
How to pass security issues in Vista

Hi, We have vb6 application.We are unable to carry out following on vista machine 1. Register a dll from users directory 2. Start another exe 3. Write to a file in users directory. How can I overcome these issues thanks ...

VSS bug on Vista?

I have a VS2005 solution which uses Visual SourceSafe 6.0 source control. I am using Vista Ultimate 32 bit. I keep getting this error when I close a file, and seeming more often when the file is not actually under source control (e.g. afxwin.h or something like that). Does not happen 100% of the time though. Any workarounds? Hasn't...

Why can't I read logs stored in C:\Windows\System32\... under Vista without moving them to another location?

I'm using a program that stores its log files at C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\ProgramName\*.log, but for some reason I can't view these logs unless I move them to another location. They show up with the proper size and everything in the explorer, but if I try to open one with NotePad++ or Tail I just get an e...

Why can I write to a particular directory off of Program Files with UAC on?

This is a strange one to me. Let me list the setup: Application with a manifest (ie: wont get pushed to virtual store) UAC is turned on (can't write to other program files directories, or other areas, and uac prompt appears) Can write to "c:\program files\%app_name%\%directory%\" both from within my application (not run as admin) as w...

During Installation, where do the Various File Types go on Vista

Installing my software on Windows XP was always easy. Everything went in the "c:\Program Files\myprogram" directory. This included: The executable program itself and any dlls. Readme.txt and License.txt The help files (.hlp or .chm or .pdf) Program settings that are not in the registry (.ini files) Sample data files for the program Log...

Overwrite executable in C:\Program\MyProg on Windows Vista

I would like my program to update itself (downloading a new exe and/or some other files from ftp) and I used the recipe in the accepted answer to this question. Recap: Rename running program to old-mp.exe Download the update as mp.exe directly Restart the program This works great for windows XP. On vista there is a problem, as the us...

Looping buffered paint animations for custom default buttons in Vista

We custom draw our push buttons in Vista, which allows us to use the fading / BufferedPaintAnimation features. However one thing that has eluded me is how to handle the default button. This is the one that continues fading (pulsing) that is not in response to user action. I have considered setting a timer for the animation duration, but ...

Opening .sln files in Windows Vista

Hi, This one seems to be quite ridiculous but how can I open a VS solution file in Windows Vista double-clicking on it? Every time I do I got a strange error that the file doesn't exist. I'm pretty sure this is a Vista configuration but I couldn't find any relevant information. It's really annoying having to open the VS IDE every time...

Batch files, vista x64, if and parenthesis

Some batch files on Windows use an IF syntax with multiple lines, as below: if var==rule ( some comands ) else ( else commands ) Now, Windows Vista x64 decided to put all 32 bits files under "C:\Program Files (x86)". Unfortunately, whenever you use an environment variable (such as PATH) inside a multiple line IF without quotes, th...

Programatically launch Sound Test/configuration in Windows Vista?

Windows Vista (IIRC) has a a Sound Test routine that tests the mic and speakers. Is there a way to launch that programatically? (Ideally from VB6 or ...

Class not registered HRESULT Ox80040154

I'm using the .NET framework version 6.0 on Windows Vista. I recently installed a program that displays charts. When I open it, I get an error message from the Microsoft .NET framework: Class not registered (exception from HRESULT: Ox80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG)). How do I fix the problem? Thanks. ...

Windows Vista Desaturated: Grayscale UI

Hi, Occasionally working in Windows Vista the O.S. will desaturate the screen, rendering all colors as grayscale. Is there a way to do this programatically? Failing that, is there a way to do it by tweaking Vista settings? Thanks. ...

Get SSID of the wireless network I am connected to with C# .Net on Windows Vista

I'd like to know if there is any .Net class that allows me to know the SSID of the wireless network I'm connected to. So far I only found the library linked below. Is the best I can get or should I use something else? Managed WiFi ( The method that exploits WMI works for Windows XP but is it not worki...

Windows XP vs Vista: NTFS Junction points

Problem: I relied heavily on NTFS Junction points in Windows XP, even though they apparently were not an "official" feature of the operating system. Now MSFT has generously made NTFS Junction points an official part of Vista, but apparently they also intentionally broke them. Now my WinXP-created junction points on portable USB drive don...

WPF Aero Glass DPI Setting Mismatch

I have a WPF application using Aero Glass. When using the application under a 120dpi setting the margins within my UI are not matching up to the margins I pass over to the DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea API call. How would I get the systems DPI setting within .NET 3.0 so that I can correct the margin that I am passing to the DwmExtendFra...

Tablet PC Autocomplete

I have been trying to implement the autocomplete functionality mentioned here. The problem is I am developing on a windows xp machine and I cant seem to find the right dlls used to develop this feature. Using vista for development is not an option, but the production environment is on a Vista Tablet PC. I have downloaded and installed...

How to stop Ideablade DevForce writing to C:\Program Files\AppName\debuglog.xml in Vista

I have an application that uses Ideablade Devforce as it's OR mapper. When the application starts up it wants to write to the debuglog.xml file in C:\Program Files\Application Name\ This works fine in Windows XP, but due to Vista's locked down write access to Program Files, the app throws and error. Is there a way to stop Ideablade want...

HttpListener.Start() AccessDenied error on Vista

Running this code as a regular user throws HttpListenerException (access denied). Snippet runs ok as an administator class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { HttpListener listener = new HttpListener(); listener.Prefixes.Add("http://myip:8080/app/"); listener.Start(); //.... and so on ...

How can I pass command-line arguments via file association in Vista 64?

How can one pass command line arguments via file association in Vista 64? I recently built a PC running Vista Ultimate 64-bit. I noticed several of the Perl scripts I transferred failed due to command-line arguments not being passed. As a simple test, I wrote the following ( #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my $num_args = $#ARG...

Can't Attach ASPNETDB.MDF on Vista

I can't connect to the ASPNETDB.MDF file in the App_Data that is created by the ASP.NET MVC Beta project from Visual Studio 2008 or SQL Management Studio 2008 Express on Vista. The project is in C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\MVCTest so the MDF file is in C:\Users\Matthew\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\MVCT...