
Django decorator, adding method to WSGIRequest

Hello Djangoists, Using a decorator I was trying to add a method to WSGIRequest request, just like is_ajax(). Since I could not find a proper way I just updated request.META with the info needed. Should I look into adding method at runtime in Python ? ...

Does WSGI override `Content-Length` header?

HTTP HEAD requests should contain the Content-Length header as if they were GET requests. But if I set a Content-Length header it gets overridden by the WSGI environment (discussion related to mod_wsgi). Take a look at the following example: from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server def application(environ, start_response): st...

How to call a wsgi app from a php file- using curl, 'post' method. XML data is to be sent as post body and a webhook too has to be supplied.

I have a WSGI app which accepts data sent to it by the 'POST' method. It requires xml data with content-type parameter set to 'application/xml', a valid content-length parameter and a webhook parameter. I have to call this WSGI app by a php file, preferably using a cURL command. How exactly can i do it? Moreover, the webhook file will be...

How to add http headers in WSGI middleware?

How can http headers be added within a WSGI middleware? ...

WSGI request and response wrappers

I'm looking for WSGI request and response wrappers for having a more convenient interface than the plain WSGI environ and start_response callback. I want something like WebOb or Werkzeug. But I don't like WebOb's PHP-like usage of GET and POST for parameter dictionaries, because HTTP is not limited to GET and POST and the distinction is ...

How do I actually use WSGI?

Suppose I have a function def app2(environ, start_response) If I know that a server implements WSGI, how can I tell the server to call app2 when it receives a HTTP request? app2 here is a function that takes a dictionary and returns a response (a WSGI application). ...

how to monitor python wsgi server,when it crashed restart it

i have a wsgi server which use paste,for some unkonw reason,it will often crash,so i want to has a application or just some package can help me to slove this,when it crashed automaticly kill the process and restart it.Any advice is welcome. ...

Differences and uses between WSGI, CGI, FastCGI, and mod_python in regards to Python?

I'm just wondering what the differences and advantages are for the different CGI's out there. Which one would be best for python scripts, and how would I tell the script what to use? Thanks! ...

Having trouble using uwsgi with Django and nginx

So far, I have: I recompiled my nginx package with uwsgi ( 0.7.67 ) Copied over my uwsgi to sbin via sudo cp uwsgi /usr/local/sbin Copied uwsgi params via sudo cp nginx/uwsgi_params /etc/nginx $ sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/nginx/uwsgi_temp Created a virtualhost in sites-available and symlinked in sites-available. File is: server { ...

Python WSGI deployment on Windows for CPU-bound application

What options do I have for the deployment of a CPU bound Python-WSGI application on Windows? The application benefits greatly from multiple CPUs (image manipulation/encoding) but the GIL prevents it from using them. My understanding is: mod_wsgi has no support for WSGIDaemonProcess on Windows and Apache itself only runs with one proc...

Do browsers preserve order of inputs with same name on GET/POST?

I have this HTML code with multiple inputs with the same name: <input type="hidden" value="42" name="authors" /> <input type="hidden" value="13" name="authors" /> <input type="hidden" value="33" name="authors" /> The order of the values is important. Does the HTML spec define that user agents have to preserve this order, and if yes, d...

Django Testing - How do I do it now?

Hi everyone, I am running django on twisted. I have a special variable which is my engine being passed to each request. Take a loook at the following code: # Django setup sys.path.append("shoout_web") os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'shoout_web.settings' from django.core.handlers.wsgi import WSGIHandler def wsgi_resource(): ...