
Not refreshing in WPF with DataGrid

Sorry, I have seen this questioned asked a couple of times here already, but none of the answers have solved my problem. public MainWindow() { _PropertyTenantData = new DataTable(); _PropertyTenantData.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Property", typeof(string))); _PropertyTenantData.Columns...

Where i can find Datagrid Styles free WPF?

where i can get free datagrid style for WPF? ...

How to increase the particular row height in the WPF DataGrid when mouse is over that row.

Hi, I want to increase the particular row height to twice in the WPF DataGrid when mouse is over that row but the remaining rows height should not be changed. When the mmouse moves over on the another row only that row height should be double and the previuos row height should become normal. Please let me know how to do this. Previous...

Fade out effect for WPF DataGrid´s DetailsView doesn´t work

Hi all I created a fade in / fade out effect for the WPF DataGrid´s DetailsView animating the DetailsView´s Opacity and Height properties. The fade in effect works nice but the fade out effect just produces a hard collapse of the DetailsView. The animations are called in the DataGrid´s RowDetailsVisibilityChanged event handler - I thin...

Synchronizing the vertical and horizontal scroll position of two datagrids

I have two datagrids (.Net 4.0/WPF), the first is datagrid with some datarows and it is rotated by RotateTransform Angle="-90". The second dategrid is under the first and has the same count of columns as the rows in the first datgrid. I want to scroll to the right in both datagrids. The horizontal offset of the second datagrid should be...

How to programmatically add a data template (combobox) to a dataGrid

Hi hope somebody can help with this. I have to extend the functionality of a custom control. This control extends the dataGrid but adds certain extra customer required functionality to it. I need to add a datatemplate of a combobox to this datagrid at runtime only (as it is based on the users selection of data to be displayed) ho...

.NET4 WPF Datagrid - Responding to different datatypes

I'm a novice programmer and I've been doing it more as a hobby then a career. As such I'm putting together an application for generating invoices for company I work for. I have the invoicing stuff working which takes in data feeds from our suppliers and matches up customers, products and rates etc. and produces the invoices. I'm now tryi...

How to set row Background color for WPF DataGrid Programmatically (WPF & C#) based on the value in the DataGrid

Hi, I have a WPF Datagrid binded with list of interface objects. Consider, ClsEmployee class implements I_Employee interface with properties Empl_Id, Empl_Name, Department, Address and City_name. List _emplList; consider, _emplList has 10 items. dgEmployeeGrid.ItemsSource = _emplList; Question: Now, if the user clicks on a button, t...

Validate DataGridTextColumn with ValidatesOnExceptions=True after converting data from String to Integer

Hi, I have a WPF DataGrid With a Text Column. DataGrid is binded with a LIST<> and DataGridText Column is binded with a String Property but the value in this property can be only Numeric. But the Numeric validation on the DataGridTextColumn can't happen with the String value. So i have converted the value from String to Integer using a ...

ListView Strange problem Selected Items

<ListView.ContextMenu> <ContextMenu> <MenuItem Header="Remove Member" Command="{Binding RemoveMemberCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={...

How to get only modified Items from WPF Data Grid

Hi, I have binded a list with Editable WPF DataGrid I want to get only the modified Items from the WPF Data Grid for updation. Please let me know how to do this. ...

Using WPF DataGridComboBoxColumn with MVVM - Binding to Property in ViewModel

I'm using the excellent MVVM Light Toolkit. My ViewModel exposes: public const string CourtCodesTypeCourtPropertyName = "CourtCodesTypeCourt"; private List<CourtType> _courtCodesTypes = new List<CourtType>(); public List<CourtType> CourtCodesTypeCourt { get { return _courtCodesTypes; } set { if (_co...

Dynamically updating individual cells in a data grid

I have an observable collection of Taxis. The Taxi class has properties like Taxi_No, Name, Current_Locn, Bill_Amount. I have bound the observable collection to a wpf data grid. As a taxi is added or deleted from the collection, the changes are reflected in the data grid. But as the taxi moves through the city the location of the taxi c...

How to solve a HasMany relation in MVVM to show up in one row in a datagrid

Hi, i have a class Auswahl with some plain properties and a property RefFilters of type List<RefAuswahlFilter> What i want to achieve is: Display all Auswahl Properties in a datagrid with all RefFilter items in ONE row. the Problem is, the count of RefFilter is different from auswahl to auswahl object. in the past i use a datatable as...

WPF - DataGridComboBoxColumn cannot edit in DataGrid

Hi All, I am getting the following exception when trying to go into edit mode: DeferRefresh' is not allowed during an AddNew or EditItem transaction. The comboboxcolumn is bound to a DefaultView of a DataTable and I am not modifying the DataTable from code. Here is the XAML part of binding: <DataGridComboBoxColumn x:Name="areaCmb" Se...

WPF Datagrid binding to ObservableCollection no columns generated

Hello, I am binding a datagrid to some data and using the AutoColumnGeneration. When using a regular linq query against a dataset, everything works fine : var queryAll = from actor in actorsAll select new { ActorName = actor.IsPerson ? actor.FirstName + " " + actor.LastName : actor.CompanyName }; MalatDetailsBudgetGr...

How to set the border for a WPF DataGrid Row which is currently having the focus

Hi, I want to set the border for a DataGrid Row which is currently having the focus. But not the seleced row because when the Multi selection is enabled for the datagrid then there is a chance that multiple rows can be selected. I need a solution in XAML Thanks in advance! ...

Load content to the page with in XML?

I'd like to find out about the best technique to generate multiple container boxes/thumbnails of the content with xml that are loaded into wrap panel. It can be stackpanels or listboxes with textblocks and checkboxes in them. Any sample or helpful source of information is highly appreciated. Thank you in advance. ...

Make copy of sorted wpf DataGrid

Need help. myCollection = new DB.PersonCollection(); dGrid.ItemsSource = myCollection; User must sort DataGrid and then use sorted data to make report. How to take exact copy of DataGrid-layer collection (with sorted items) ...

WPF Style Trigger for DataGridRow Background Color Trumped by AlternatingRowBackground Brush

I have a WPF DataGrid which has an AlternatingRowBackground brush. It's configured to color every other row. I'd like to do something on mouse over that highlights the current row. However, the Style Trigger seems to be losing out to the AlternatingRowBackground brush. I get the desired row coloration on the mouse over... but only on...