
Displaying Window on Logon Screen Using C# in Windows XP

I am trying to create a service with C# that launches a process that can be displayed on the Windows XP Logon screen. I found some code that is doing this in C++. The C++ code is for a service that creates another process with STARTUPINFO.lpDesktop set to "WinSta0\WinLogon". The created process is then displayed to the Windows Logon S...

Can users interact with services directly on Microsoft Vista?

From the Microsoft website (see it clearly says "Services cannot directly interact with a user as of Windows Vista". So I decided to test this by using "psexec -s cmd.exe". As far as I know, "psexec" creates a service in order to open a command prompt. Needless to say it worked. I ...

How do I monitor failed logon attempts in Windows?

Is there any reliable way to monitor failed logon attempts on-the-fly in Windows XP? (well, Vista too for that matter). I need to monitor failed logon attempts programmatically which is currently accomplished with a simple GINA Stub by subclassing the Login dialog from MSGINA. However, my current solution is not waterproof if there are ...

uninstall using Wix on GINA causes login failure

Problem: After uninstalling a replacement GINA I get logged off immediately after logging on if I use the WIX 3.0 installer. I have a replacement login process (GINA) for windows XP. It consists of a single file placed in the system directory C:\windows\system32\NewGina.dll and a registry entry (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsof...

Removing Windows Logon screen through a service

I am trying to remove the windows logon screen (winlogon) from an executable launched from a service. The service would start automatically with windows and wait for commands from another computer. When it receives a command, it will launch an exe which will start cmd.exe under a particular username. The service is already present. I ha...

Windows LogonUser Function Works with Old Passwords?

Hey Folks, I am using the LogonUser function ( to authenticate users. However i have found that if a user changes their password (ie from Password1 to Password2) both passwords will then work. However i would like it so that only the current password can be used. Is there some...

How can I run an application on startup on a Windows system which has been modified to not run explorer

SUMMARY How can I make my GUI application run on windows startup on a modified Windows box that will not start explorer.exe. Placing a link in Programs -> Startup folder doesn't get executed. My Application is graphical so I cannot just modify application to run as a service. Background I have an application that needs to run on...

How to install Winlogon Notification Packages without restarting

To install Winlogon Notification Package you need to add entries in registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify. Then you must restart computer so winlogon will read this configuration. Is there a way to force winlogon to refresh this configuration without restarting? OR How can I det...

hook a hotkey from windows logon screen

hi i built a program that hooks the keyboard and when some hotkey pressed it openning the door (that connected to the COM1 serial port of the computer). this works fine, until i locking the computer (winkey+L). i want to be able to open the door with the same hotkey from the logon screen. i using Windows XP & C#. how do i do that? t...

Credential manager for Vista/Windows 7

I have Credential manager implemented in VC++ which captures credentials during login process. It works well in XP/Vista/Windows 7 32 bit env. But is not working in 64 bit. Any idea ? Thanks in advance for any help ...

Create an interactive logon session

I'm trying to create a utility similar to Microsoft's abandoned Super Fast User Switcher (download), which allows fast user switching without going through the Welcome screen. I have a working implementation using the undocumented WinStationConnectW API (along with WTSEnumerateSessions), but it can only switch to a user who is already l...

Synchronous logon notification in Vista and Windows 7 for Windows services

Is there any way for a Windows service to get a logon notification as in the WinLogon notification package in Vista and Windows 7? I have a Windows service that needs to be notified about users logging in in a synchronous way. The user is not supposed to be logged on before the service has dealt with the logon notification. This worked ...

Creating a process in a non-zero session from a service in windows-2008-server?

Hi, I was wondering if there is a simple way for a service to create a process in user session? My service is running as a user(administrator) account and not as a LocalSystem acount, therefore i can't use the WTSQueryUserToken function. i have tried calling OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess,TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS,TokenHandle); but whe...

Take screenshot of desktop when Windows is locked (Win+L)

I want to take a screenshot of desktop while Windows is locked (with Win+L). Standard methods make a black screen, with code of pixel: COLORREF color = GetPixel(hdc, x, y); equal -1. Neither a user mode program nor a service could capture a useful image. Any ideas? ...

Add winlogon login method using C# and YubiKey

As for personal fun and challenge, I wanted to add a way to login on my own personal computers. All are currently using Windows 7. Normally this would use ICredentialProvider or something like that. Basically the goal here is to have 2 way to login, the normal user/password one and the alternative (mine) with a Yubikey. Is there any wh...

Display window no matter desktop state

What would I have to do to make a web page be displayed no matter the status of the desktop including logged on/off or locked? The web page in question is a javascript banner for an alert system. It works fine if the user is logged on right now, but I want it to display no matter what. Would making it a service work? ...

logon scripts net use fails after KB982802 and KB2360937?

Is anyone familiar recent problem with logon scripts failing following Microsoft’s patching KB982802 and KB2360937? other users have reported the same here: However Microsoft is not coming back to us! I'm not keen on uni...