
When you set a web directory property "AuthNTLM" using the DirectoryEntry object, what IIS setting are you actually changing?

I'm in task of migrating our product's installer from InstallShield to WiX. To deploy web applications, the previous developers used Custom Actions (written in C#) in InstallShield. In Wix, this is no longer necessary because wix supports IIS deployment. Anyway, one of the code in the Custom Action uses the DirectoryEntry object to set...

Setting the iis:WebDirProperties of a single file in WiX

I am using WiX to deploy a web application under IIS. I have no problems setting the different properties of my Web Application using the iis:WebDirProperties element. However, I need to set all *.asmx file security attribute to "Integrated Windows Authentication". Does WiX have the ability to set the property of a single file? *Note:...

Populating Wix Combo Box

Hi, Im using the code from from this link and my Wix Dialogs looks like this <Control Id="DummyComboBox" Hidden="yes" Type="ComboBox" Sorted="yes" ComboList="yes" Property="DUMMYPROPERTY" X="65" Y="60" Width="150" Height="18"> <ComboBox Property="DUMMYPROPERTY"> <ListItem Text="Dummy" Value="Dummy"/> </ComboBox> ...

After remotely running an msi using psexec and msiexec it doesn't show in Add/Remove programs

At the company where I work, we're setting up continuous integration and as part of this we want the daily build cycle to build installers and run them on a staging server. I've written the installers using WiX 3.6 and they run correctly on the staging server when I try logging on using remote desktop and running them using msiexec. If ...

WiX Stock Images

Wix has the ability to replace the stock images with custom ones http://wix.sourceforge.net/manual-wix2/WixUI_dialog_library.htm Is there any freely available sets of images for installers to use if the WiX stock ones don't suit our style. As being a programmer I should play to my strengths and not try to be a graphic designer when I'm...

ICE32 Error from MSM

I have 4 MSM's that are needed for one of my products and they are all producing ICE32 errors when included. This would normally not bother me cause they are external errors and I still get my MSI and it works perfectly. The problem arrises though, that I can not request help from Microsoft with ANY issues that arise from this particul...

WiX: is there really no easy way to get started in Visual Studio?

I installed WiX 3.5 with Visual Studio 2010, as I've read lots of people saying that WiX is a great alternative to that hellhole that is the Visual Studio Setup project, but it sure seems like it requires a lot more effort to make even the simplest installer. Am I missing something? In a VS setup project, I can add a project output t...

Retrive msiexec error code from script

Hi, I have 2 problems that i need help with: I need to create a script to get the (error/success) code of an installation with msiexec. Any resources, examples about this? If my WIX Custom Action fails how can i return an error code for the installation? Any examples? Thank you, Adrya ...

Msi: Can dword values in Registry Table expressed in hexadecimal number?

Preceding registry value data by a number-sign (#) causes the value interpreted as a dword in decimal number. This is OK and I have no problem with it. I'm just curious, is there a way to express it in a hexadecimal number. Thanks in advance. ...

Anyone else notice that $(SolutionDir) resolves to ProjectDir when loading Wix projects into Vs2010?

I'm using Vs2010 and Wix 3.6.0917.0, for the record. I use the $(SolutionDir) property quite a bit in my .wixproj file, since I only ever build the installer as part of a solution build or as part of a team build, and never by itself. However, while building from the command line works just fine (both from cmd on the desktop and when bui...

How do I create performance counters for a .NET application with a WiX-based installer?

I'm creating a WiX-based installer for my .NET-based website. Part of this website involves the performance counters which I would like to create using the installer (counters require elevated permissions to create, something the website should never have). I have read the documentation provided by WiX on the subject of installing coun...

WiX registry search returns C:\ instead of expected path

I'm using the following registry search in WiX <Property Id="VISUALSTUDIODIR"> <RegistrySearch Id="VISUALSTUDIODIRCMD" Type="raw" Root="HKLM" Key="Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0" Name="InstallDir" Win64="yes" /> </Property> Unfortunately, the path resolves to C:\ instead of the required path. Can someone help me...

Wix Custom action on startup

How can I launch Wix Custom action (from C# .NET CA Lib) before any UI happens ? ...

WiX3 major upgrade not working

I have a major upgrade that I am trying to do, but it just doesn't work. It simply installs the new program along side the old one. They are in different directories (as I changed the directory structure with the new version) so there are no conflicts, but the old one NEEDS to be erased in order for my product to function properly. <Pro...

MSI Package hangs-up when calculating disk space

In my team we prepared an msi installer package for our application. Package is made in WIX contains custom UI, call custom actions from C# library and almost everything works fine except one thing: calculating required disk space. On this stage whole installer hangs up from time to time, especially when client testing it :( We have the ...

WiX GAC install and regasm for the same dll creates problem

Hi, I am creating an installer using WiX which contains few dlls. In the original script for each dll first gacutil.exe and then regasm is called. I am having problem when transfering this idea into WiX!!. Here is the code fragmanet for installing into GAC : <Component Id="GMAG.Core.Serialization.dll" Directory="_2.2.8.0" Guid="{my_gui...

How to specify Assembly attribute in a WiX Fragment generated using Heat.exe from the command line

I am using Heat.exe to harvest a directory containing my DLLs that need to go into the GAC. The fragment is correctly created and I can build my MSI. The problem I am having is that after the wxs source file is created I have to manually edit the file adding the File/@Assembly =".net" attribute. Is there a way to have heat include Assem...

Setting keypath when automatically harvesting a project using Votive

I'm using the project reference feature of WiX to harvest a project automatically using Heat. This is particularly useful since the WiX installer is being built both locally and on a TFS2010 build server, and when it's built on the build server the output is redirected to a different location meaning that if I don't automatically harvest...

VS2010 Wix proj - How to pass a command line variable to be used as a directory name

Hi, We have a requirement to install the same software in multiple directories on the same machine. I want to install the software using a batch file. I am having difficulty using the variable I have passed in as a directory name. (I am using VS 2010). Batch file code msiexec /i "SetupProjectTestMultiInstalls.msi" CUSTOMER="TESTCUSTOM...

Wix: COM registration with heat or ComPlusExtension?

We build our setups with Wix. We have a mix of native and .NET components, and use COM for interop. Until now, I have used heat.exe to generate wix fragments for installing .NET assemblies and registering them as COM servers. The wix fragment created by heat takes care of writing the COM related registry entries. However, somebody just...