
Setting working directory for a WiX shortcut

I'm having trouble setting the working directory of a shortcut created as part of a WiX script. Here are the basics: <!-- create a start menu shortcut. --> <Directory Id="ProgramMenuFolder"> <Directory Id="ApplicationProgramsFolder" Name="My Name"> <Component Id="ApplicationShortcut" Guid="822A26AF-5231-4EDA-A18D-5DF15020BD94"> ...

WiX CloseApplication for exe and dll

I've created a WiX setup project based on the article WiX 3 Tutorial: Understanding main WXS and WXI file mainly because it gives the WiX needed to do an application shutdown. However, I'm puzzled by the outcome. Here's the situation: We have an executable which uses a dll and create a setup which installs the executable and the dll. W...

WIX: change/repair/remove buttons disabled in WixUI_MaintenanceTypeDlg

Hello! I'm using WIX to create an installer and WixUI_Mondo for the UI. Everything had gone well until I stumbled upon a problem with MaintenanceTypeDlg. Things work finely when I install the application, however when I click the MSI later on (when the app is installed), I get change/repair/remove buttons grayed out. Here are relevant p...

WiX register assemblies for COM Interop

I'm really struggling with WiX. I have .NET assemblies to install that require registration for COM Interop, AND they must be registered with another framework that requires calling a Register() method in a .NET assembly that's in the GAC. This registration method is a 'black box' with a hidden storage mechanism so I can't perform this o...

How can I get WiX to call a method in a .NET assembly as part of the installation process?

I'm migrating some existing products to use WiX 3.5 (I'm using the Votive VS integration). Some of the items I'm installing need to be registered with a third-party framework. The requirement is that I must call a Register() method in a third party .NET assembly to inform it of the presence of the items I'm installing. It expects a COM P...

WIX: Saving off user data files during major upgrade

My application runs as a Windows service. During normal execution, some data files are generated in a "data" directory that I create with my WIX install. During an upgrade, I would like to move/migrate those files to the same data dir in the upgraded installation. However, I am running into issues. I am using the "MajorUpgrade" tag a...

Wix action FindRelatedProducts not working

This could be a stupid question. What we did We just want to use FindRelatedProducts action to check existing installation's version, by following Wix tutorial: <Upgrade Id='YOURGUID-7349-453F-94F6-BCB5110BA4FD'> <UpgradeVersion OnlyDetect='yes' Property='SELFFOUND' Minimum='1.0.1' IncludeMinimum='yes' Maximum='1.0.1' Includ...

MySql, Sqlite, Wix; Opinions, Suggestions, Ideas

Hi, Currently I am working on a project, which uses a server base MySql to save some test results from equipments they make, and program works fine and at each test end it uses saved data to generate report with results. My client wants to use the same program in technicians laptops so they can visit various sites but there is no connect...

MSIEmbeddedChainer & MSIEmbeddedUI

i am finding some example source codes for the MSIEmbeddedChainer & MSIEmbeddedUI. wix v3.0 has <EmbeddedChainer> command, but there's no info of how to use (or probably incomplete implementation). i want to chain my msis. however, there are very little details to this topic. msi 4.5 has very nice features with MSIEmbeddedChainer & MSIEm...

After minimize/restore the EULA window the information disappeared

Hi, I'm using ScrollableText control to display EULA and everything works fine except the following scenario: When EULA dialog is displayed select some word(s) then minimize the EULA window. After restoring the window whole license information disappeared. But after selecting some area in the control the EULA text is appears. Could ...

WiX exception at very beginning

I downloaded Wix V3.0 and installed. An unhandled exception happened each time when I tried to use the Click Through for Isolated Applications type. So i cannot use it. we are using .Net 3.5 we cannot upgrade to .Net 4. anybody knows a workaround? thanks, ...

What are limitations of WiX and WiX Toolset?

I have been unsuccessfully trying to find an article or post listing functional limitations of WiX (Windows Installer XML)/WiX Toolset. After using WiX for a couple of weeks, I can think of at least two limitations in the most recent RTM version (v3.0): WiX Toolset does cannot make a bootstrapper (setup.exe). WiX Toolset cannot retriev...

Copying multiple files using wildcards/recursively using Wix

Hi, I'm a total noob on Wix (and installers in general) so please forgive me. My goal is to be able to traverse a directory, search for all, say, *.exe files and copy them to a predefined destination folder. Thing is, I don't know what these files are and their names so I can't type them out one by one in the wxs file... hence wildcard...

WIX: How to set Property from .NET console application

Hi, I have simple C# console application: static int main(string[] args){ return SomeBoolMethod() ? 1:0; } How in WiX 2.0 should I define property and set this value to it? I don't care about future upgrade/uninstall UPD I want latter use this property in condition: so the group B will not execute if MYPROPERTY == 0 but all fu...

How do I include SQL CE using WiX installer?

So I'm trying to build an installer in Wix 3.5. My app need SQL CE 3.5 to run. It looks like MS's installer has an easy way to include this, but I'm not sure what I need to do in WiX. ...

Getting Wix Votive to register COM objects

Hi. I'm using the Wix 3.5 Votive (visual studio integration) to author an installer for some COM objects. In Votive, setting a project reference pulls in the binaries from that project and automatically generates the Wix source at compile time. This is absolutely great, it is DRY and means I don't have to constantly update the Wix XML. ...

How to set the UILevel to INSTALLUILEVEL_BASIC when performing a major upgrade?

I'm building an installation/upgrade package with WiX. I'm using the WixUI_InstallDir dialog set. What I want to do is to have a fully automated installation (no wizard) when performing a major upgrade of the installed product. Is it possible to: conditionally change the value of UILevel during the installation? (INSTALLUILEVEL_FULL ...

WiX: Disable the Next Button Until Edit Control Contains a Valid GUID

Using WiX, what's the simplest way to disable the Next button on a page until the user has entered a well-formed GUID in an Edit (textbox) control? I expect the answer to be Condition elements within the Next button control, but I can't figure out what the conditions would be. Do conditions support regular expression matching? ...

How to include files in an msi installer using wix?

Hi, I'm pretty sure that this is a basic question but I really don't know where to start... so any help would be really appreciated. I'm creating an msi installer using WiX but how do you include, say an exe file, into the msi installer itself? I mean, when the msi installer is created, I want the exe file to be part of that installer s...

Correct way to implement Wix companion files?

We're currently in the process of upgrading our build scripts from 3.0 to 3.5, and fixing a bunch of old ICE errors along the way. I've read through a number of articles, but I'm slightly confused as to what is usually the best approach to using companion files. Now, assuming File A.manifest is a companion file to A.exe... Originally: ...