
Predictive "blood glucose" algorithm?

I'm writing an app that lets a diabetic user enter his/her "blood glucose" readings, and then charts them on a graph over time from left to right. Since the blood readings will be done only several times a day, an algorithm would be handy to: a) fill in the gaps on the graph between readings (curves would be more realistic than jerky li...

Domain and Tuple relational calculus

Is there a "real" difference between the above two? Other than the tiniest minute difference between their syntax? ...

Matrix Multiplication To Rotate An Image In C#

I need to write a program that uses matrix multiplication to rotate an image (a simple square), based on the center of the square, a certain amount of degree based on what I need. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. I almost have no clue as to what I'm doing because I have not taken so much as a glance at Calculus. ...

algorithm to find derivative

I'm writing program in Python and I need to find the derivative of a function (a function expressed as string). For example: x^2+3*x Its derivative is: 2*x+3 Are there any scripts available, or is there something helpful you can tell me? ...

Using Taylor Polynomials Programmatically in Maple

I am trying to use a Taylor polynomial programmatically in Maple, but the following does not seem to work... T[6]:=taylor(sin(x),x=Pi/4,6);convert(T[6], polynom, x); f:=proc(x) convert(T[6], polynom, x); end proc; f(1); All of the following also do not work: f:=convert(T[6], polynom); f:=convert(T[6], polynom, x); f:=x->convert(T[...

Tuple relational calculus

Is safe tuple relational calculus a turing complete language? ...

Calculus, How can you find an equation from a series of numbers?

I'm analyzing financial data and would like to find the inflection points of a line. I know I can do this using derivatives, but first I need an equation. Is there are way to generate an equation based off of a series of numbers. I would need to do this programmaticly. ...

MATLAB: How do I pass a parameter to a function?

I have the following function: function ypdiff = ypdiff(t,y) a = 0.01; b = 0.1; ypdiff(1) = -a*y(1)*y(2); ypdiff(2) = b*y(1)*y(2)-b*y(2); ypdiff(3) = b*y(2); ypdiff = [ypdiff(1) ypdiff(2) ypdiff(3)]'; If I want to solve this, I would call the ode45 function as follows: [t y] = ode45(@ypdiff, [to tf], yo); Bu...

How would I find the highest/largest of something with relation algebra, domain relational calculus and tuple relational calculus

This is part of a homework assignment. I've got several questions asking find the eid of the employee with the highest salary, or 2nd highest salary. Find the pilot that is certified for the most aircrafts. I don't have any idea on how to do it. There aren't any examples in the chapter, and google is proving less that helpful. If someone...

Understanding OpenGL Matrices

I'm starting to learn about 3D rendering and I've been making good progress. I've picked up a lot regarding matrices and the general operations that can be performed on them. One thing I'm still not quite following is OpenGL's use of matrices. I see this (and things like it) quite a lot: x y z n ------- 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ...

Need help programming with Mclauren series and Taylor series!

Ok so here's what i have so far: #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> //#define PI 3.14159 int factorial(int n){ if(n <= 1) return(1); else return(n * factorial(n-1)); } void McLaurin(float pi){ int factorial(int); float x = 42*pi/180; int i, val=0, sign; for(i=1, sign=-1; i<11; i+=2){ sign *= -1; // alternate...

Integration (math) in C++

Hi all, I'm looking for a library to find the integral of a given set of random data (rather than a function) in C++ (or C, but preferably C++). There is another question asking about integration in C but the answers discuss more how to integrate a function (I think...). I understand that this can be done simply by calculating the ar...

Uniform distance between points

Hello, How could I, having a path defined by several points that are not in a uniform distance from each other, redefine along the same path the same number of points but with a uniform distance. I'm trying to do this in Objective-C with NSArrays of CGPoints but so far I haven't had any luck with this. Thank you for any help. EDIT I wa...

Is there a Calculus library for JavaScript?

Does anyone know of a Calculus library for JavaScript? I've done some Googling and haven't come up with anything. I applied for the WolframAlpha API, but that's expensive unless they choose to give me a grant. Ideally, I could feed an Array of 2d points into a function, and get back the graph (Array) of points of the derivative. If s...

Calculate Triangle From Area And Angles

I'm trying to calculate triangles base on the Area and the angles. If Angle-B is 90° then the formula works, but in my case, the angle can be from 0.1° to 179.8°. The formula assumes that the angle is 90, so I was thinking that there might be something that is hidden that could work for very angle. Here is the formula: The formula in...

Do calculus in java

I am trying to implement a neural network in java (small one) and I'm using back propogation for the learning algorithm. This requires to find general derivatives. How do I find general derivatives in java? ...

What's the relationship between Calculus and programming syntaxes?

I'm starting Calculus this semester and I've been using programming (or scripting) languages before—mostly PHP and C# (not much low-level work). The only relationships I've made between the syntaxes are Anonymous functions with Y-Combinators and Arrays with Set-notation (I'm not even sure if these are correct). I always see similaritie...

Books or Tutorials that explain Calculus from a programming perspective

K I'm a self taught programmer and been so for a couple of years. But in order to go beyond the programming scab work (entry lvl, Tester, Web Dev, Commercial App Dev; of which I am more than grateful for) and go beyond conventional programming gigs. (I.E. R&D, Embedded Devices, Scientific Computing and the like ) I'm going for a BS in Co...

Is the function notation deprecated?

From WolframAlpha: "While this notation is deprecated by professional mathematicians, it is the more familiar one for most nonprofessionals. Therefore, unless indicated otherwise by context, the notation is taken in this work to be a shorthand for the more rigorous ." Referring to f(x) being d...

1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + --- + 1/n = ?

Is there any formula for this series? I think it is a harmonic number in a form of sum(1/k) for k = 1 to n ...