
Silverlight Unit Testing Framework running tests in external class library

I'm currently looking into different options for unit testing Silverlight applications. One of the frameworks available is the Silverlight Unit Test Framework from Microsoft (developed primary by Jeff Wilcox, One of the scenarios I'm looking into is running the same tests on both Silve...

Binding to 'To' In Storyboard

I'll try to make this as simple as I can. I want to do this: <Storyboard x:Name="MoveToLocation"> <DoubleAnimation Duration="0:0:0.5" To="{Binding X}" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(UIElement.RenderTransform).(CompositeTransform.TranslateX)" Storyboard.TargetName="grid" d:IsOptimized="True"/> </Storyboard> As you may have noticed the...

Animation with mvvm light on windows phone 7

Hello all, I have an intriguing question. Let's say I want to play an animation or change the visual state etc of my view FROM THE VIEW MODEL. How can I do that? Its for building an MVVM application on windows phone 7. ...

Why might a silverlight ListBox on Windows Phone not allow me scroll all the way down to the bottom?

I have a ListBox in a grid that gets databound when the page loads... pretty straightforward. The problem I'm having is that, after the box is databound, I can scroll... but not all the way to the bottom of the list. It stops an item or two short and won't let me scroll anymore. Here's the listbox XAML: <Grid x:Name="ContentGrid" Grid.R...

Windows Phone 7 emulator with a touchscreen

I'm thinking about getting a small touchscreen to work with the Windows Phone 7 emulator... but will the developers tools support multi-touch from a touchscreen? I've only seen it with single mouse clicks so far... ...

First test of a Windows Phone application

I downloaded the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone and I wrote a simple application to make a first test of the emulator. In this application I have only a button with the property Content binded to a string called ButtonText and with the property Background binded to a SolidColorBrush named FillColor. I handled the ...

RaisePropertyChanged for Windows Phone

I'm starting to use the MVVMLight framework and have a question about binding to properties in the ViewModel. I found that I have to call the RaisePropertyChanged method in the setter for the property in order for the View to be updated. And I have to call RaisePropertyChanged from through the dispatcher otherwise I get a thread access...

VS2008 Express no longer opens projects after VS2010 express Phone

So I installed the new april release of the VS2010 express for windows phone 7 and now VS2008 express C# no longer opens .csproj files. I'm at a loss as to why this is as I've not changed anything in the files themselves. I'm currently uninstalling windows phone 7 in the hopes that I will be able to open my files again. I have a feeling ...

Develop Windows Phone 7 on Windows XP

Dear all, I downloaded the Windows Phone 7 SDK yesterday but when I installed it on my Windows XP it complaint that it needs to be installed on Windows 7. My question is, is it possible to install the Windows Phone 7 SDK or develop for Windows Phone 7 on WinXP? Is there any workaround that has been made to overcome this? Thank you for ...

How to edit a StoryBoard to put it in a Button Style ?

Hello, I've created a storyboard for a button in blend that I want it to apply everytime the button is pressed, So I tried to create a style,I've been stucked for a long time now. here is the code of my Storyboard: <Storyboard> <DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames Storyboard.TargetProperty="(UIElement.RenderTransform).(CompositeTransform.S...

how do you load files in windows phone 7? using XNA

I am porting an iphone game to windows phone 7. iphone works fairly similarly to Winmo7 in that you add all the files you want to be able to read to the project. we didn't want this extra step in our asset creation pipeline, so we just made it so all files were put into our own basic file archive, then just added that one archive file to...

Unit Testing with Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke

I have a windows phone 7 silverlight app that I'm trying to unit test. My tests fail with the following error: System.DivideByZeroException : Attempted to divide by zero. On the following line: Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => RaisePropertyChanged("Lat")); I assume this is because there is no ui thread. Do I need to ...

Windows Phone 7 Development, how different from versions 6.x ?

I'd like to know how different is development of applications for the Windows Phone 7 OS, in comparison to versions 6.x of that same operating system? In version 7, is it simple for an application to allocate custom amounts of heap space to process signals such as image and sound? Also, i read that Windows Mobile 6.x applications are n...

Bug when add bing Map control to WP7

I Create new Windows Phone 7 Project Add the following references to my project: -Microsoft.Maps.MapControl.Common.dll -Microsoft.Maps.MapControl.dll I insert BingMap Control in new Page When I try to run on Emulator I get request for add following reference to System.Windows.Browser.dll Then add the reference to myproject from th...

Mobile Business Apps - any way to use XAML?

Hi I'm making a business mobile app to run on Intermec rugged devices. I would like to use XAML/Silverlight/WPF. It seems that this is not possible and I will need to use WinForms. Can any gurus confirm this please? Thanks a lot. Mark ...

What technology should I use to develop web services accessible from Windows Phone 7

This morning, I feel stupid. I created a simple WCF service, just compiling and running the default WCF Service Application (.NET 3.5). I then tried adding a service reference to a Windows Phone 7 application but got a warning: Custom tool warning: Endpoint 'WSHttpBinding_IService1' at address 'http://localhost:50133/Service1.svc' is no...

What else could I use Silverlight for besides Windows Phone 7 Apps?

One of the reasons why I don't want want to go the iPhone development path is because there isn't much to do with Objective-C language. You either develop iPhone or Mac apps with it. If I go the Windows Phone 7 development path, can I apply my Silverlight skills in other areas besides the mobile phone development? Is Silverlight useful ...

Windows Phone 7 Samples

What Windows Phone 7 demo/reference applications have you seen which really made you interested in developing for the platform? I know of Scott Gu's Twitter example and Foursquare. Also see here for MIX10 demo apps. Other than developing games and re-creating functionality already present on other mobile platforms (iPhone, BlackBerry,...

Optional parameters in a C# Windows Phone XNA application

Is it possible to use optional parameters (and other purely-syntactical C# 4.0 features) in Windows Phone XNA applications? I've read and heard conflicting information about this. In the Advanced Build Settings for my application, the Language Version is set to C# 3.0 (C# 4.0 is not available in the Language Version drop-down list). Is ...

SDL support on Android Based and Windows Phone

Where can i find information about Windows Mobile OS or Android.I need to know, if they support SDL or not. Does all android phone support SDL? ...