
What is the best way to deploy a Pylons app?

There are many ways to deploy Pylons apps. - Proxying through apache or nginx to paste - Embedding the app with mod_wsgi - using some edgy nginx+uwsgi combo - and probably more... I've read a lot about the various approaches but failed to really decide which one to choose. Proxying to paste through nginx seems to be the easiest method...

Non regex WSGI dispatcher.

I've found this regex based dispatcher but I'd really rather use something that only uses literal prefix strings. Does such a things exist? I know it wouldn't be hard to write but I'd rather not reinvent the wheel. ...

WebTest: Testing with decorators + datastore calls

Hello, I have a Google App Engine application and my request hadnler has a decorator that does authentication. With WebTest I found out yesterday how you can set a logged in user and administrator. Now today my authentication decorator got a little more complex. It's also checking if a user has a profile in the database and if he doesn...

mod_wsgi authentication script

Hi. Can anybody help me? I've got a script like this: Can anybody write me easy script for user's authentication without frameworks, but with Apache/mod_wsgi and DBM file. I've seen, but i need an example. I've got Python3.1, mod_wsgi3.2, Apache2.2 Thanks. ...

Returning a file to a WSGI GET request

Hi all, I'm new to WSGI on python; but have a windows server that's got isapi_wsgi installed on it. I also have a script that handles my GET requests all up and running great. The thing is, someone sends me a request, and I need to return a zip file to the requester. The following code is in my GET handler and it works, but doesn't seem...

Scheduling events in a WSGI framework

I've written a Python app that reads a database of tasks, and schedule.enter()s those tasks at various intervals. Each task reschedules itself as it executes. I'd like to integrate this app with a WSGI framework, so that tasks can be added or deleted in response to HTTP requests. I assume I could use XML-RPC to communicate between the...

When to use WSGI middleware?

I write a router that takes the path of a requests, match it against a regex and calls a WSGI handler, if the regex matches. The dict with the matching capturing groups is added to the envrion. Is it bad style to modify the environ with WSGI middleware? But is that what WSGI middleware was invented for? I've just read WSGI Middleware Co...

Why to copy a dictonairy from WSGI environment?

In the following example from is cur_named copied: def __call__(self, environ, start_response): script_name = environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', '') path_info = environ.get('PATH_INFO', '') for regex, application in self.patterns: match = regex.match(path_info) if not match: continue extr...

How to return an apache error page from a wsgi app?

Hi, I have a simple working wsgi app. I can successfully return whatever HTTP status code, headers, and HTML I want. What I would like to do, is that when I'm returning a status code other than '200 OK', for WSGI to let apache fall back to its error handling and display whatever page apache is configured to display according to its 'Err...

How to solve import errors while trying to deploy Flask using WSGI on Apache2

I am having an issue deploying a flask app on apache2 using wsgi. I have posted the error logs and config files below. I have tried moving things around, renaming them, etc, but all give me an internal server error. Not sure why I'm getting the import error. Any input / suggestions are appreciated, thanks! Here is my apache error.log [...

Django sessions is not working

Hi, i'm trying to find bug for few hours now but nothing comes out. Django gives me this error message when i'm trying to access request.SESSION from view. No other errors. 'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'SESSION' Here is my Django settings what points to sessions and authentication. Most of them are set to their defaults. ...

WSGI request and response wrappers for Python 3

Are there WSGI request and response wrappers for Python 3? WebOb looks nice (although there is some critique), but it seems to be written in Python <3. Werkzeug seems also to be written in Python <3. Should I write my own request and response wrappers for Python 3? Maybe this would be impossible, since WSGI seems to be somewhat broke...

How do I test a WSGI application from a script?

I'm debugging a really weird problem with a mod_wsgi-deployed application resulting in Django/Apache (not yet known which) giving status 500 errors to some users instead of the correct 404. I want to exclude Apache from the debugging environment to determine which part of the setup is at fault and send my requests manually to the WSGI ha...

Learning Pylons - Where to start

I decided to take the leap in to lower level things last night. I've been working with Django for years now, and I feel after all this time that it is simply not made for software outside of the blog/news/social networking sector. Pylons seems to offer flexibility to do anything you want at the expense of being much more complicated to u...

WSGI based Python web frameworks

I keep hitting road blocks with Django and have read about Pylons. Pylons seemed to be exactly what I needed (greener grass), but then I realized that they have global variables all over the place and loads of black magic infused by dark spirits (spirits so dark that they even kill unicorns). Is there anything out there that is enterpri...

Flask for Python - architectural question regarding the system.

I've been using Django and Django passes in a request object to a view when it's run. It looks like (from first glance) in Flask the application owns the request and it's imported (as if it was a static resource). I don't understand this and I'm just trying to wrap my brain around WSGI and Flask, etc. Any help is appreciated. ...

How to serve data from UDP stream over HTTP in Python?

I am currently working on exposing data from legacy system over the web. I have a (legacy) server application that sends and receives data over UDP. The software uses UDP to send sequential updates to a given set of variables in (near) real-time (updates every 5-10 ms). thus, I do not need to capture all UDP data -- it is sufficient that...

Django and Python + uWSGI

Using instruction I try to connect Python + uWSGI. I made default project in a folder /home/sanya/django/pasteurl. However, have opened it in a browser I get uWSGI Error wsgi application not found Logs contain the following: binding on TCP port: 9001 your server socket listen backlog is limited to 64 connections added /home/sanya/dj...

Problems with form and POST

Hello, i am facing problems with my form, i wrote a app in Python3.1 and when i make a GET or a POST via AJAX works pefectly but when i' ve try to do the same thing with the form-way the environ['wsgi.input'] give me this: -----------------------------4974611941277794205934495116--\r in the first time i think this was because the file...

Flask - how do I combine Flask-WTF and Flask-SQLAlchemy to edit db models?

I'm trying to create an edit page for an existing model (already saved to db). The form object expects a multidict instance to populate its fields. This is what I have: # the model - assumes Flask-SQLAlchemy from flaskext.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy db = SQLAlchemyd(app) class Person(db.Model): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary...