
How do I add a button to Vista's Explorer green toolbar for all folders?

I'm looking for a way to add commands to the green Vista toolbar/commandbar, much like described in this Shell Revealed article. However, the IExplorerCommandProvider interface that they use only seems to be active when used in a Namespace Extension. I need something that will work system-wide, for all folders. Does vista expose anything...

How do I disable the 'Debug / Close Application' dialog on Windows Vista?

When an application crashes on Windows and a debugger such as Visual Studio is installed the following modal dialog appears: [Title: Microsoft Windows] X has stopped working A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available. [Debug][Cl...

How to capture video from iPhone with Vista?

Is there a way to capture the videos from Iphone applications using Vista? ...

Active Directory - Check username / password

I'm using the following code on Windows Vista Ultimate SP1 to query our active directory server to check the user name and password of a user on a domain. public Object IsAuthenticated() { String domainAndUsername = strDomain + "\\" + strUser; DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry(_path, domainAndUsername, strPass); Sear...

Vista Credential Provider with Newlines

I'm trying to build a Vista Credential Provider. I have a field whose type is CPFT_SMALL_TEXT. I would like to put a multiline string into this field, but it keeps getting cut off part way through with an ellipsis appended at the break. How can I avoid this and get my multiline string to show up? ...

COM object to create a "Open File" dialog under Vista?

I would like to use the Windows Common Dialog "Open File", to get a file from the user under JScript. This used to be possible using "ShowOpen()" on MSCOMDLG.commondialog object but, I can't find an equivalent way to do this that works under Vista. ...

mysql configuration error on windows vista

I am trying to install and configure MySQL 5.0.41 on Windows Vista Home Premium and am getting the following error message: Could not connect to the Service Control Manager. Error: 0 I am running the installer via an Administrator account, so I'm not sure why it would not have access to this. Any ideas? ...

Locked Serial Port on Vista

I'm working on an App that talks to a serial port, and on my development machine, I'm running Vista, and that serial port is a Bluetooth connection. Occasionally, the serial port gets caught in a state where my App can no longer connect to it. In .net I get an IOException with a message reading "Element not found." I've tried restarti...

How do I get F12 to break into the debugger on Vista x64 with VS 2008?

F12 is a wonder for tracking down UI blocking operations, but I can't figure out how to make it work with VS 2008 and managed code. Help! Or not... Edit: turns out it doesn't work in VS 2005 either on Vista x64, so I guess that either widens or narrows it down, depending on your perspective :( MSN ...

How to get the actual path of a file in Vista with UAC ?

I am calling CreateFile() to create a file in the Program Data directory. I'm using SHGetSpecialFolderPath() to get the dir name. I have a user with Vista for whom CreateFile() is returning error 5 (Access Denied). It would help if I knew where CreateFile() was actually attempting to create the file so we can check his folder permissio...

restarting the video driver (programatically)

I have a strange bug somewhere in my system that causes the screen to move very fast when it occurs (I can't really describe it) and I learned to deal with it by putting my laptop to sleep then waking it up .. I'm suspecting it's something with the display driver, and it gets fixed if the driver is restarted. Is there a way to restart ...

Run IE6 and IE7 side-by-side on Vista

I have a need to run IE6 on my Vista machine that natively runs IE7. Can someone please help me with set-up / configuration steps? Thanks, Dan ...

C# Run Windows Form Application from Service (and in Vista)

I am writing an application in C# that needs to run as a service but also have user interaction. I understand that services have no UI, etc, so I've divided up my program into a windows form application and a service that can communicate with each other. The problem I'm having is that I need the service to make sure the windows form ap...

How to record keystrokes when keyboard journaling is not available?

Having setup C++ app originally using MS specific keyboard journaling hook (WH_JOURNALRECORD) we find that it does not work on Vista unless run as administrator with uiAccess enabled. MSDN Question - Journaling hooks on Vista? We want to record a key sequence from the user in a friendly way that will be repeated at some later date. The...

Apache unresponsive on Vista

I had been running Apache on Vista for around a year, but recently upgraded my workstation. I did a clean install of Vista Ultimate and installed the latest version of the Apache server for win32 (2.2.11, no SSL). The service runs fine and there were no errors reported during the install, nor are there any errors in the Apache logs. Howe...

Vista Parental Controls causing Socket Exception?

I got a strange bug report the other day and was hoping someone might be able to help me figure out the culprit. I've got a plug-in that uses the Facebook API to make calls from a desktop client program. A user reports that when he turns on Vista's Parental Controls, he gets a run-time exception. The detailed bug report is available her...

ShellExecute mailto: on Vista using Gmail Notifier opens 70 IE windows

I am using ShellExecute with a mailto: string. I am also using Gmail Notifier to make Gmail my default mail program. This worked fine on my old XP machine but on Vista, instead of opening Gmail in my browser, it opens about 70 Internet Explorer windows with my string "mailto:..." on the title bar. What am I doing wrong? ...

How to programatically launch Microphone Volume control panel in Windows Vista?

I want to let the user adjust the Mic volume. Rather than reinventing the wheel, we (in XP) would just launch the Volume control panel (by running sndvol32.exe). You can bring up the Speaker Volume control in Win Vista by shelling out to : SndVol.exe In XP you could specify a command line parameter -R to show Microphone volume. Any...

How do you block selected applications from accessing the internet (C++, Win32)

I want to have an application or service that is running that, on some schedule, can disable access to the internet for all applications except for specific ones. I'm trying to create a filter that can be turned on or off under programmatic control. Not just IP addresses and ports, but I want to be able to block specific applications as...

Windows API to determine Service Pack version

We're working on a device driver for Vista. There's a known bug in SPO (that was fixed in SP1). We have a workaround that only works in SP0 (and destroys the behavior in SP1). Is there a Windows API or another way to tell what Service Pack version is installed? (Programmatically). ...