
WorkFlow designer support with a class library

I need to add Workflows to an existing solution, which already contains a class library and a web site. If I add the workflows to the class library, where they fit logically, I have no designer support. If I create them in a separate project, I tend to have circular dependencies because my domain objects run the workflows and the workf...

Is it possible to transition between states until multiple events happen in wf?

I am developing a State Machine Workflow using C# and WF in visual studio 2008. On one of my states I need to wait for multiple events to happen until the workflow can transition to the next state. As an example think of a unanimous voting scenario. I cannot find a way to do this. Does anyone have a solution or workaround for this pr...

Transaction scope in windows workflow foundation

I have used the transaction scope activity in windows workflow foundation. I am getting an workflow SQL persistence error. I am not having SQL persistence database. Do we need persisetence services. I am not having Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) ...

Windows Workflow Foundation persistence schema explanation?

I'm trying to debug a workflow project that's using the default WF SQL persistence schema. Does anyone know of a good explanation for what the data in each table represents? ...

BPM software: ProcessMaker vs. WorkFlow Foundation

I am interested in learning some BPM software. One of such software is ProcessMaker. But the problem with this is that it is lacking of documentation. My question here is that what about Workflow foundation? Does it allow one to configure a workflow process without writing code? And overall, is it easier to learn that ProcessMaker? ...

WOrflow Foundation Cancellation Handler

Cancellation Handler works good for Composite activities like CAG, Parallel activity. I need to know what are the activities will be cancelled in Cancellation Handlers. I have codeactivities in my parallel activities The activites are reseted in this case ...

Is there a way to inspect Sequential Workflow in Windows Workflow?

A state machine workflow has the StateMachineWorkflowInstance class that you can use to inspect the current state of the workflow, get legal transitions, etc... Is there something like that for sequential workflows? I would like to have an easy way to programmaticaly find out what state the workflow is currently in. ...

Handle external events in WF with ManualWorkflowSchedulerService

Hi, I have a simple workflow with the HandleExternalEventAcitivity. The workflow ought to wait for the user to take an action, which in turn raises an event that the workflow activity handles. Since it is an ASP.NET app, I am using the ManualWorkflowSchedulerService to have my workflow run synchronously. However with the ManualWorkflow...

What is meant by authoring in workflow Foundation

I need to what is meant by authoring in workflow foundation and what are it's types. ...

Windows Workflow Foundation or IoC container + Dependency Injection?

I am trying to figure out the internals of the windows workflow foundation. So, we have some software components and we intertwine them in the form of a workflow be it a condition based sequential workflow or a state machine workflow. Now, I am thinking (I may be wrong here) that doesnt the same apply to IoC + Dependency Injection (via U...

Getting data into a Windows Workflow instance

We're currently building a system that abstracts all kinds of technical details about web services from some other systems. It's a bit like an Enterprise Bus, but it does a little more. We decided to use Windows Workflow to handle the requests. As soon as we figure out what kind of action is requested, we'll start a workflow that is spe...

Same session with multiple SendActivity activities in WF

Our workflow in Workflow Foundation used to call ASMX web services using the InvokeWebService activity, which has a property SessionId to correlate multiple activities in the same session (by sending the ASP.NET session cookie on every request). It worked. Now we have switched to WCF web service interface, and we have changed our workfl...

Windows Workflow - IfElse branch

Hello! I am trying to use Windows Workflow and have a model that looks similar to the image in the link below: Workflow screen shot After each of the Send Activities (GetSomthing, GetSomthingElse, GetSomeMoreStuff) the same custom acitvity is being called (LogSomthingBadHappened). Whilst it might not look so bad in this picture in my re...

Did you successfully adopt Windows Workflow in a real world web application?

I have recently posted a question regarding the Windows Workflow running in a web application. Granted it was a fairly technical question that contained terms like ManualWorkflowSchedulerService, HandleExtrenalEvent, etc... it got about 15 views over the course of 20 days. While it is most likely a matter of me not asking the question t...

Custom Windows Workflow activity that executes an asynchronous operation - redone using generic service

I am writing a custom Windows Workflow Foundation activity, that starts some process asynchronously, and then should wake up when an async event arrives. All the samples I’ve found (e.g. this one by Kirk Evans) involve a custom workflow service, that does most of the work, and then posts an event to the activity-created queue. The main...

WF Access the workflow instance variables from load and unload

In workflowRuntime_WorkflowUnloaded and Loaded etc.. the only thing I can get which is pretty useless is the workflowinstanceId. I want to be able to access some DPs that are on the root activity, whenever I do a GetWorkFlowDefintion() and cast to root activity, all the property that I've passed in are all null.. ...

What is the best way to find if code is running in a workflow?

I've got common code that can run in a number of execution enviroments - within IIS, within a WCF service, in a stand-alone application, or in a Windows Workflow instance. But what is the best way to check whether the code is running inside a Workflow? For the moment, I've been looking for WorkflowEnvironment.WorkflowInstanceID and catc...

In Workflow need to listen for multiple events.

I need a workflow where need to listen for multiple events any event will drive workflow further. some actions --> Call external method --> Here there 3 events any one would be the response. What kind of activity i can use there where i can have three event handler. Any event will drive it further. Thought of using state machine workf...

WF - Creating a selective list

I have a stupid question. I have created a workflow Designer host where I publish my own activities. I also have a property grid which only displays the properties decorated with a special attribute. This designer is going to be used by none IT staff. What I want is that on an activity the user can select a property value from a list. I...

How to implement reject in parallel approval workflow?

I develop a SharePoint workflow with a Replicator activity to replicate a custom activity for every approver. The custom activity implements an approval branch for a particular user. It has classic form with CreateTask, While, OnTaskChanged and CompleteTask activities. I setup UntilCondition on the replicator to cancel execution after o...