Add reference from one winforms project to another
Hi, Is there any way to add reference from one winforms to another winforms?? There are in another solutions I don't wanna to create this class once again. I don't see a dll in winform project. ...
Hi, Is there any way to add reference from one winforms to another winforms?? There are in another solutions I don't wanna to create this class once again. I don't see a dll in winform project. ...
I am having a problem with a treeview in my WinForm app. I created a TreeViewItem class that holds the data. There are only 5 fields: CaseNoteID, ContactDate, ParentNoteID, InsertUser, ContactDetails. public class TreeItem { public Guid CaseNoteID; public Guid? ParentNoteID; public string ContactDate; public string Ins...
Hello, I've the following issue I've a windows application It calls a remote web service (for authentication) It in turns call a web service (in the same remote machine) (to get a licensed file) It saves the licensed file in All Users/Application Data in the system where the application is running Which permission is used for saving...
Hi, I have one Windows Form with this.BackColor = Color.Red and this.TransparencyKey = Color.Red and there is one PictureBox (png image with transparency corners) on this form, PictureBox.SizeMode = Normal. Then I set SizeMode of PictureBox to StretchImage and get other result:you can see it here (sorry, I can put one hyperlin...
Hi, I need to convert numbers to their text form, I did this a while ago but I believe there should be a good library for this. example 123 = "One Hundred Twenty Three" ...
I have a WinForms project in Visual Studio 2008, and I've created a Setup project for it. I can build this and it picks up the dependencies and creates the .exe and .msi. But I would like to customize it a little bit, for example by specifying my company name and changing the default 90s-style clip-art logo that appears when the installe...
Hi I was wondering if someone could help me. I would like to able to be to have my program give the user the ability to only read a certain block of code from a text document. However I would like it to be placed behind a button so it can be turned on and off. I have experimented wih different ways of doing this but nothing has made the ...
I am working on a maintenance windows forms application with Tabbed Interface. In the form there are 3 binding sources (lets call it BindingSource1, BindingSource2, BindingSource3). I am trying to optimize the code and want to dynamically access the BindingSource something like this: objBindingSource = Ctype(Me.Controls("BindingSource" ...
I am using the ToolStripDropDown to host the user control as the pop-up window. The problem is when a context menu strip is displayed from within this pop-up window, the pop-up itself closes in the moment the context menu opens. I have tried to subclass the ContextMenuStrip and added WS_EX_NOACTIVATE to CreateParams but nothing changed. ...
I have the following code to throw up a printer dialog box but no matter what printer I choose, it always prints to the default printer. How do I assign the users selected printer? (from the dialog window) PrintDialog pdlg = new PrintDialog(); // Show the PrintDialog if (pdlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { PrintDocument pd = n...
See above. I need to move my bitmaps around a Form, or perhaps inside a PictureBox in a form. I have not been able to find any tutorials on this specific subject, and even the base GDI+ stuff is a bit confusing. I am looking for a simple and THOROUGHLY explained way on how to do this. I am needing this for a rendering engine for an 8-b...
Thus far worked with C# winforms applications and had success with it.... My next project would be a web based one in As i am a newbie i want to know Challenges involved when moving Window based to Web based Development? What are the factors i have to watch out for? ...
I am creating my first Windows Forms application, to be deployed on Windows Mobile and I am having some trouble designing a Tabbed Interface. I had assumed that I could Create a TabControl, then Add some TabPages and then drag Controls on to each Tab Page in turn. This does not appear to be possible and most of the information I see on ...
Hi, I have a ComboBox that has an associated ErrorProvider in the user control it belongs to. When an error happens, I want to display an icon on the left of the combo. However, no matter what value I set as IconAlignment for my combo, the icon gets displayed on the right. Do you guys have any idea what could be wrong here? Thanks fo...
hi. how can i provide F1 help support to .Net application. the application consist of several form with many fields. so i dont want to drop HelpProvider control on each form and set the properties. please tell me any component that can handle this. ...
i have used following code to animate a form while form show bottom to top animation function called, while form hide top to bottom animation function called. the code works well for bottom to top animation while i am trying to call top to bottom animation while hide animation doesn't doesn't works, the form hides simply without effect....
I'm at a total loss of what to do. I am using an AxWindowsMediaPlayer object that is created programatically and added to the form's controls: Private Sub PlayNext(ByVal path As String) Dim wA As Rectangle = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds Dim vidPlayer As New AxWMPLib.AxWindowsMediaPlayer Controls.Add(vidPlayer) With vidPl...
Hi All I Want Use a Panel in a Windows Form in I Set Visible Property of this Control to false And When I Click on a Button, Panel is showed. I Want Show a Panel by some Effect. Please Help me for this ...
for 0->100 SplashScreen.SetCurrentTitle("Loading " + Math.Ceiling(procent).ToString() + "%"); //SplashScreen.Instance.Invalidate(); doesn't helps :( Application.DoEvents(); Thread.Sleep(20); that's splashscreen but I can see only 1->18 and then just wait 18->100 but can't ...
Hello, I have some tabControl in C# Windows app. It has some tabPages. Does anyone kwows how to make the tabPage Text to become Bold..? ...