This WPF application/usercontrol needs to show a link of a webpage (say on a button), then on mouseover, show a thumbnail (150X150) of the real-time webpage like a tooltip?
Here are some thing that come to mind.
In the ToolTip.Content embed a tiny webbrowser control and have it load the link - Personally I don't like this idea of usin...
This is killing me, I can't get an image to display as a list box item: here is my code:
// listbox called lstWidgets
<TextBlock Name="txtTitle" Margin="2,5,5,2" Text="{Binding name}" />
<Image Name="imgDisp" Source="{Binding img}" Width="50" Height="50"/>
I want to use the same style for all Images and AutoGreyableImages (my custom control that inherits from Image). I have the following style declared application-wide:
<Style TargetType="{x:Type Image}"
<Setter Property="Stretch"
Value="Uniform" />
<Setter Property="Height"
Hi all,
I've got a button style that I've been developing in WPF, as stated in this question. Another thing I'd like to do with this style is to have the button shrink just a little bit, to make it appear like it's getting clicked as it's getting clicked. Right now, the transform code looks like:
<Trigger Property="IsPressed" Value=...
I've adopted what appears to be the standard way of validating textboxes in WPF using the IDataErrorInfo interface and styles as shown below. However, how can I disable the Save button when the page becomes invalid? Is this done somehow through triggers?
Default Public ReadOnly Property Item(ByVal propertyName As String) As String Imple...
I have a DVD cataloging application that I wrote a few years ago with MFC. Records are saved in a sqlite database, so basically it's a CRUD app. UI-wise, it has a tree view on the left, a list view (grid) on the top right, and an HTML view (embedded IE) on the bottom right. Nothing fancy.
I wanted to update the app with more features, b...
Hi all,
Here's my old code from WinForms:
private void ValueChanged(double inValue1, double inValue2) {
//only manual mode for this driver, so that's easy.
if (ValueLabel.InvokeRequired) {
ValueLabel.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate {
ValueLabel.Text = (inValue1* inValue2/ 1000).ToString...
How do I move (drag) a Grid Panel inside a WPF Window? The Grid Panel does not have a Position or Location or X and Y coordinate porperty. All I am looking at is to move the Grid Panel from its current location to a new location using Mouse so that the controls that are "burried" underneath it will show up.
Any pointers?
Many Than...
Hey guys,
I have wpf datagrid, in one of columns, I checkboxes added in it, now the problem is how do I get "IsChecked" propoerties of it ?
Note: I have not bind that column to any datacontext, and its a Template Column
How to add my own main function to WPF Application. i also have Resource file(theme).
i tried to add new class and specified this class as startup but got error for resource file.
I have to display a big list of properties/values. My issue is that there aren't values for all these properties, so I would like NOT to display these in that case.
It will be easier to understand my problem with some code:
<StackPanel DataContext=...>
<TextBlock>Info1:<TextBlock Text={Binding Path=Info1} /></TextBlock>
Hey guys.
I have Datagrid in WPF form with DataGridCheckBoxColumn, but I did not find any click, Checked and unchecked for it...
Are these event available for DataGridCheckBoxColumn ? If not please suggest some workaround ?
I would like a simple way to ensure that all bindings I've declared in my xaml files go to real properties. Even better, I'd like to instantiate my wpf window in a unit test and call a method to ensure that the bindings are correct.
Unfortunately, wpf doesn't even throw an exception if I have something wrong. That leaves me the burden...
How do i bind two TextBox objects to a System.Windows.Size struct?
The binding only has to work in this direction:
(textBox1.Text + textBox2.Text) => (Size)
After a user inserts the width and height in the TextBoxes on the UI the Size object should be created.
<TextBox Name="textBox_Width" Text="{Binding ???}" />
<TextBox Name=...
Is there a way to apply a style just to some tooltips?
I'm trying to specify tooltip template just for tooltips showing validation erros.
Suppose I have a tooltip style, say errorTTStyle, and some validation template:
<Style TargetType="{x:Type TextBox}">
<Trigger Property="Validation.HasError" Value="true">
I was kind of expecting my ScrollViewer's child controls to hand the MouseWheel events back up the the ScrollViewer automatically, and that's not the case.
I have a ScrollViewer with a ListBox in it. If I manually resize the width of the ListBox to be less than the ScrollViewer, the MouseWheel works on all of the ScrollViewer but has n...
I have a WPF RichTextBox with isReadOnly set to True. I would like users to be able to click on HyperLinks contained within the RTB, without them having to hold down CTRL.
The Click event on the HyperLink doesn't seem to fire unless CTRL is held-down, so I'm unsure of how to proceed.
Thanks for your help,
I am currently developing a WPF client application which uses Linq-to-SQL for the typed table objects and to wrap around an abundance of CRUD stored procedures in a MS SQL database on an external server. I do not foresee manipulating data directly via the context, only the stored procedures.
My two biggest concerns are:
1) Database secu...
I want to show the hourglass cursor and disable the window while a BackgroundWorker process runs in another thread.
This is what I'm doing:
Private Sub MyButton_Click(...)
Dim box As New AnotherWpfWindow()
box.Owner = Me
If (box.DialogResult.GetValueOrDefault = True) Then
Me.IsEnabled = ...
i would like to create a simple winforms or wpf application where i can drag and drop virtual "cards". this below is not exactly what i want to do, but it the closest thing that i found on the web to represent the user interface.