
need to use custom classes instead of generated (by wsimport) in web-services

Hi, Could you, please, help with the following issue? When generate WS client code (with wsimport ant task), all classes are generated automatically in the same package (e.g. helloservice.endpoint) as web service, e.g. if my web-service has method public Node getNode(); so class helloservice.endpoint.Node is generated. Nevertheless, ...

In Netbeans+Ant, how do I avoid wsimport rebuilding web service clients every build?

I'm on a project where we use NetBeans (6.8). We use several different web services, which we have added as web service references, and Netbeans auto-generates the Ant wsimport scripts for us. Very handy, with one drawback: The web service clients are recompiled every time ant is invoked. This slows down the build process considerably an...

ValidationException When Running wsimport

I am trying to generate client code for a wsdl using the JAX-WS RI wsimport tool. When I ran the it I get this error: [ERROR] PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target I came across this ...

JAXWS wsimport stopping recompile

I am using NetBeans with the JaxWS maven plugin. My app has about 5 different wsdls I need to load. My problem is I want to stop maven or wsimport from recompiling my wsdl every time. I would like to be able to work/compile offline. If no connection is available do not attempt to pull down. This seems like staleFile or Keep would fi...

wsimport - Imported schema with no namespace ==> package with name 'generated'

I created a Web Service which has a WSDL importing a schema(let's call it SCHEMA A) file which has no target namespace in it. It defines it's own types but also imports other schemas. So when the JAXB bindings were created the package given to the types coming from SCHEMA A was "generated". For the schemas imported the packages were fin...

wsimport try to resolve by namespace

Is it possible for wsimport to ignore "import" tags in wsdl that are http-linked to some XSD files and insted use XSD files provided next to the wsdl file?. I know svcutil is able to do so. ...

Changing the URL on a webservice client generated with wsimport

I am trying to write a module for a Java application that accesses a WSDL-described webservice. The source WSDL was downloaded straight from what I believe to be an ASP.NET webservice; the service URL ends in a .asmx extension, and viewing the service URL in a browser shows a link which can be used to download the WSDL. A key requireme...

WebService proxy classes

I have written a java webservice, deployed it on my tomcat and accessed the service WSDL via my webbrowser, all looks okay. The next step was to generate proxy class which can be used by client to communicate with the website. This is what I did next: Lets assume my wsdl is accessible via: http://localhost:8080/testSvc/testSvc?wsdl Usi...

How to create folder for generated sources in Maven?

I have to generate sources using wsimport and i assume that it should go to /target/generated-sources/wsimport rather than /src/main/java. The problem is that wsimport needs target folder created before execution and it fails. Can I create that dir first using any maven plugin. I can do it using ant but i prefer to keep it in POM. ...