
"Elegant" CruiseControl.Net and WiX integration

I am trying to integrate the automatic generation of MSI installers with my CruiseControl.Net installation. I can see how I can manually build an MSBuild file that calls candle and then light, but I need to make it build installers that can do upgrades, so can I use the BuildLabel (or something of that area) to regenerate new GUIDs for t...

File from msi location

I would like to copy file that placed near the msi to the program file folder. I have the next code in my project: <DirectoryRef Id="Global.txt"> <Component Id="Global.txt" Guid="263B6F39-BE6B-4b51-8AE4-4D152436F0AE" DiskId="2" NeverOverwrite="yes" Permanent="yes"> <File Name="Global.txt" Source="./Global.txt" Compressed="no" Dis...

Pass URL in Custom Action Data

I have created a VS 2008 web setup project with a dialog so that I can modify the web.config file at install. The setup worked as expected. However, I can not seem to accept a URL for a property value via custom data. I know directories are escaped with "\", is there any similar escaping or tricks for a URL. Any help is appreciated! ...

wix disable directory browse button

We have been using the CustomizeDlg from the wix UI extension library for the feature selection dialog box, but a new requirement has come up which states that the browse button should be disabled if the software is being updated. So I copied the dialog wxs file from the library in order to customize it, changed the code as follows <C...

How can I launch an application as Administrator after a WiX MSI has completed?

Hi there I want to launch an application with admin rights after I have completed an installation using a WiX based MSI. I can launch the application just fine, on XP but with Windows 7, it's an issue. The application has a manifest embedded in it that says it should run as administrator and I've changed the impersonate attribute in t...

WiX: How can I set a property externally?

In my WiX installer, I've got a property for a UserID that gets written to a registry key: <Property Id='UserID' Value='123' /> <Directory Id='TARGETDIR' Name='SourceDir'> <Component Id='UserIDComponent' Guid='C7A5A70E-261C-11DF-9FB7-49AC56D89593'> <RegistryValue Root='HKCU' Key='Software\[Manufacturer]\[ProductName]' Type=...

How do you stop a user-instance of Sql Server? (Sql Express user instance database files locked, even after stopping Sql Express service)

When using SQL Server Express 2005's User Instance feature with a connection string like this: <add name="Default" connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLExpress; AttachDbFilename=C:\My App\Data\MyApp.mdf; Initial Catalog=MyApp; User Instance=True; MultipleActiveResultSets=true; Trusted_Connection=Yes;" /> We find that we can't ...

WiX - CustomAction ExeCommand - Hide Console

We've gotten a custom action that runs command-line to work as such: <CustomAction Id="OurAction" FileKey="OurInstalledExe.exe" ExeCommand="our command line args" Execute="deferred" Return="check" /> The problem is, the user sees a console popup when the command runs. The command line requires UAC elevation, but should not require an...

How to change event log properties from WiX script?

Our WiX script currently creates an event log source using the method described here. However, the log is created with default values for the Maximum log size and how it behaves when the log is full (e.g. Overwrite events as needed). Is there an easy way to change those values when creating the source? I'm guessing it would require cr...

Variable for WiX bin directory path?

Is there an environment variable pointing to the WiX bin directory path? I want to use torch in the post-build event of my project, but I cannot find this variable. I cannot hard-code the path because the wixproj is shared by group. Variables like $(WixTargetsPath) and $(WixTasksPath) are for MSBuild. These are not what I want. Thanks!...

Can WiX enable Complex Text Rendring on Windows XP and lower?

I need to build an installer that would install Keyboards and Fonts that are not yet supported by Windows. In doing so I also need to enable Complex Script through code. I have looked at a tool called IComplex which does what I need but it seems to be doing a lot of stuff, like it is installing all the Indic fonts and Keyboards. So what ...

Wix Conditionally Install Component if Registry Key Exists

I have a component I need to install only if a registry key exists which means an application has been installed. I need to assign the value of the registry key (it is a directory) to a property then use this property to copy files from. I have the following script so far but get an error "The system cannot find the file '[MYTESTDIR]fi...

WiX - Install Windows Service and give permissions

We are required to give a user permissions to Start, Stop, and Query status of an installed service. In WiX 2.0, this xml would have worked: <ServiceInstall Id="ServiceInstaller" Type="ownProcess" Name="$(var.ServiceName)" DisplayName="$(var.ServiceName)" Description="Our service description" Start="demand" Account="LocalSy...

Is It possible to install or run dotnetredist.exe (or any arbitrary EXE) as part of an .MSI ?

Suppose I have an MSI, that has .NET Framework as a pre-requisite. I know the MSI generated from VS2008 setup project will detect when that pre-req is missing and will direct the user to install it. Q1. Is it possible, technically, to call out to dotnetredist.exe (or, I guess, any arbitrary EXE) during the run of an MSI, to handle this...

Install Powershell script with WiX

Hi, I have a signed PowerShell script which I want to deploy to a target machine via a WiX installer. Is it possible to give the script the execution rights? Regards, forki EDIT - It seems I have to call Powershell with --Command Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned, but I can't get it working. I see the Powershell command window openi...

Disabling the installer close button in XP.

On the final dialog of my WIX installer, I have a property which sets the Finish button to be disabled. When the Finish button is disabled, the close button at the right top of the installer automatically gets disabled in Windows 7 and Windows Vista. In XP however the Finish button is disabled but the close button is enabled. Is t...

WiX: How do you write variables specified on installation to the current user registry key of ALL users?

OS: MS Windows XP Pro (SP3) My application needs to access external databases, the locations of which I specify on installation. The specified file paths are then written to the registry, and the application then pulls this information out of the registry when it needs to. I have implemented this in WiX as follows, using just one of the...

Re-packaging installer with WiX Visual Studio Project

I've noticed that if I change the files that get installed by my WiX installer, but not the wxs file that the installer is built from, that when I tell my installer to build, it doesn't. In other words, unless I've made a change to my installer itself (currently I do this by just adding a space to the file), it doesn't create a new packa...

Detect an Uninstall in a Launch Condition using Wix MSIs

I've been playing around with Wix, making a little app with auto-generated installer and three versions to test the upgradability, 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0. 1.1 is meant to be able to upgrade from 1.0, and not to allow the user to install 1.1 if 1.1 is already present. <Upgrade Id="F30C4129-F14E-43ee-BD5E-03AA89AD8E07"> <Up...

How do you create a waiting dialog in WIX?

Hi I'm trying to create a dialog to display whilst the installer is checking an SQL server exists. I've used the following code: <Control Id="Next" Type="PushButton" X="244" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Text="!(loc.WixUINext)"> <!--Show Waiting dialog--> <Publish Property="SQLServerChecked" Value="0">1</Publish> <Publis...