.Net.Sockets namespace is missing as well. After a short research I found out that there ar...

Windows Phone 7 WebBrowser control swallows manipulation events?

If I place a WebBrowser control on any page, the page no longer responds to manipulation events under the WebBrowser. Other areas of the page work fine. It's easily confirmed by overriding OnManipulationCompleted in a page, then placing a WebBrowser control on the page. Try swiping over the WebBrowser, and OnManipulationCompleted is nev...

How can I create an animated tile on WP7?

How can I create an animated tile on WP7 similar to the XBox Live Tile? What are the options for Animating tiles in general? ...

How to design grid Rowdefinitions and Columndefinitions dynamically for Windows7 phone

Hi Friends, i need to design grid Rowdefinitions and Columndefinitions dynamically for Windows7 phone please help me Thanking you ...

adding media element in windows phone 7?

I want to play an audio of an image whenever click on it .If we click on another image that sound will play in that way we want write the logic. plz detail steps for this one. ...

Grid Binding in Windows phone 7?

i am taking one grid having 3 rows and 3 columns .i want to bind the images to that grid actually images are added to grid but it is not added in correct way.i.e they are not place with in cells of grid . How to bind 12 images correctly to cells of grid .i want all images are having same size and width placing properly in that grid...

Problem synchronizing with ManualResetEvent

I have written a method that downloads some files, and now I'm trying to make it download up to 5 files in parallel, and for the rest to wait for the previous ones to finish. I am using a ManualResetEvent for this, but when i include the syncronisation part it doesn't download anything anymore (without it it works). Here is the code of ...

media element doesn't play audio in windows phone 7?

hi media element doesn't play audio even correctly giving the properties. ...

XNA Texture2D Dispose() + ObjectDisposedException

Hi, I am very new to XNA framework. I am writing a sample application in XNA for windows phone 7. presently I am facing a problem. In the sample, i am loading a Texture2D and dispose it in the next line and assign it to null. Again I load the same image to the same member variable. But in the draw I get ObjectDisposedException. If ...

How to run a function on a background thread for Windows Phone 7?

Hi All, I'm using MVVM Light to build a WP7 (Windows Phone 7) application. I wish to have all the work performed by the Model to be run on a background thread. Then, when the work is done, raise an event so that the ViewModel can process the data. I have already found out that I cannot invoke a Delegate asynchronously from an WP7 app....

Determining the Enter key is pressed in a TextBox in Win Phone 7

Consider a XAML TextBox in Win Phone 7. <TextBox x:Name="UserNumber" /> The goal here is that when the user presses the Enter button on the on-screen keyboard, that would kick off some logic to refresh the content on the screen. I'd like to have an event raised specifically for Enter. Is this possible? Is the event specific to...

In Silverlight, how can I make a new pane appear when a button is pushed?

On my main window, I have several different buttons and fields that are already working. They are basically a calculator that hides the calculations from the user. However, I would like to add a button that says "How does it work?" and which slides a new pane in from the side when pressed. I am doing this on the Windows Phone 7 emulato...

Simple use of WebClient on Windows Phone 7 throws a NetworkError

This code works in a WPF app but throws a NetworkException ("server not found") in WP7. Why the difference? WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(Client_DownloadStringCompleted); Uri token = new Uri(""); client.DownloadStringAsync(token); Upd...

What sort of games can developer creates using XNA & Silverlight?

I need innovative ideas on Gaming Application for Windows Phone. Can anyone guide me to how to approach new ideas on gaming application? How shall i start as i am new to this domain? No gaming experience at all? Also i have worked only on C & C++. But now i have to work on gaming application using C# with XNA framework & Silverlight for ...

Is it possible to update the WP7 lock screen in code?

Is it possible to update the WP7 lock screen in code? I want to write an application that allows me to download new background images. I would like to be able to update the lock screen (background ) image directly from this application. ...

How to display EULA in WP7 application?

As stated by Microsoft, it's not possible to programatically navigate from the main page. I have a EULA page that I need to show if the user is using the app for the first time. My plan was to determine on the main page if the app has been used before. If not, I had planned to navigate to the EULA page, but this is not possible. How can ...