
WYSIWYG editor with file and image upload

Hi, I'm looking for good WYSIWYG editor, which can handle image and file uploads as well as some basic markup. I tried CKEditor - it looks alright but it's quite heavy, nicEditor - lightweight, fast, has decent image uploading but has no filemanager. What would you recommend? Thanks. ...

Submit text and Wysiwyg form to both Database and flat file.

I've created a form that is made up of 2 input fields and a wysiwyg text area (ckeditor). I have a function using ajax to gather the ckeditor data to be submitted. I have the form properly submitting to the database, but I also need it to write to a text file. How would I go about doing this? Edit to include code: using onclick to subm...

What wysiwyg editors can be load with ajax ?

Working on a blog application in C# with MVC and want to load a wysiwyg editor with ajax on a page. only not all editors works good to load with ajax. What editor works to load with ajax ? and what are your experiences doing this? ...

Eclipse Basic Web Development?

I want to start doing web development with Eclipse. Not Java, tomcat, axis2, or anything else anymore complicated than basic XHTML / JS / CSS development, at this time. Problem 1: I realize that it can edit those files, but its trying to manage my HTML docs as part of "my workspace", and all I want it to do is manage the files as part...

WYSIWYG editor dissapears on validation error

Thanks to some great help on SO, I managed to get a WYSIWYG editor with Paperclip integration working for my app: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2277348/wysiwyg-image-uploads-in-rails-app I'm seeing some interesting behaviour where my WYSIWYG editor disappears if there is a validation error. The editor includes are defined in appli...

Ckeditor question?

What kind of (x)HTML tags does ckeditor allow? And which tags don't they allow to be used? ...

Drupal forms with WYSIWYG and AHAH

I'm trying to have an AHAH-enabled form with WYSIWYG fields in Drupal 6. Problem On this custom form, the user can click a button to add new fieldsets and add fieldsets within those fieldsets (so there is a parent-child nesting situation within the form). The addition and removal of fieldsets is handled via AHAH (and the ahah_helper m...

Reinventing the wheel -a WYSIWYG Editor

I dont know whether I am reiventing the wheel. I need to design an online WYSIWYG where users can make one/two/three-column layout page.The WYSIWYG should adjactly show the contents in design mode as well as preview mode.Therefore, the WYSIWYG should also have the supports for Header and Footer too.Therefore, the WYSIWYG will have at le...

Using QT to build a WYSIWYG Editor for a Custom Markup Language

I'm new to QT, and am trying to figure out the best means of creating a WYSIWYG editor widget for a custom markup language that displays simple text, images, and links. I need to be able to propagate changes from the WYSIWYG editor to the custom markup representation. As a concrete example of the problem domain, imagine that the custom...

how to make the cursor get out of inserted html inserted through execCommand-insertHTML in firefox

I am testing on providing insert HTML option in WYSIWYG editor. I tried inserting div into the editor. After inserting IE seems to get the cursor out of the div this is what I want but FF the cursor is still in the div. How to make the cursor get out of the div? ...

Drawing rectangles on a grid in a web browser

I would like to create an online, simple WYSIWYG drawing editor allowing people to draw rectangular shapes. I'm thinking of a grid which the lines and points can snap on to, ensuring that the lines are strictly vertical or horizontal. I will be parsing the rectangular shapes to obtain some area calculations and compute certain things. H...

How to convert InnerText to InnerHtml in Webbrowser Control in C#?

I'm working on a WYSIWYG editor with builtin spell checker Hunspell and online highlighting of misspelled words. I'm using Webbrowser control as a html handler. It's a way easy to spell check text than html in webbrowser control, but following this way I'm losing all html formatting. So the question is: is there any way to spell check bo...

embeding youtube video to content in wysiwyg editor

i have an editor that is basic microsoft actions: "createlink" "bold" etc. i made page to handle the youtube embeding and it works fine on the website. but in the editor all i can see is the rectangle of the video with nothing in it. the editor is an iframe editable that get the content from another page - if i load that page the youtub...

Copying Pasting Word 2007 docs to HTML WYSIWYG editors

Microsoft word has a ton of proprietary formatting and styles that do not translate well to html WYSIWYG editors. When you paste them over to the html editor and try to edit the pasted info it causes all kinds of clashing styles. I want to be able to keep the general structure but leave out the proprietary stuff. Essentially I wan...

Looking for a lean WYSIWYG inline editor for CMS projects that includes an image upload feature?

Hey guys, I am looking to find a lean WYSIWYG inline editor. The main required feature is image uploading. A simple way to upload an image to the server and use it in the content being editted. I have come across a whole bunch of editors but nothing I liked so far. I am looking for something open source and free. So far I have che...

Is fckeditor free for use in freelance projects?

This is more of a licencing issue than a code question. I really like the ckeditor editor and would like to use it in my freelance projects which I do for clients. However upon reading the license page it has me in a bit of a confusion. DO I have to buy licences if I intend to use this in cms websites that I build myself and hand over to...

Sitecore Rich Text Html Editor Profile - set global default

OK I can't believe this can't be found anywhere so I'm asking the question. Is there a way to set the default Html Editor Profile in Sitecore so I don't have the override the Source field on each individual Rich Text field? e.g. I want to make this the default option for the Html editor: /sitecore/system/Settings/Html Editor Profiles/...

Inserting Google Maps into a WYSIWYG editor, then saving and retrieving properly

Hi, I'm trying to extend jWysiwyg with an function to add a map from Google Maps. I can get the map all right, but I'm having problems with how to handle the generated map so it can be saved with the page and then retrieved. To open the process up a bit: User enters editor which is created using jWysiwyg. User clicks on a button whic...

WYSIWYG editor in Palm WebOS

Does anyone know how to embed WYSIWYG editor in multiline TextField? I need rather complex editor such as TinyMCE, but I can't get it working with Mojo widgets. Maybe, I'm doing something wrong? If there's a way to do it, please, give me some pointers! Thanks in advance, Mikhail. ...

Small, Custom WYSIWYG editor

I would make to make a small WYSIWYG editor similar to the one used by StackOverflow. Basically, it would have buttons like [quote], and when that button is clicked, [quote] [/quote] should be inserted in the textarea where the cursor is or at the end of all other text. If the [quote][/quote] could be highlighted in some way that would b...