
Wix - Dynamically Register Assemblies to GAC

I am writing a Wix installer to install .NET assemblies to the GAC. Easy... My question is: is it possible to future proof this scenario so that I can pull ANY assemblies found in an existing network folder and register each of them - without having to hardcode the exact assembly names? This would allow me to create a single MSI that co...

Wix cannot resolve symbol "Icon"

I'm just starting out with WiX 3 and can't figure out why it can't understand the Icon attributes in my .wsx file. I get the error message: Error 2 Unresolved reference to symbol 'Icon:Sample.exe' in section 'Product:{95DB18C7-24DC-474D-B58C-DC91AFD912F3}'. The section it is complaining about is: <Shortcut Id="startmenuSample" Direct...

Folder within Program Menu Folder for WiX 3

Following some example code on the net, I got my first WiX installer to work. However, it placed my program menu shortcut directly on Program Menus. I really want to create a folder, Sample, in Program Menus for my link. Original Code: <Shortcut Id="startmenuSample" Directory="ProgramMenuFolder" Name="Sample 0.5" WorkingDirectory='IN...

Resolving problems with DSL SetUp project

I'm fighting with the InstallerDefinition.dslsetup file in a DSL setup project. I'm getting the following error: Running transformation: The setup project could not retrieve the output path for project 'PsiTraffic.Modeling.PomModel.Dsl' from the environment. Ensure that this project exists in the solution. Only Visual C# and Visual Basi...

Installing a multi-file NT Service using WiX (2.0)

How do I install a service with some additional files in WiX, and define what file is the actual service EXE file? Scenario: I had a service which was just a single EXE file, and installed it as a Windows NT service in WiX with this code: <Component Id='InstallMyServiceComponent' Guid='{....}' DiskId='1'> <File Id='InstallMyServiceE...

WIX MSI Package Uninstallation

I am using WIX for an installer package. When I uninstall the package by double clicking the original msi package everything is fine. When I uninstall from the control panel it gives me a miminal UI uninstallation. I have written into my MSI a custom action which asks the user whether they want to uninstall some databases etc. This does...

wix 3.0 unexpected child element 'Website'

I am trying to create a website installer and am using wix. i am using this tutorial http://www.dalun.com/wix/01.05.2007.htm i had to change my script to use <Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi"&gt; because it was complaining about <Wix xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2003/01/wi'&gt; so my script looks...

Wix, Windows Installer summary?

I started to write an Installer with Wix. I've spent several days reading blogs and studying tutorials. Last night I couldn't sleep, so I sat down in Fireworks and drew the folliwing picture. That's my understanding so far of how Windows Installer / Wix work. Is there anything wrong? Do you have any suggestion to complete this graph? ht...

WIX installer : Adding POS as a prerequisite

Hi, I'm fairly new to WIX. Bare with me. I wish to install Microsoft POS (Point of service) with my installer, after installing .net fx, sql server compact edition, etc. I am willing to supply the downloaded exe with installer (no need to get it from the web). I've found this link. The article in the link indicate that you need to ca...

In WiX, is it possible to update the status text when executing custom actions?

When I'm running (multiple) lengthy custom actions, can I update the GUI's status text with some info on the progress? ...

Using WiX to package an installer with many files

I have a WiX 3 project that has hundreds of files, and I can't seem to figure out how to include them all using a wildcard. I have tried this: heat.exe" dir ".\!Build" -gg -ke -template:fragment -out "Files.wxs" This produces a fragment .wxs file, but I'm not sure what to do with it. Any help would be much appreciated. ...

WiX Permissions, how do I express 'Modify' in terms of DACL flags

I'm attempting to apply custom rights to a folder as part of a WiX 3.0.4318.0 installer. In terms of the Security properties UI in explorer, I want to add Modify to the rights for BUILTIN\Users. Obviously it needs to be resilient against localisation of the user name. So based on my research to date, I want at least: <CreateFolder Dir...

Does the WIX heat utility work with Visual C++ projects?

I am just starting to use Wix and would like to use heat to extract the outputs from my Visual C++ projects to source Wix files. This seems to work great for my C# projects, however, whenever I run heat on a C++ project I get an error: heat project MyProject.vcproj -pog:Binaries -cg MyGroup -nologo -out MySource.wxs heat.exe : error HE...

How to include wxi file into wxs?

Following the excellent suggestion I have moved some variables to wxi file. How do I include it in wxs file? ...

WiX: application installed can only work when runas administrator in windows7

I am a beginner of Wix, I make a msi, and install it in windows7,but the application only work correctly when runas administrator. Can somebody give me some suggest? ...

In WiX how do I test for the existence of a registry key (not value) for Oracle ODP.Net

More specifically I want to test whether Oracle ODP.Net is installed on a machine. I want to do this by testing for the HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\ODP.NET registry key. The actual values used by ODP.Net are stored in HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\ODP.NET\ however I assume that this lower level key's name will change as updates are released b...

WiX: Invalid Language Id

Some executable files have resources marked "language neutral". Is it possible to package these binaries using WiX? The error I receive is: error LGHT0204 : ICE03: Invalid Language Id; Table: File, Column: Language, Key(s) Setting the Product.Language attribute to '0' does not fix the problem. ...

WIX: property value lost between installUISequence and installExecuteSequence

Hi there, I'm facing an issue with my wix installer. I have a custom dialog that contains an edit control linked to a property. At runtime if I change the value in the edit control I see from the log that the property is properly updated with that new value. But it seems that when the installUISequence ends the property is reset to it...

How do I set the xmlns attribute when using XMLFile in Wix 3

I am adding elements to an XML file during installation using the XmlFile element: <util:XmlFile Id="SetOracleDialectProperty" Action="createElement" ElementPath="//hibernate-configuration/session-factory" Name="property" Sequence="9" File="[INSTALLLOCATION]Config\hib...

How to install a plugin or add-on with WiX

Hello, I need to install plugins (or add-ons) to an application we write. I user WiX for the installer of the application. A plugin is, in my mind, an optional part of the application. It needs to integrate into the file-system structure of the application, but it can also be added later, even by someone who does not have control over th...