
How can I customise the namespace prefixes in Metro/JavaEE auto-generated WSDL?

I'm using Java 6 + JavaEE + Tomcat 6 + Metro for SOAP web services. In the response, the namespace prefixes are ns2, ns3, ns4, and so on. I'd like to be able to instruct the web services stack to use custom names instead. How do I do this? ...

SOAP Service: Many Servers, One Interface

I have a scenario in which I'm going to need an arbitrary number of servers to provide the same SOAP web service. I would like to generate one set of proxy classes and be able to supply them with a location to point them at the different servers at runtime. Unfortunately, it looks as though the wsdl:port node (child of wsdl:service) requ...

How can I get this request structure via .asmx web service?

I am working on creating a .asmx webservice to meet the specific needs of an integration environment and for the life of me I cannot figure out how to get one section of it to work. The key is that the request WSDL needs to be something like the following. (Note I removed the soap envelope and namespace information) <methodOne> <m...

Simple (standalone) Java SOAP web service client from WSDL using Maven

I'm looking to generate a simple standalone Java client which will make calls to a SOAP web service, given a wsdl. When I say simple and standalone I mean that once I'm done I want to be able to do something like import my.generated.nonsense; public static void main(String[] args) { Client client = new Client(); client.getSome...

How can I generate comments from xs:documentation tags in a wsdl?

Aloha I received a nice wsdl with xs: documentation tags like: <xs:complexType name="Supplier"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> The supplier of the product </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> Is there any way to generate ///<summary> tags from this? I'm using visual studio 2008 ...

WebService attributes

Hi, I am creating a web service that generates the following in the WSDL file: <wsdl:portType name="myServicePortSoap"> and would like to have it renamed to generate: <wsdl:portType name="myServicePort"> How can I do that within the .asmx file to do so? Any ideas please? ...

Working with large wsdl, can we trim it?

My webservice provider give me a large WSDL file, but we are going to use only a few function inside. I believe that the large WSDL have negative impact to the application performance. We use the webservice in client appliction, startup time and memory usage are issues. Large WSDL means that jax-ws will takes longer to do binding and w...

How do I write a WSDL file to accept arbitrary SOAP Headers?

I have a client that wants to send a large number of SOAP Header fields to my web service. The only thing I am expected to do with these values is reflect them back. What is the proper way to handle this? They would like me to define each of them in the WSDL, but they are quite specific and will have no meaning to any other clients. I...

What do you recommend using for graphically visualizing a WSDL?

I'm looking for a good solution for graphically viewing a SOAP-based web service and possibly interacting with it (for testing purposes). Online (browser-based) solutions would be interesting too. ...

JAXB XmlID and XmlIDREF annotations (Schema to Java)

I am exposing a web service using CXF. I am using the @XmlID and @XmlIDREF JAXB annotations to maintain referential integrity of my object graph during marshalling/unmarshalling. The WSDL rightly contains elements with the xs:id and xs:idref attributes to represent this. On the server side, everything works really nicely. Instances of ...

How to cache a WSDL with Java-WS

I've created an app that interacts with a SOAP service using java WS. I generate classes and manage the WSDL using the built in netbeans functions. Every time I run the application, it has to download the WSDL and parse it again. The WSDL is frozen at each version so I don't think this is necessary. I've tried to reference it as a lo...

Program to convert wsdl types

Is there a program that converts a RPC/Encoded style WSDL to RPC/literal? ...

Coldfusion WSDL times out on first call

I have a web service setup for on a small part of a website and while the site overall gets a good amount of traffic this particular service does not. Once a day when I go to send a request through the web service it will fail on the first attempt, but retrying the request a second time works just fine. It's as if it was no longer cach...

Which type of creation of web-services is your primary choice?

"Bottom up" or "top down"? First I used top down but I felt to much design options that didn't have any implementation or validation. Now my approach is "bottom up" heaven when a create a new service. Bottom-up: when you use the code to make the web-service. Top-Down: when you create and use the wsdl file to make the web-service and...

Get readable WSDL service method arguments error in ColdFusion

Hello, developing service invoking script that looks like: <cfinvoke webservice="#ServiceURL#" method="AddCustomer" returnvariable="ResponseData" argumentcollection="#stAguments#"> <cfinvokeargument name="api_key" value="#ServiceKey#" /> </cfinvoke> stAguments structure filled before this call, obviously. Imagine you've forgot to...

Granularity of WSDL

I'm looking for some pros and cons of creating one operation per wdsl against bundling operations in a single wdsl Small example below: <operation name="Divide"> <input message="y:DivideMessage"/> <output message="y:DivideResponseMessage"/> </operation> instead of being divide and this were more complex operations, what...

How to use SOAP/WSDL in PHP 4?

More specifically I'm trying to make the google adwords API work using PHP 4. What are my options? Any links to a class I could use, sample code, etc would be much appreciated. Thanks. ...

WSDL first for existing service layer

I am working on an existing Java project with a typical services - dao setup for which only a webapplication was available. My job is to add webservices on top of the services layer, but the webservices have their own functional analysis and datamodel. The functional analyses ofcource focuses on what is possible in the different service ...

axis wsdl generation

Hi, I'm using Axis to model a sample WebService. What I'm doing now is trying to understand which are the limitations of the automated wsdl and code generation. Now for some server side code: this is the skeleton of the sample web service: public class TestWebService { public AbstractAttribute[] testCall( AbstractAttribute someAttri...

Create an ASMX web service from a WSDL file

I have a WSDL file and I am trying to create a web service that conforms to the WSDL. I've created clients using WSDL files that consume an existing service, but I've never created a web service that needed to follow a specific WSDL. I've gone as far as using: wsdl.exe mywsdl.wsdl /l:VB /serverInterface Now I've got a .vb file genera...