
64bit registers on 32bit binaries: At what an extend are they used? [dependence to OS, Machine considered]

Any tips to programming would be appreciated. ...

Deploying a PyQt application on Windows Vista x64

I'm working on an application for a client/friend using PyQt. I've been working on Linux and testing on Vista, but the target computer is Vista x64. Now, Python comes with compiled binaries of Python 2.6 for 64 bit Windows, but Riverbank don't provide 64 bit binaries for PyQt. I don't have much access to the target computer, so I can't ...

'URL Rewrite' option missing from IIS Manager (IIS7)

Hi, I just finished building up a new web server (2k8 x64) and have installed 'URL Rewrite' and 'Application Request Routing' but noticed that the 'URL Rewrite' option in IIS Manager is missing. I messed around for a little while by re-installing both modules repeatedly and in different ways and then gave up. I returned later, only to...

Incompatibility between x86 and x64 in Installation solution

Hello, I have installation solution that have installer project (not web installer but simple installer) that installs NT services, web service and web sites with help of additional two projects of dlls with my own code that performs my installation step. In user actions of installer project I call installer function of one of those pr...

How to compile x64 asp.net website?

I'm trying to compile (using Visual Studio) an ASP.Net website with the Chilkat library. The compilation fails due to this error: Could not load file or assembly 'ChilkatDotNet2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=eb5fc1fc52ef09bd' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incor...

Problem: Vectorizing Code with Intel Visual FORTRAN for X64

I'm compiling my fortran90 code using Intel Visual FORTRAN on Windows Server 2003 Enterprise X64 Edition. When I compile the code for 32 bit structure and using automatic and manual vectorizing options. The code will be compiled, vectorized. And when I run it on 8 core system the compiled code uses 70% of CPU that shows me that vectorizi...

Where can I get 64 bit OLEDB and/or ADO.Net drivers for Sybase ASE?

I'm new to Sybase and so far it's a monumental pain just to connect to it! Where in the world can I get 64 bit drivers for Sybase ASE 15 so that I can connect from my 64 bit SQL 2008? Our Sybase servers are 32 bit and there are no 64 bit drivers on the media :( ...

xcrashReport in x64

where I can find XCrashReport(Hans Dietrich) applicatin and source for x64? ...

64bit exceptions in WndProc silently fail

The following code will give a hard fail when run under Windows 7 32bit: void CTestView::OnDraw(CDC* /*pDC*/) { *(int*)0 = 0; // Crash CTestDoc* pDoc = GetDocument(); ASSERT_VALID(pDoc); if (!pDoc) return; // TODO: add draw code for native data here } However, if I try this on Windows 7 64bit, I just get ...

Additional concerns when compiling for x64

I know that the additional consideratiosn when compiling for x64 is that some data types, like ints, can hold larger values. Are there any concerns? VS2010, released a few days ago, can support compiling for x64 and x32, just like VS2008. The app is x32/86 only. I keep thinking that the app needs to be 64 bit however. What am I missing?...

Visual Studio 2010 Download?

Hi Guys, Generally wondering if there are multiple versions of Visual Studio 2010 to download i.e. I can only find x86 and unsure if this is the version I want for Win7 x64 [which I am running] Are there multiple versions available or is the only release version x86 which just install x64 components? ...

can I use the function CreateProcess inside process that compiled with x64 for calling process that compiled with x32?

Or I need to compile the x32 process into x64 process and then only to use CreateProcess. ...

What is the best way to integrate x32 lib with x64 process(without converting the lib to x64)?

I inherited a lib that compiled in x32 and I can't compile it to x64. I think may be to envelop the lib with x32 process and then to run it in x64 process by calling to CreateProcess function win api. then I will use shared memory for transfert the data between the API lib x32 interfaces to the x64 process. Do I miss something here(its ...

Why does the token returned by LogonUser() in Win x64 not belong to LOCAL group?

Hi, I have a piece of code that calls LogonUser() followed by CreateProcessAsUser(). In Win32, the resulting process belongs to a user (say, TESTDOMAIN\user1) who belongs to the LOCAL group. However, in x64, the process owner does not belong to LOCAL. The owner still belongs to all other groups (Authenticated Users, Everyone, etc.) Doe...

Forcing file redirection on x64 for a 32-bit application

The silent redirection of 64-bit system files to their 32-bit equivalents can be turned off and reverted with Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection and Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection. We use this for certain file identity checks in our application. The problem is that in performing some of theses tasks, we might call a framework or Windows API,...

Checking if file is 32bit or 64bit - on Windows

I'm compiling a program on my 64bit machine, but I'm not sure if it produces 32-bit or 64-bit output.. How can I check if a file is 32bit or 64bit on Windows? ...

Cross compile windows 64 bit .exe from linux

I know that if I want to compile a 32 bit .exe for windows on Linux I can just install and use the mingw32 package (e.g. apt-get install mingw32) on linux. What if I want to compile a windows .exe that is 64 bit? Is there tools or a method to do this? ...

Oracle ODBC x64 - getting 0 when selecting a number(9) column

I'm having a really weird problem with a third party web service that uses an ODBC connection to Oracle I've written a .NET client that generates the same SQL as the web service so I can find out what's going on. The web service is hosted by IIS 6 that's in x64 mode so we use Oracle x64 client. The oracle client version is 1...

Can an x64 application use x86 assemblies - and vice versa?

My application is built as a x64 application. After moving to VS2010 I got some problems which seems to be related to some x64/x86 mismatch in referenced dlls. Now I'm moving to target .NET4, and I get even more similar problems. My question is: What precautions do I need to take regarding mixing x64 and x86. Can it be done at all? I t...

How can I use the fucntion CoGetClassObject in x64

I have COM DLL that compiled in x32(the server side). I registered it and tried to use the function CoGetClassObject with client that works in x32 for getting the IClassFactory. Hr = CoGetClassObject(CLSID_IOrbCom, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, 0 , IDD_IClassFactory, (LPVOID*)&ClassFactory) the result with client x32 was fine and everything wo...