
Wordpress Custom page Adding Comments Breaks jQuery?

I made a custom page that is based off archives that shows the post excerpt then a button which on click slides down to show whole post. It works great but I try to include the comments template in there and then jQuery breaks, wont slide. If I firebug in and remove the display:none then it shows and everything, even comments, are in th...

Adding HTML Pages into WordPress

Hi, Within my website that I am converting over into a WordPress CMS theme, there are 7 menu options that go to individual html pages. My question is, what is the best way to get these 7 html pages into my WordPress CMS theme, i.e. is there a backend means or do I directly add these individual pages as the WordPress Admin? I've curren...

How to insert a particular image in a Wordpress post

Hello Experts, I have theme which shows some default theme in it.The themes name is Flow Hub.In first page and all of the other pages I have a default image there.But my requirement is to replace that default image in there,with the image which I am inserting with the Post. It could be thumbnail or any of the size. Please suggest how to ...

Superfish Menu inside WordPress Queries

Hi, I am using jQuery Superfish Menu inside my WordPress theme, where I have the following setup inside my sidebar.php file: <div id="sidebar"> <ul id="themenu" class="sf-menu sf-vertical"> <li><a href="index.html" class="topm currentMenu nosub">Home</a></li> <li><a href="about-us.html" class="...

Disable latest post highlighting on wordpress front page

Currently the navigation menu (consisting of a list of posts) that appears on the front page of my wordpress site has the most recent post highlighted in it. However I don't want this. Is there a way I can change it so that on the front page the navigation doesn't have an on-state, but on all other post pages it does? Below is the code t...

Creating Custom Page Templates

Hi, Hoping someone can assist. I have just created my "About Us" page inside WP Admin Dashboard, that points to an about-us.php page template that I created and has a empty div content, i.e. <div id="content"></div> It is in here where I would like to grab the content that the wp-admin user enters in the dashboard About Us page and ...

jQuery’s .load() Function and WordPress

Hi, I'm currently migrating my HTML website into a WordPress Theme and have the following question: My current HTML website makes full use of jQuery's .load() function, by where I change the content of the page (via a DIV), using .load() based on my side menu options selected by the user. For example: HTML Code: <div id="sidebar"> ...

Unable to set List Item Class in PHP for WordPress Site

Hi, Would really appreciate your help on people's recommendations on the best way to set a list item's currentmenu class, inorder to show the user the current active menu selected using php. I have moved my html/css site over to WordPress but originally had all my code inside my index.html file that consisted of a sidemenu div and jQue...

Setting my Site's URL

Hi, I have setup my site with 5 pages which are my menu options. When running my WordPress site on my local host using MAMP, my url is: http://localhost:8888/mySite/ or http://www.mySite.com/ (when I go live) When I click on a menu item, it changes the URL to: http://localhost:8888/mySite/MenuOptionA or http://www.mySite.com/mySite/...

WP theme not displaying properly in FF.

I've been playing around with themes on a site http://edited The theme is TheProfessional theme from Elegant Themes, I took it right out of the box unchanged, only wordpress plugins installed right now are Akismet and Statcounter, tried disabling, but problem still occurs. The problem is in firefox only as far as I'm aware (works fine i...

wordpress subpage tag

I'm building a wordpress theme right now and I'm using conditionals in the sidebar to display different information for each page like so: if (is_page('services')) { etc..... } elseif (etc.... However, some of the subpages do not have their own specific conditional. How can I make it so that a conditional for a parent page applies to...

Get rid of url in WP twentyten theme

In wordpress the default theme in v3.0 is twentyten. I'm trying to remove the url box from the comments form. Looking in comments.php there seems to be no reference to it, as has been in past versions. How do I remove the url box from comments in this theme? ...

Remove /category/ base wordpress

So this is my url: http://site.com/category/my-nice-category/my-nice-subcategory/ how can I remove category from the URL, i've tried alot of things and plugins but doesn't work. Best Regards, ...

changing the title of a custom Wordpress integrated page

When I need to add a custom page to Wordpress based site I always load the theme's header first: <?php require('../wp-blog-header.php'); include('../wp-content/themes/mytheme/header.php'); ?> Unfortunately then every custom page gets the same title (the blog's name) due to this code in header.php: <head> <title><?php if(is_home()...

Wordpress Categories and SubCategories

Hello all, I am doing some changes on my blog theme, and i need to list the subcategories when user is inside the parent category, example: main-category -- subcat1 -- subcat2 So i need to show the subcat1 and subcat2 only when the user is inside main-category. At this moment i have 2 divs, one for the main-categories (this is what ...

Visual/HTML Editor Issues with Text and Images

Hi, This is my first WordPress site and so a newbie to WordPress 3. I'm currently developing a site for a client and I am faced with the following issues/concerns with regards to WordPress Pages that have a Default Custom WordPress page template assigned to them, that I have created. In actual fact, the whole theme I created was from ...

How to get $_REQUEST[] through URL in wordpress .

Hi I have a problem in my site on which am working on localhost. I am using pretty urls in my localhost.I have custom page templates for all the sites every page has a different header and footer and the content in it. I used <div class="btn_container"><a href="issues/?page_id=1038" class="btn_1" title="Food"></a></div> <div class="bt...

jquery on wordpress meta box input fields

i have a bunch of meta boxes in my wordpress theme. on the click of a button w/ class="meta_upload_button" i want to launch the default media uploader. thanks to some online tutorials I have that part mostly working. i am trying to adapt the code to work for multiple input/button pairs. <input type="text" /> <button type="button" cl...

Wordpress — confused, trying to use add_filter to customise wp_list_categories

Hi all, I currently have a site with a hard-coded list of categories & subcategories, where each item is formatted as follows: <li class="cat-item open-access"><a href="/categories/open-access/">Open Access</a></li> Importantly, each <li> item is assigned a class which matches the slug of the category linked to within. I would obvio...

List authors with gravatar and other data in wordpress?

How do I list authors with their gravatar, first namne last name and nickname in wordpress? ...