
Uses for Wolfram Alpha in programming

Now that Wolfram Alpha is released, I am interested in finding out if it can be used as a time-saver in daily programming. What would you use Wolfram Alpha to do, that earlier took you more time to do manually? I guess the "Web and Computer systems"-examples is a good start, but there must be more hidden gems that will be really practi...

How to design a Wolfram Alpha-like search engine?

I want to build a search engine that is similar to Wolfram Alpha. I want to insert a query and receive a response from a dedicated database, or multiple databases for multiple responses. Up until this point I know HTML + CSS, but I am mostly focused on design. I want to expand my skill set and create a web application like this but on a ...

Is the function notation deprecated?

From WolframAlpha: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Function.html "While this notation is deprecated by professional mathematicians, it is the more familiar one for most nonprofessionals. Therefore, unless indicated otherwise by context, the notation is taken in this work to be a shorthand for the more rigorous ." Referring to f(x) being d...