
WPF DataTemplate - x:Key vs DataType="{x:Type XXXX")

I have a DataTemplate that I want to find using the FrameworkElement.FindResource(). To do that I need to have a key on the data template. The problem is that x:key and assigning a data type are mutually exclusive. (Reference) So, once I set the DataType for my template, how do I find the Key value? Is there some formula that conver...

WPF Localization Using LocBaml: Handling Special Symbols

Hello, I’m dealing with localization of a WPF application (Visual Studio 2010 under Windows 7). I’ve just accomplished the whole process of localization using LocBaml tool, as explained in WPF Globalization and Localization Overview and in related posts. The target language is Italian (it-IT culture). When I run my application in Ital...