using SOAP without a wsdl? php5
It appears i dont have a wsdl file but many xsd files. Can i do anything with SOAP or is a wsdl file required? ...
It appears i dont have a wsdl file but many xsd files. Can i do anything with SOAP or is a wsdl file required? ...
I am trying to write a sample client in Python using ZSI for a simple Web Service. The Web Service WSDL is following: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <wsdl:definitions xmlns:soap="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:xsd...
I have been using a VC++ dll in a Dialog based application so far. Now, I am trying to provide the dll as a web service without re-writing or migrating the code. I was researching on various ways to set up the web service, I have setup the web service using C++ cgi in IIS. But it sounds like old way of doing things. My second option...
I am using SoapExtensionReflector to modify the WSDL sent to the client due to a complex proxy setup. This modification is based on a query string variable: This works well, and the modification is successful. However, the WSDL is cached by ASP.NET the first time, so a s...
Hello, I am creating a website which calls a WebMethod in an .NET Webservice. To archieve this I use the JavaScript SOAPClient described here (with source code). The method SOAPClient._loadWsdl(url, method, parameters, async, callback) tries to get the WSDL file from the webservice. But the wsdl var stays null. I used a network ...
I have the following scenario. My client application connects to a server side software via web services. I have no control over the server side software. Every time the server side folks deploy a new version, my client app can't connect to it (via the web services... ping works fine) until the client system is rebooted (just restar...
We are using JAXB to handle our wsdl validation. In the wsdl we have an enumeration like so: <xs:simpleType name="myEnum"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>The enums which matter.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="MYENUM_1"> <xs:annotatio...
I think this person hit on my problem Link I have a schema and a pdf that has something like the below I have NO WSDL file. Absolutely none, i do have a large schema (apiName.xsd). It seems like i need to do something with it but i have no clue what. <xs:element name="CheckDomain"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="d...
I am very confused how i am suppose to send data to a server. I have a .xsd file and i only realized 1 hour ago (and did research) that the schema is actually describing the XML data i am suppose to send. But i have NO idea how i am suppose to generate a XML from it. I dont think i am suppose to go through it by hand? I never used a WSDL...
Hi, How would I go about generating Visual Basic 6 Proxy dll/tlb from a WSDL file? Similar to the WSDL2Java for java, but for Visual Basic. Thanks. ...
Hi all, I'm trying to use a web service and thus added a web service reference to my project using the service's WSDL service description. All is well, there were no error message, but I noticed that one field is declared as string in my web service reference while it should be int. Going through the WSDL service description, I notice...
I'm writing some code to talk to a web service via WSDL-SOAP. I'm using php5's native soap implementation. So far so good. However I now need to download files as "attachments" over soap. The interwebs is mysteriously silent on how to do this. Surely its possible or the PHP docs would mention it as a limitation ? :\ I did this a few yea...
Hello, I have a C# desktop application, and I consume a web service without problems (wsdl added by "add Service References", so I create an object and call its functions). Now, I want to use long polling techniques but I can't figure how to do this from the client's perspective. How to configure the timeout ? Should I use a thread d...
I am creating a web service in ASP.Net. I have looked and can't find any way of making ASP.Net set the maxLength attribute of string parameters in the generated WSDL file. Is this possible, and if so how can it be done? ...
Hello All, I am getting the following exception whenever trying to create proxy classes using WSDL. Few observations :- 1) My WSDL points out/imports following xsd If i use the tempratue.xsd in wsdl from above URL, It always fails and throws following exception in eclipse. ...
I am trying to set up a web service to Celltrust's SMS Gateway. I have their SDK and I'm trying to use soap4r to create the custom headers that it needs. I'm not sure exactly what I need to do to get it in their format, since they don't provide me with an actual XML document showing what they need; all they say is that in the header yo...
Hi All, I want to know how the wsdl is written in wcf. As i know the proxy class serialize the data and form a soap message to send over network, in the same way , i want to know who writes the wsdl file and takes care of serializing results of a call. ...
I'm trying to use Ruby's SOAP support as follows: SERVICE_URL = 'https://...' ... def create_driver driver.options['protocol.http.ssl_config.verify_mode'] = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE driver.options['protocol.http.ssl_config.client_cert'] = @certificate_path driver en...
I have a bunch of very simple functions. Each function has one input and one output. OutputType function func(InputType); The types of input/output are defined in xsd schema and generated into java classes with JAXB/XJC. Now I want to expose those functions as WSDL Web service running on Geronimo. I just took a look at Axis/WSDL2J...
I'm getting some errors when I try to deploy a web service generated using CXF's wsdl2java to generate the Java code from a WSDL file. I've managed to trace the error down to a NullPointerException being thrown by Apache Neethi when I tries to normalize a PolicyReference. The policy reference is defined in an external XML file (a lot o...