
Close an eclipse RCP application when workbench is not ready yet?

How do I close an eclipse RCP application on startup, i.e. when the workbench is not yet available? Usually I would use PlatformUI.getWorkbench().close(); but this does not work on startup. I am doing some checks on startup in one of my plugins Activator classes and I would like to close the application in case the checks fail. ...

accessing SQL syntax reference in mysql workbench

Finding it a little bit tedious migrating to the new Mysql Workbench (5.2.22) even though it has many more features than the older GUI tools. Right now I'm confused why I can't find an SQL reference when I open the Doc Library. Is there a way to access this info within the workbench, I'd prefer not to have to open a browser to access r...

How to edit an existing and working Schema in MySQL Workbench?

Hi!, is possible to conitnue or extend an existing schema with MySQL Workbench? This is the scenery: 1) We design our DB in MySQL Workbench 2) We export it as SQL file and execute it in our MySQL Server 3) We insert a lot of data and use our DB 4) We want to add more tables, fields, or anything to our Schema The 4 step is my dude, can w...

1) Can SQLite use cluster? 2) Does SQLite have anything like MySQL Workbench? 3) How to import Excel to SQLite?

1) If MySQL have cluster option, I wonder if SQLite have that option too. 2) I really haven't learn to write in MyQSL. So I do is use the Workbench. If I turning to SQLite, does it have something similar? 3) How to import Excel to SQLite? ...

do you table can be as IN procedure in mysql?

do you table can be as IN procedure in mysql? ...