
Databinding with Dependency Property callbacks and Animation within the Static Method

Before I start, I have this code inside of a Custom Usercontrol: private DependencyProperty _rotation = DependencyProperty.Register("Rotation", typeof(double), typeof(MyControl), new PropertyMetadata(new PropertyChangedCallback(RotationPropertyChanged))); public double Rotation { ge...

In Silverlight, how to bind ListBox item selection to a Navigate event?

I am writing a windows-phone 7 application. I've got a page with a list of TextBlock(s) contained in a ListBox. The behavior I want is that upon clicking one of those TextBlock(s) the page is redirected to a different one, passing the Text of that TextBlock as an argument. This is the xaml code: (here I am binding to a collection of st...

Silverlight ListBox - static plus bound items

Is there any way to have a listbox populated by both static and dynamic items? I am writing a windows phone 7 app and would like to have one static listboxItem at the top or bottom and then bind other items from the viewModel. I tried setting both a static listboxItem and then also a dataTemplate but the static item is replaced by th...

Windows phone 7 config / appSettings?

Is there a way to add a config file for WP7 apps like there is for Windows apps and web apps? I just need an easy way to save a few settings I'd rather not create my own object and have to serialize/deserialize an xml file. There doesn't seem to by any kind of item template that I can add to my project so just wondering if anyone has don...

compatibility of native code C++ and openGL in Windows Phone 7

Hi, We have a windows mobile 6.5 gaming application which uses openGL . Now we planned to port it to WP7 (windows phone 7). When I check the compatibility of native code C++ and openGL in WP7, they are telling that there is no support in the WP7. WP7 support only Silverlight, XNA and the .NET Framework. So what we thought of use XNA....

How To Set The ScrollBar in Windows Phone 7?

Hi, I Want To Set The ScrollBar To Windows Phone 7.Hare There Is No Built in Control Of Scrollbar.How To Get It And Use in Windows Phone 7. ...

Database for Windows Phone 7

I'm looking to release a really simple application for windows Phone 7. Unfortunately, My Apps need to store some data in the device. say a Database. My colleague found one SQLite library - But How about Linq to SQL or EF for Windows Phone 7. Any L...

Win Phone 7 Emulator changing the reference to graphics device.

In an effort to program an XNA game in a landscape orientation I found a post on this site: After implementing the code it took my simple graphic and indeed transformed the orientation. However, mysteriously the renderTarget is losing its refer...

Windows Phone 7 HTTP Upload, no AllowWriteStreamBuffering property available

I'm creating an HttpWebRequest and storing it inside of an HttpState object. When I go to set AllowWriteStreamBuffering property of the request to false, I see that no such property exists. The download counterpart, AllowReadStreamBuffering, is available. HttpState httpState = new HttpState(); httpState.request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWeb...

How to group items in a list by their first letter in Silverlight?

I have a ListBox to which I bound a sorted list of strings. I would like to display the list with dividers (headers) that announce the new letter - something like the 'Contacts' list on the iPhone. Does anybody know how to achieve this goal? Perhaps using ListBox is not the right idea. I am doing this with VS Express 2010 for Windows...

Scrolling a TextBlock

Hey everyone, I have a TextBlock and a Textbox in the same location. Depending on what mode the user is in, I make one visible and the other collapsed. This is working fine, but how can I make the Textblock scrollable? I figured I should use a ScrollViewer, but I don't know why it's not working. I've tried messing around with the heigh...

How to pass Model object (to which data binding is done in view) between two views in MVVM

Hello, I am prototyping a windows phone 7 application in silverlight. I am trying to use MVVM pattern in my application. I have the following situation: I navigate from one view1 (page) to another view2 (page) using NavigationService.Navigate("uri of next page") method [Please note NavigationService is a sealed class, so cannot be overr...

Listbox within Listbox and scrolling problem in Windows Phone 7 Silverlight

I have a Windows Phone 7 Silverlight application that has a listbox and within the item template it binds another listbox. <ListBox x:Name="CouponsGrouping"> <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <StackPanel> <TextBlock Text="Expires" /> <ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Coupons}" Margin="0,10,0,0"> <L...

Push Notification - Dedicated server required?

Hi. I'm thinking of developing an app that uses Microsoft Push Notification. However, I'm not quite sure what I need on my server. I've currently got a shared hosting account. Can I use this as my server to use Push Notification, or does the server have to be dedicated? Thanks ...

Problems with some textures in XNA

Hi I have made a model using Sketchup, and have tested rendering it using Blender and it looks great. However loading it in XNA has two problems. 1. One of the textures becomes see-thru not entierly transparent but items below on the inside of the model is visible (this is not the case in blender). 2. I have a rounded part on the model...

Good architecture for consuming a REST web service in an MVVM app for Windows Phone 7?

I'm having a bit of trouble deciding on the best way to get the data from the web service to the UI. Given the asynchronous nature of WebClient how would you build this? Model uses WebClient to talk to webservice ViewModel asks model for data View is databound to ViewModel On the Async complete event I need to get that data back out...

Windows Phone 7 API + SSL

Hi, I'm trying to connect to an API, which is hosted on an SSL connection. This is the crossdomain: <?xml version="1.0"?> <cross-domain-policy> <allow-access-from domain="*" secure="true" /> </cross-domain-policy> That's all there is. Now I try to connect, but I always get a security exception (no more info given). Now the pro...

Install Windows Phone 7 on Android MyTouch 3g?

I have a MyTouch 3G running Android, which has been rooted. I was wondering if it is possible to install Windows Phone 7 on this phone, or if it is even close to compatible. Thanks ...

Add Service Reference not appearing

In a Windows Phone 7 Silverlight project, I had a service reference to a WCF service. This morning when I opened up the project, suddenly the namespaces for my WCF service were unknown. The option for "Update Service Reference" in Solution Explorer was not there, so I deleted the Service Reference with the intent of re-adding it. But ...

How to set the selected item on a listbox after binding using MVVM Light?

I'm using MVVM Light on an Windows Phone app. I would like to set the selected item on a listbox after it is databound. I thought the best way to do this is to setup an eventToCommand on the listbox for the Loaded event and pass the element to set the selected index, but I'm not sure how I can pass the listbox element to the RelayCom...