
Problem with .Net Image processing on Windows Server 2003

Hello, In 2.0 application I am trying to create thumbnails from uploaded images. However when I test the application on my PC under Windows7 it works fine, but on the real Windows 2003 Server the resized image has worse quality. Where this difference could come from? Different JPEG codec or what, if Yes how it can be updated o...

Access to the registry key 'Global' is denied.

While giving permissions to the 'defaultAppPool' user I am getting the message 'There is no such global user or group: DefaultAppPool.' Can anyone help me here! However, using command 'net localgroup "Performance Monitor Users" DefaultAppPool /add' I am able to resolve the error but i am facing this problem in Windows Server 2003/IIS 6.0...

Run Windows application as a service?

What is the cleanest, most reliable way to run a Windows application as a service without touching its code? Use case: NorthScale's 64-bit Windows version of memcached runs as a generic application. I'd like to stick it into a Windows 2003 or 2008 Service so I can start/stop/restart/etc it through the standard interface. ...

Compiling a C++ application on Windows 7, but execute it on Win2003 Server

I have a C++ application (quite complex, multiple projects) in Visual Studio 2008, that produces a single dll. Recently I switched to Windows 7, but had previously been compiling under Windows XP. Suddenly the dll in question cannot be loaded by another application, i.e. on a machine running Windows 2003 Server. I've been trying variou...

Windows NT vs Win Server 2003/2008 for web hosting

Hi guys, my web hoster uses windows nt as server + IIS 6 I'm hosting an 3.5 web site and it... works great ! So my question is : why buying a win server 2003/2008 hosting instead an "old" NT if NT works great ? ...

WinForms - DateTimePicker default month selection behavior for Server 2003 vs Server 2008?

Good Afternoon! Has anybody else noticed a change in the default behavior of the "next" and "previous" month arrows in the standard WinForms DateTimePicker control? I have users running on both Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008 R2, and they are reporting that on 2008 (and Vista/Win7), clicking the right or left arrows on the ...

Orphan IBM JVM process

Hi people, I have this issue about orphan IBM JVM process being created in the process tree: For example: C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\bin>wsadmin -lang jython -f "C:\" has the simple implementation: import time i = 0 while (1): i = i + 1 print "Hello World " + str(i) time.sleep(3.0) My ...

More memory usage for IIS 6 2.0 on webserver 2003

Running a webserver 2003 SP2 (x86) with IIS 6 and 2. The box is running mostly dynamic asp pages connecting to a sql 2008 server. At any given time there is over 1 gig of memory available out of the 2 gig in the box. It seems like there would be a way for it to make better use of the free memory. It is using a default machine...

Automatic setting of Local Time zone w/DST

I can derive latitude and longitude and UTC time from GPS NMEA sentences. Now, how can I automaticly adjust the Windows local time zone on my PC (2003 Server OS), based on this? Also, Is there an easy way of distributing this to clients based on code or apps software? Preferred programming environment is .NET, C# & Visual Studio. I use ...

script for Local Security Policy

I'm looking for some guidance on how to automat applying a set of permissions withn the local security policy to a multiple users on multiple servers. For example, via a script, I want to apply "act as part of the operating system" and "adjust memoroy quotas for a process" to user TEST1 and TEST2. Any feedback on how to get started w...

Unable to ping server from client B but able to ping from client A. Please help

This is not really a programming question, but I am at my wit's end ... I am trying to configure a IIS 6.0/Windows Server 2003 web server with a application. When I try to ping the server from client computer A I get the following: PING ==> Ping fails PING ==> Ping succeeds! From client compu...

log traffic (including posted data) IIS 6.0 - windows server 2003

Hi, I understand that IIS logs parts of http request which I can access. I would like to log the whole http request for a short period of time. This means I would like to store the data being posted in its raw form. Is this possible using ISS’s logging facility or do I have to install another tool? I have the following problem. I expos...

IIS 6 on Server 2003 R2: Virtual Directory problem

On a development server on our network, we have a sourcesafe-controlled ASP.Net (framework 3.5) web application we're developing. We would like to make it available to the client across the Internet for an orientation period before they deploy it on their LAN. It currently exists on our network as a canonically-addressed name. E.g., ...

Personal directories on file server for each user in AD

I want to make a home directory for each user of every group in AD using a batch script. the users personal directories (my documents, ...) should be stored in there as well. the path should be as following: \Fileserver{group name}{user name} can someone give me some pointers on how to achieve this? ...

Scheduled task username changed

I created a user on our exchange server, but later changed the username. Now, when I create a scheduled task for that user, and change it's settings (run only when logged on), the username is automatically changed back to the old username. What's causing this and how do I make sure the correct, new username is used for the task (otherwis...

Permission differences between windows service and console application

Hello! I'm developing an application with a smart card involved (digital signature). Let's assume that we have the same code in this two contexts: Console application, executed by Administrator user Windows Service, executed by Administrator user I suposed that if this two codes were executed by the same user they would have the sam...

.NET Response.Redirect not working properly on new server

we are running into an issue with our ASP server. If you try to access a password protected page it does a security check and redirects you if you are not logged in, retaining the URL (ie. Members/MemberLogin.aspx?doc=/PodCast/Default.aspx) The vb script places the "/PodCast/Default.aspx" in a variable and holds it until the login proc...

Asp.Net Error Message in Event Viewer:Unable to validate data

We have a Asp.Net Webform page which contains a GridView inside UpdatePanel and refreshes every minute. And every one minute we get the following error in Event log. Error Message:Unable to validate data. Stack Trace: at System.Web.Configuration.MachineKeySection.GetDecodedData(Byte[] buf, Byte[] modifier, Int32 start, Int32 length, I...

Problem detecting installed application on Win Svr 2003 x64

I have an x86 Windows application that consists of a couple of services and a client ui. Due to various issues with persuading the various MSIs to upgrade properly, the installation process is now governed by a wizard-style program that detects what is currently installed and handles upgrades by storing the user's current settings, unin...

programmatically bounce a service

We have a 3rd program program that appears to have some sort of an issue that requires that it be bounced regularly, say, every 2 days. How can we do this programmatically? ...