
Add reference from one winforms project to another

Hi, Is there any way to add reference from one winforms to another winforms?? There are in another solutions I don't wanna to create this class once again. I don't see a dll in winform project. ...

Populate a TreeView from an object

I am having a problem with a treeview in my WinForm app. I created a TreeViewItem class that holds the data. There are only 5 fields: CaseNoteID, ContactDate, ParentNoteID, InsertUser, ContactDetails. public class TreeItem { public Guid CaseNoteID; public Guid? ParentNoteID; public string ContactDate; public string Ins...

Permissions for writing a file

Hello, I've the following issue I've a windows application It calls a remote web service (for authentication) It in turns call a web service (in the same remote machine) (to get a licensed file) It saves the licensed file in All Users/Application Data in the system where the application is running Which permission is used for saving...

Red points on transparent image

Hi, I have one Windows Form with this.BackColor = Color.Red and this.TransparencyKey = Color.Red and there is one PictureBox (png image with transparency corners) on this form, PictureBox.SizeMode = Normal. Then I set SizeMode of PictureBox to StretchImage and get other result:you can see it here (sorry, I can put one hyperlin...

Looking for a Numbert to Text library.

Hi, I need to convert numbers to their text form, I did this a while ago but I believe there should be a good library for this. example 123 = "One Hundred Twenty Three" ...

Where do I set properties in a VS 2008 Setup project?

I have a WinForms project in Visual Studio 2008, and I've created a Setup project for it. I can build this and it picks up the dependencies and creates the .exe and .msi. But I would like to customize it a little bit, for example by specifying my company name and changing the default 90s-style clip-art logo that appears when the installe...

Getting certain lines of text c#

Hi I was wondering if someone could help me. I would like to able to be to have my program give the user the ability to only read a certain block of code from a text document. However I would like it to be placed behind a button so it can be turned on and off. I have experimented wih different ways of doing this but nothing has made the ...

How to get a specific BindingSource from a windows form?

I am working on a maintenance windows forms application with Tabbed Interface. In the form there are 3 binding sources (lets call it BindingSource1, BindingSource2, BindingSource3). I am trying to optimize the code and want to dynamically access the BindingSource something like this: objBindingSource = Ctype(Me.Controls("BindingSource" ...

Popup window and context menu

I am using the ToolStripDropDown to host the user control as the pop-up window. The problem is when a context menu strip is displayed from within this pop-up window, the pop-up itself closes in the moment the context menu opens. I have tried to subclass the ContextMenuStrip and added WS_EX_NOACTIVATE to CreateParams but nothing changed. ...

Printing problem in C# windows app - Always prints to default printer

I have the following code to throw up a printer dialog box but no matter what printer I choose, it always prints to the default printer. How do I assign the users selected printer? (from the dialog window) PrintDialog pdlg = new PrintDialog(); // Show the PrintDialog if (pdlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { PrintDocument pd = n...

How to move a bitmap object around a screen, and have multiple objects using the same bitmap

See above. I need to move my bitmaps around a Form, or perhaps inside a PictureBox in a form. I have not been able to find any tutorials on this specific subject, and even the base GDI+ stuff is a bit confusing. I am looking for a simple and THOROUGHLY explained way on how to do this. I am needing this for a rendering engine for an 8-b...

Moving from Window based to Web based Development

Thus far worked with C# winforms applications and had success with it.... My next project would be a web based one in As i am a newbie i want to know Challenges involved when moving Window based to Web based Development? What are the factors i have to watch out for? ...

What is the standard way to add controls to a TabPage at Design Time?

I am creating my first Windows Forms application, to be deployed on Windows Mobile and I am having some trouble designing a Tabbed Interface. I had assumed that I could Create a TabControl, then Add some TabPages and then drag Controls on to each Tab Page in turn. This does not appear to be possible and most of the information I see on ...

Problems when using IconAlignment with WinForms ErrorProvider

Hi, I have a ComboBox that has an associated ErrorProvider in the user control it belongs to. When an error happens, I want to display an icon on the left of the combo. However, no matter what value I set as IconAlignment for my combo, the icon gets displayed on the right. Do you guys have any idea what could be wrong here? Thanks fo...

.NET Provide F1 help to big application

hi. how can i provide F1 help support to .Net application. the application consist of several form with many fields. so i dont want to drop HelpProvider control on each form and set the properties. please tell me any component that can handle this. ...

Animate window issue while using c#

i have used following code to animate a form while form show bottom to top animation function called, while form hide top to bottom animation function called. the code works well for bottom to top animation while i am trying to call top to bottom animation while hide animation doesn't doesn't works, the form hides simply without effect....

System.AccessViolationException in wmp.dll module

I'm at a total loss of what to do. I am using an AxWindowsMediaPlayer object that is created programatically and added to the form's controls: Private Sub PlayNext(ByVal path As String) Dim wA As Rectangle = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds Dim vidPlayer As New AxWMPLib.AxWindowsMediaPlayer Controls.Add(vidPlayer) With vidPl...

Effect To Show Panel in

Hi All I Want Use a Panel in a Windows Form in I Set Visible Property of this Control to false And When I Click on a Button, Panel is showed. I Want Show a Panel by some Effect. Please Help me for this ...

splashscreen loading trouble

for 0->100 SplashScreen.SetCurrentTitle("Loading " + Math.Ceiling(procent).ToString() + "%"); //SplashScreen.Instance.Invalidate(); doesn't helps :( Application.DoEvents(); Thread.Sleep(20); that's splashscreen but I can see only 1->18 and then just wait 18->100 but can't ...

How do I make a TabPage's title text bold?

Hello, I have some tabControl in C# Windows app. It has some tabPages. Does anyone kwows how to make the tabPage Text to become Bold..? ...